Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Starlight-Power Utopian Prophesy Made Manifest, Dawning

The Starlight-Power Utopian Prophesy Made Manifest, Dawning 

Commentary by Lord Prophet, aka Luminous Workhead

Tesla Motors' stock-share value skyrockets, making Elon Musk the world’s richest person by far, now with a fortune worth $288,600,000,000.00 (increased to $311,000,000,000.00 on 10-30-2021), manifesting the Starlight-Power Utopian Prognostication (or Prophesy), the dawning solidification of the clean-energy electronic-photonic industrial and space age.  

Its Implication.

The underscoring functional correlation and indicated fueling market factors or forces of and for this are: 

1.  EV driving range anxiety is being alleviated with EVs on and pending on the market that have a driving range of 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 miles, and gradations within these, per EV-battery full charge. 

2.  Public-infrastructure, private-facilities and residential EV-battery charging station are pending on the market that can fully recharge an EV battery in 15 minutes (ABB Company, Switzerland), confirmed, and 5 minutes (Desten Company, Hong Kong), pending confirmation, that will alleviate recharging long-wait anxiety and make them convenience competitive with internal combustion engine, gas-powered and gas-fill-up (gas-fueling) motor vehicles. 

     All electric-vehicle manufacturers, and possibly dealerships, ought to stock, sell, and, as they are able to, install these and possibly have recharging station networks or chains. Car-rental businesses, petro fueling stations, airports, hotels, motels, large restaurants, shopping centers and big businesses and condo, townhouse and apartment complexes should have them as well. 

3.  Large scale early environmentalist-minded, upper-middle-income, high-income and wealthy individual and business purchaser-adopters of EVs will drive their retail prices down and make them affordable for mass purchase and ownership as well as lease for the general working population in the midterm to near term.

Special Message of Further Relevance on This to My Fellow Environmentalists: 

To my environmentalist kindred spirits, our species, that of Homo sapiens sapiens (the wise, smart or clever one), at root is a technological species -- even primitive tribes in their all having, as inventions and innovations, fire making, cooking, brews, narcotics-intoxicants, medicine/s, spoken language, the mentor-protege or apprentice relationship (the forerunner of formal education), religion, music and musical instruments, dance, huts, tents, or the like, implements for manipulating things, tools for making and repairing things and weapons and gear for hunting, fishing, and defense and offense, drawing and object and body painting, other art and handicrafts and adornments, often hair fashion, woven fabrics and animal skins for clothing, clothing fashions or loin covers, sometimes also the keeping of domesticated cattle, goats, chickens, dogs, and garden plots -- and will never, in the vast majority of people globally, relinquish technology, creativity, innovation, venturing and adventuring. A centerpiece of special human intellect is universal survival and adaption related human problem-solving ability (along with language, conceptual, reasoning and memory, the basis of learning, abilities, together constituting the heart of higher intelligence), on the individual, group and species level, that can be used ethically or unscrupulously. Problem-solving ability is the home of natural analytical and strategic thinking, ingenuity, and discernment and planning abilities. We can and must pool our brainpower and brainstorm with and marshal our problem-solving ability to save, preserve and protect our magnificent, beautiful and wondrous planet of the living of all kinds and its life-sustaining and awesome environments, while refashioning ourselves as a species to benignly live lives of technological enjoyment and comfort and improved standards of living, and psychological and material adventure and advancement for the whole of our species, and in harmony with the natural environments and wild nature and other species of our planet. By venturing into outer space, our species can relocate environmentally problematical but societally valued and essential business operations and industries to settlements on and in the barren moon of Earth, and on and in barren Mars and its two moons and on and in the barren dwarf planet Ceres of the Mars-Jupiter asteroid belt as well as to super-tech research and development scientific and engineering, and business production and industrial orbital space stations around these other worlds, and more in the future. And resource-extraction companies can mine and extract from these other worlds and the approximately 800,000 asteroids of the same asteroid belt, in the midterm or near term, instead of relentlessly and ruinously so, on a large scale, on our planet Earth.  (ABB, a Swiss company) (Desten, a Hong Kong company)

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