Sunday, October 31, 2021

An Answer to the Question of Why Traditionally Religious People Become Atheists, Applicable to Some People

An Answer to the Question of Why Traditionally Religious People Become Atheists, Applicable to Some People 

We are born and grow up through the baby stages of nursing babblers (sucklings or sucklers), crawlers, toddlers and post-toddlers naturally not having a conception of magical divinity or such Gods and Goddesses or a solo God. At that earliest stage of our life and its development our learning is entirely mechanistic stimulus-and-response, action-reaction-interaction, situational, interactional and interpersonal reward-and-punishment feedback and correlated experiential and observational learning. Thereafter, our religious indoctrination and socialization training is that “the magic of” divinity or deities or the deity and other ghost beings “is the cause” of happenings and our and others' behavior, actions, experiences and destinies, with the deities or the deity being the prime or overriding agent of cause. However later in life, some of us determine on our own and others of us via our science education, or both, that inherent circumstantial and situational happenstance action-reaction and interaction cause and effect, and such cause-and-effect factors, are the default modus operandi of all of nature, our nature as organisms and complex human nature included, which can be figured out, sometimes shortly and sometimes over considerable time, and manipulated and give rise to the rules of all inventions, manipulation and production. In any engineer, scientist, inventor, medic, successful and enduring conqueror, military commander, ruler, helmsman or helmswoman, politician or merchant, etc., there is a mechanistic, atheistic frame of mind or thinking process in whole or situationally on the job. In other words, later in life, mostly during our adolescence or early adulthood, some of us default back to our objective reality pre-religious indoctrination and socialization mode of thinking or thinking process of figuring things out (innate human-augmented organismic objective, empirical thinking based on our objectively reasoned and attributed, vis a vis situationally natural feedback, cause-and-effect experiences, observations, experiments, [reality, truth, fact-determination] tests, etc.), but with a matured and more disciplined brain for normalized or systematic objective understanding.

To intellectual or philosophical atheists, there is no actual magic nor are there actual miracles sent to us from beyond the ultimately, or largely, explicable (through figuring things out, learning and knowledge) workings of nature, being the state, content and behavior of existence, or the state of being. Not even divinity, a fiction, and our fictional friends and enemies the deities and spirits (ghosts), all imaginative behavioral essences and informational identities, can theoretically, let alone, as an impossibility, actually, exist without or beyond existence and do anything without -- transcendent and pre-conditional to them and their thus oxymoronic omnipotence or almighty power -- energy and kinetics. As a matter of empirical fact, humans and the other living things have and can live without this or that deity and without any deity in mind and belief in any or all of them and without the Bibles, the Qur'an or this or that other scripture, but no biological thing can live without nature and the life support and sustaining provisions of nature. Deities are, or the deity is, in a singular such regard, good luck charms or talismans, or mojos for us to implore for good luck, help, forgiveness for our wrongs, rewards, gifts/givings or benefits we call blessings, as well as are, as declared by us, our supreme authorities and decreers of the arbitrary moral code or dictates that some of us humans think up, write for and preach to others to comply with, and follow and tithe or support us (who, as such thinker and writer authors and preachers, call ourselves, or are called by our believer others as, divinely inspired holy men and women, shamans, witch doctors, wizards, oracles, seers, prophets, clergy of various ranks, saints, etc.) as their worldly spiritual leaders, so as for us in consensus and concert to establish and maintain social order, or group or mass socially-psychologically internalized and publicly and societally exerted and enforced “good” social (initially and basically relating to family units, extended families, clans, tribes and communities of these or complex communities of tribes, etc.) and economic order, a community-wide ethos, or thought and behavioral set of morals and ethics in our interrelations for social or relative social harmony, stability and cohesion.  

Why Conscience Hectoring of Space-Faring Billionaires Is Misplaced and a Waste of Effort

Why Conscience Hectoring of Space-Faring Billionaires Is Misplaced and a Waste of Effort

Given that Evidently Most of the Rich and Powerful People of Our Planet Will Not Donate or Devote All or Most of Their Discretionary or Disposable Money or Wealth to Remedy Humanity’s Social, Economic and Environmental Problems, the Same Goes for the Middle and Under Classes, and Anthropogenically Caused Global Crisis Climate Change Threatening Earth’s Habitability and Causing the Rapid Extinction of Other Species, then Realistically, Leading Environmentalist Space-faring Billionaires Can’t Be Expected to Do So Either, Yet They Have an In-Process Environmentalist Plan B Alternative of Their Own and to Their Own Preference for Tackling These Problems Their Own Way with Their Own Money

It is so much easier for a company owned and run by a small set of utopian, visionary entrepreneur engineers or scientists, and staffed and operated by scientists, engineers, mathematicians and sci-tech technicians to venture into interplanetary and cis-planetary outer space for benign human habitability development and settlement of them with peaceful and civil humans with conscience than to solely or primarily politically and financially struggle against the manifold competing, squabbling and tenacious financial, economic (industrial, business and labor, political), national, religious and racialist forces, overwhelmingly more powerful than them on Earth (indirectly and directly controlling the top-to-bottom large majority of government leaders everywhere, and thereby the militaries and police everywhere too, by their money, social networking, doctrinal, lobbyist, political and mass-media-communications influence) that put their self-interest and self-benefit, in the here and now, first, before everything and everybody else, including the habitability for life on Earth. They are trying to save the planet and the human species as well as other species by establishing their vision of a salvation world or salvation worlds, and maybe save habitable Earth itself, off of planet Earth, including by encouraging and making it attractive for environmentally harmful businesses and resource-extraction industries to relocate their operations off of Earth to the moon, Mars and its moons, the dwarf planet Ceres of the Mars-to-Jupiter asteroid belt and the approximately 800,000 asteroids of this asteroid belt and to rid the Earth of them permanently. Theirs is a credible and feasible solution to them and preferable and more pragmatic to them than the idea of their critics that they should spend their money solely on rehabilitating the Earth.

They choose to spend their own money as prudently workable, according to their own minds, on both domains, interplanetary and cis-interplanetary outer space and the Earth, at the same time. Their undertaking is also a hedge measure, an in-process plan B, for preserving a constructive and positive population fragment of our species and some other plant and small-fauna species on other worlds, maybe even copy and original collections of human civilization’s library and museum treasures, in the high-chance unfortunate event that the cast of characters governing and dominating or controlling humanity and Earth’s resources fail to save the Earth’s anthropogenically, industrially, commercially and unchecked human overpopulation, imperiled habitability and dwindling current regime of biodiverse species.

Were these space-faring billionaires to heed their critics and forego their interplanetary vision and projects and spend all of their money and time on attempting [futilely] to remedy the human-caused and maintained problems of world humanity and planet Earth, like the majority of the population and electorate of the USA, they would probably ridicule and denounce the USA for being shortsighted and incompetent in being non-competitive with PRC China, India, the EU and UAE in their interplanetary outer-space settlement and development and leaving these to their then established and thriving such interplanetary space programs on and in Earth's moon, Mars and its moons, the asteroid-belt dwarf planet Ceres and the many asteroids of the asteroid belt.

By the way, how does one spend one’s disposable money and time to stop the human forces that are the sources of these existential problems for the habitability of Earth and its species, including the human species (like environmental and atmospheric polluting fossil-fuels production companies, their user technology companies and the latters’ products and retail seller and mass-consumer customers, unchecked human overpopulation and overharvesting and resource and food over-extraction of Earth’s lands, forests, water bodies, and the continuous displacement of wildlife habitats and decimation and extinction of wild species for new human settlements, recreation and hunting, agriculture and industrial and commercial development and exploitation, nuclear power plant disasters' long-term radioactive contamination and poisoning of the environment (marine, terrestrial, atmospheric and biological), likewise radioactive fallout contamination and poisoning from nuclear tests, and war, international and insurgent power and land grabbing, crime and political-economic corruption overridden nations, and mass refugee migrations resulting from them, etc.)? By spending them on protest activism and politicians?

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Starlight-Power Utopian Prophesy Made Manifest, Dawning

The Starlight-Power Utopian Prophesy Made Manifest, Dawning 

Commentary by Lord Prophet, aka Luminous Workhead

Tesla Motors' stock-share value skyrockets, making Elon Musk the world’s richest person by far, now with a fortune worth $288,600,000,000.00 (increased to $311,000,000,000.00 on 10-30-2021), manifesting the Starlight-Power Utopian Prognostication (or Prophesy), the dawning solidification of the clean-energy electronic-photonic industrial and space age.  

Its Implication.

The underscoring functional correlation and indicated fueling market factors or forces of and for this are: 

1.  EV driving range anxiety is being alleviated with EVs on and pending on the market that have a driving range of 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 miles, and gradations within these, per EV-battery full charge. 

2.  Public-infrastructure, private-facilities and residential EV-battery charging station are pending on the market that can fully recharge an EV battery in 15 minutes (ABB Company, Switzerland), confirmed, and 5 minutes (Desten Company, Hong Kong), pending confirmation, that will alleviate recharging long-wait anxiety and make them convenience competitive with internal combustion engine, gas-powered and gas-fill-up (gas-fueling) motor vehicles. 

     All electric-vehicle manufacturers, and possibly dealerships, ought to stock, sell, and, as they are able to, install these and possibly have recharging station networks or chains. Car-rental businesses, petro fueling stations, airports, hotels, motels, large restaurants, shopping centers and big businesses and condo, townhouse and apartment complexes should have them as well. 

3.  Large scale early environmentalist-minded, upper-middle-income, high-income and wealthy individual and business purchaser-adopters of EVs will drive their retail prices down and make them affordable for mass purchase and ownership as well as lease for the general working population in the midterm to near term.

Special Message of Further Relevance on This to My Fellow Environmentalists: 

To my environmentalist kindred spirits, our species, that of Homo sapiens sapiens (the wise, smart or clever one), at root is a technological species -- even primitive tribes in their all having, as inventions and innovations, fire making, cooking, brews, narcotics-intoxicants, medicine/s, spoken language, the mentor-protege or apprentice relationship (the forerunner of formal education), religion, music and musical instruments, dance, huts, tents, or the like, implements for manipulating things, tools for making and repairing things and weapons and gear for hunting, fishing, and defense and offense, drawing and object and body painting, other art and handicrafts and adornments, often hair fashion, woven fabrics and animal skins for clothing, clothing fashions or loin covers, sometimes also the keeping of domesticated cattle, goats, chickens, dogs, and garden plots -- and will never, in the vast majority of people globally, relinquish technology, creativity, innovation, venturing and adventuring. A centerpiece of special human intellect is universal survival and adaption related human problem-solving ability (along with language, conceptual, reasoning and memory, the basis of learning, abilities, together constituting the heart of higher intelligence), on the individual, group and species level, that can be used ethically or unscrupulously. Problem-solving ability is the home of natural analytical and strategic thinking, ingenuity, and discernment and planning abilities. We can and must pool our brainpower and brainstorm with and marshal our problem-solving ability to save, preserve and protect our magnificent, beautiful and wondrous planet of the living of all kinds and its life-sustaining and awesome environments, while refashioning ourselves as a species to benignly live lives of technological enjoyment and comfort and improved standards of living, and psychological and material adventure and advancement for the whole of our species, and in harmony with the natural environments and wild nature and other species of our planet. By venturing into outer space, our species can relocate environmentally problematical but societally valued and essential business operations and industries to settlements on and in the barren moon of Earth, and on and in barren Mars and its two moons and on and in the barren dwarf planet Ceres of the Mars-Jupiter asteroid belt as well as to super-tech research and development scientific and engineering, and business production and industrial orbital space stations around these other worlds, and more in the future. And resource-extraction companies can mine and extract from these other worlds and the approximately 800,000 asteroids of the same asteroid belt, in the midterm or near term, instead of relentlessly and ruinously so, on a large scale, on our planet Earth.  (ABB, a Swiss company) (Desten, a Hong Kong company)

Monday, October 11, 2021

Quantum Entanglement Phenomena between Entangled Quantum Particles Empirically Exemplify and Prove the Law of Cause and Effect

 Physics insight of the moment, on quantum entanglement:

When a behavioral trait, such as the spin direction of either of two entangled partner quantum particles, such as of microwave frequency photons, changes in one of the two entangled quantum particles, it instantaneously, across any length of space and time separating the two entangled particles, registers, or instances, an opposite, corresponding behavioral trait in the co-entangled partner particle (For instance, if particle A spins to the left, then its partner particle B spins to the right, and if particle A spins upward, then its partner particle B spins downward, and vice versa.), exemplifying, manifesting and empirically confirming the law of cause and effect at the fundamental quantum microcosmic state of existence and cosmology -- perhaps, arguably to some physicists, it evidences a linear, 100%-functional correlation in behavior between the two entangled particles. The definitional law of cause and effect states that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.

What’s Up with the US Congressional Inquisition of Facebook and Instagram and Possibly Other Social Cyber-Electronic Communications-Content Publishing and Sharing Hosting Media?

What’s Up with the US Congressional Inquisition of Facebook and Instagram and Possibly Other Social Cyber-Electronic Communications-Content Publishing and Sharing Hosting Media?

If some folks object to the particular US Constitutionally protected right of freedom-of-the-press (with its own related first amendment right of freedom of speech and subsumed right of social freedom of association in thought and values) media, channel or publication and its contents, those folks can, as applicable, shun, boycott, unsubscribe to, turn off or switch the channel or station or abandon or disuse the media or publication (including online publication platform). Users, consumers or customers of mass media or communications-content publishing platforms are not compelled to use them, but use them of their own volition and initiative. If they find one or more objectionable to themselves or hurtful to their self-esteem, by these effects on themselves as individuals or classification of persons, they have no right thereby to censor or banish someone else's communications content media, be it of a person or persons of an organization or enterprise, that they visit, view or use.

Major online social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, have features associated with all posts on their platforms that allow users to block content and persons to which they object. Users can also use these features to accept or reject follower offers and can unfollow or unfriend others for sharing communications content or terminate others who have theretofore followed them and thereupon stop sharing communications content with them, making insincere and illegitimate complaints of unavoidable, unevadable psychologically harmful communications content on these social media.

(By the way, anyone can find communications content in or on any publication media, paper, broadcast, music recordings, etc., or cyber-electronic, that is offensive and harmful to some quantity of people, that nevertheless is not subject to censorship by government or any size of the population as a matter of US Constitutional Bill of Rights' irrevocable and unbreachable first amendment rights of freedom of the press and freedom of speech granted to each individual citizen or assemblage of citizens of the USA -- unalienable individual or collectively-individual truly democratic rights that cannot be overridden and curtailed by [the prevailing caprice of] government and citizenry majoritarianism. The US Congress, the sole law-making branch of the federal government, is barred specifically by the US Constitution, the supreme law of our nation, from restricting freedom of the press, being all communications-content host-publishers and otherwise publishers, including newspapers, magazines, books, comic books, films, audio-video, audio recordings and records, stage productions, broadcasts, social media information and expression content social-networking and sharing hosting platforms, etc. Though Congress may limit, as an anti-monopoly/antitrust act, the number of publication media companies a publication media company, in a generic regard, may own, it cannot restrict or deny the size of customer patronage of a publication media company or shutdown or break up a media company because of its grand-scale patronage by customers.)

As a hypothetical social media information-analyst columnist myself, you who are offended by my analyses and interpretations or opinions in my writings, cannot bully me into changing the communications content of my posted or published writings because they bother you and injure your self-esteem or have a likewise effect on your children, under our federal [US] Constitution and universal citizen Bill of Rights democratic-republic form of government. In such a circumstance, if you and your daughters are obese or overweight and feel humiliated, oppressed and depressed by the sight of photos of beautiful slender or otherwise physically fit women and teen girls posted by them on Instagram, you don't have to visit Instagram and view them. (Even if you visit Instagram, you can use the postings blocking or hide feature to not view the bothersome images and their like and love tallies and flattering comments to them that grieve your sense of comparative low self-image and self-esteem or you can just go elsewhere to a different social media platform or start up a social media platform of your own, at your own expense, and fashion or conform it to your communications-content tastes and preferred audience of obese women and teen girls to mutually emotionally compliment and assuage, or console, one another -- or form an exclusive group on Facebook or Instagram to do the same thing.). Furthermore, you have no right of freedom of speech in or on "my" publication product, forum or platform, other than that I grant to you under my terms of guest-user service as your host on my service. Your right of freedom of speech resides with you in your own abode or private social sphere or in the public commons.

There are control freaks, young and old, rich, poor and in-between, and on the political left and right, who want to massively control others and the lives and things of others, but, hypocritically, they tend to want this control to be one way, their way and not of themselves and what is theirs. The US Congressional inquisition of Facebook and Instagram stinks of fault-finding to justify imposing [and wielding] its and their control over others' resources and power, the power of enormous social and financial reach and influence, social and financial power and reach and influence some paper and broadcast news, information and entertainment media would also like returned to themselves. Their criticism of Facebook and other online social media communication-content publishing platforms' use of methods and means to attract, secure, increase and keep customers (user-customers) are commonplace in business for business survival, success and prosperity, and are a staple in big business, which got big by being successful by growing to a large size their customer base, their steady customer population, and habituating customers to their products and services, customer-cultivation methods and means that are called trade secrets or formulas, secret sauce, customer PR practices, etc. Simply, that's business and capitalism in a social democracy.

Where is and has ever been Congressional and mainstream paper and broadcast news media public outrage and inquisition of the socially and politically blatantly dishonest and/or inflammatory podcasters, and web platforms and broadcast shows like those of Fox Media, OANN-AT&T (right-wing One American News Network, primarily funded by AT&T), Newsmax, QAnoners, swindler broadcast media preachers, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, Storm Front or its update, Coast to Coast, the stolen-presidential-election big-lie Trumpian Republicans, etc., and the traditional covert and overt white-supremacy and anti-Black/Afro people racist print media and advocacy organizations and groups pervading the USA? And where is the inquisition of the civilian guns and ammo industry, and their PR advocate the NRA, in view of the constant toll of gun violence throughout the USA, also regularly striking schools and youth, families and sometimes houses of worship?

Our constitutional democratic republic permits all views and values in freedom of the press and speech except for those that specifically express, entreat, advocate or incite sedition, insurrection, threats of physical injury, crime or social disturbances or public panic. Also, people, businesses, organizations and institutions can impose standards of decorum in dress, conduct and speech on other people who are on their property, premises or venues and, as applicable, can legally evict, banish, bar or fire, etc., non-discriminatorily (for retail businesses, consistent with the same standards for all), from their premises or venues anyone who violates their such standards of decorum.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

The Case for Human Settlement of Interplanetary Outer Space

 The Case for Human Settlement of Interplanetary Outer Space

Although there is some strident niche public criticism of these outer-space-venturing projects, this spending and investment in outer-space exploration and interplanetary development and settlement by the space-program engineer and scientist entrepreneurs, and the like of their enterprises, and in part supported in viewpoint, policy and funding by NASA and the US Congress, plus, offers solutions to humanity's great and grave problems of industrial-economic -- industrial and general human-overpopulation over-harvesting and depletion of Earth's natural resources, expansion and takeover of all habitable land for commodification, marketplace productivity and real estate development for human habitation and commerce resulting in endless substantial species extinction/s -- environmental despoliation (of the atmosphere, water and land everywhere with all variety of mass pollution, war degradation and toxic-waste, garbage and litter, etc., contamination, dumping and blight) and unchecked, exponentially growing human overpopulation on our home planet Earth, whose natural life-support systems and species, including our own, are existentially endangered by these anthropogenic problems. Our species in these respects is the biggest root problem for planet Earth and its biology.

The idea of these visionary space-faring sci-tech entrepreneurs, most prominently Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, but long before advised by scientists Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking, among many others, as a necessity, is a feasible, smart and noble one of transferring heavy and polluting industry as well as making it possible and attractive on a voluntary basis for ordinary people on a mass scale to relocate and settle ongoingly Earth's moon, Mars and its moons and the dwarf planet Ceres, as well as for Earth's human extractive and mining industries to extract from and mine these and the mineral and valuable metals rich asteroids of the asteroid belt, to spare the Earth of unsustainable continuous human overpopulation growth and its gross despoiling and depleting commercialization of Earth's atmosphere, water bodies and lands and the consequential extinction of Earth's biodiversity and eventually most or all of Earth's species.

They also are proponents for establishing backup other-world homes for human civilization in case a mass species extinction event is dealt to our planet Earth, making it unhabitable for the long-term for our species and most other complex and large species, as has happened repeatedly in Earth's natural history, by an asteroid or comet strike (the Chicxulub impactor), being the latest such event (65-66 million years ago), and a series of catastrophic geophysical events of origin from our planet, and as is currently underway, so far gradually, primarily caused by humanity's industrial fossil-fuels-use and other hydrocarbons-generating atmospheric pollution in conjunction with its commercially-driven deforestation globally, and that is a credible potential from large-scale intercontinental thermonuclear war on the part of humanity against its factional, feuding self, internationally armed with doomsday-scenario stocks of aerially deliverable intercontinental nuclear missiles, naval marine-to-marine and marine-to-land deliverable nuclear missiles and battlefield tactical nuclear weapons. (In this connection, I venture to advise screening for founding settlers of these other worlds physically and mentally--emotionally-ethically fit, peaceful persons with exceptional empathizing, cooperative, attention-span and listening skills -- men, women and youth -- with high-level STEM-and problem-solving education knowledge and skills, favoring such scientists, engineers, mathematicians, medical personnel, technical designers, techies and building-trades technicians, cognitive- and psychotherapists, as well as youth educationally highly successfully on these vocational paths, all with objective, merit-test-verified advanced reading, writing and math skills. I venture further to suggest the naming of the first founding settlement Science City or renaming the other world Science Planet, Science Topia or Science World. Let them be very well financially compensated with lifetime-guaranteed, comprehensive health-medical care and insurance, tenured employment and pay, and retirement benefits.)

The off-worlding from Earth of humanity’s heavy and pollution industries, as well as mineral and ore extraction and mining industries, would occur in a gradual process and is doable in the relative near term, as would the start of populating their excavated and architecturally crafted subsurface and already existing caves, lava tubes and some craters, to be domed, with humans, vegetation, agriculture (including a variety of edible fungi/mushrooms & shrooms and high-protein gourmet, edible African worms and mudfish), and aquaculture (including aquariums for animal companionship and amusement). Habitat development for humans and their food, oxygen, hydration, thermal-control and fuel-energy production systems on and in these off-worlds from Earth readily can be constructed in large part from their regolith and soil, the latter converted to cement, concrete and glass (they have otherwise been detected to possess in planetary abundance the spectrum of chemicals, minerals and ores, and more, as those of the Earth) and by 3D-printing machines and robots. Human feces, perhaps irradiated or pasteurized to kill its pathogens, according to scientific research and development on its recyclable practical use may or can be used as a like building material by the same processes to construct habitations for humans on other-worlds like the moon and Mars (Mouse click on the following hyperlink to read the science on recycling human poop for this purpose: Bricks Made From Human Waste Could Be The Future of The Construction Industry ( They can be constructed to be luxurious and electronically hi-tech accommodation with all of the technological amenities of the most upscale living quarters and communities on Earth, including facilities for cleaning, bathing, showering (via fog and steam delivered from faucets, spigots, showerheads, etc., otherwise used for dispensing flowing water, in order to conserve water), sports and recreation, entertainment, garden strolling and lounging, hanging out and socializing with others, meditation and worship, study and learning and general intellectual pursuits, arts and crafts, music, piano, guitar, singing, dancing, TV, movies, radio, etc., too, as well as for communal dinning and imbibing spirits and medical services, etc., and they could be, as applicable for the particular other world or location on it, electrically powered and utilities-gas supplied variously by thermo-voltaic solar arrays (with magnifying glass amplifiers for Mars, its moons, and the dwarf planet Ceres in the asteroid belt), and such energy capture and storage units, wind-turbines, bio-digesters (for converting into heating-, cooking- and electricity power-source methane gas human toilet and food waste and other biomass waste, which they also convert in part to high-grade plant fertilizer), hydro-chemical and geothermal energy-supply sources, and, possibly but cautiously, by Bill Gates compact, portable, reportedly failsafe nuclear power plants that also reportedly operate on nuclear waste as their power source.

In addition, the human habitations of these other-worlds should have on hand an overabundance of hand-crank-powered technology, such as flashlights, lanterns, radios, generators, etc. -- mouse click on the following hyperlink to see examples of available hand-crank-technology offerings at Hover -- and, if possible, such space heaters and hotplates (for cooking), in the event of unexpected electrical or utilities vapor-gas power failures, as well as an overabundance of indoor and outdoor solar heating and lighting, plus, technology that is automatically energized by daylight during daylight hours
(mouse click on the following hyperlink to read on and further mouse-click link to examples of solar-power-tech offering at Hopefully, such utilities power failures will be rare or precluded, but if incident, then humans and other biology cultivated and kept by humans will be in dwellings well-insulated against onsets of dangerous temperatures, dwellings insulation that is the legally compelled and implemented rule for all dwellings.

(Concerning other-world temperature, near the equator of Mars, its warmest or least cold location, during its summer, temperatures average 70 degrees Fahrenheit during daylight time, with the highest temperature ever recorded there being 95 degrees Fahrenheit during daylight time, but with the temperature plunging there at night to its planetarily normal extreme-cold, below-zero temperature range across all seasons, whether day or night. This location on Mars and warmest locations, including comparative geothermal hotspots, on other worlds in our solar system selected for human settlement should be detected and developed for prime human settlements, especially if they have substantial water-ice deposits in their environs or vicinity, for making liquid water and breathable oxygen. Oxygen can also be made from the water-ice and carbon dioxide-ice, and, as applicable, atmosphere of these other worlds. They would make for the best permanent settlement sites and ideal daytime hospitality sites for visitors, or interplanetary space tourists, too.)

Considerable quantities of water-ice (enough to support and sustain substantial off-Earth human colonies), which can be sublimated into liquid, flowing water, have been detected by resource-probe and surveillance spacecraft on Earth’s moon, Mars and Ceres, and ethically and harmlessly extractible billions-of-years’ worth of water-ice in the aggregate have been so observed to exist across the relatively nearby asteroid belt, the gas-ice giant planets Uranus and Neptune and vast Kuiper Belt ice-objects expanse of our outer solar system, beyond the icy dwarf-planet Pluto planetary-moon system, which along with the water-ice rich planet-moon systems of Jupiter and Saturn, the largest planets in our solar system, may host moons with current subsurface aquatic life, that may be complex aquatic life, making these environments ethically taboo for mining their water-ice structures for their continuous supply of, and delivery to the collection craters for them on, our interplanetary colonies. Nevertheless, some of the scores of moons of each Jupiter and Saturn that are evidently life, as we know it (reproductive cellular, mutational, evolutionary life -- biology), barren and prohibitive as a matter of their geophysical condition, would be, like likewise life-barren and desolate Earth's moon, Mars and its moons, and Ceres, ethically suitable for geoengineering and terraforming by humans for habitability by humans and other of Earth's life forms. Humanity can also construct much more effective land-based [telescopic] observatories on these off-Earth worlds, free of humanity's, on Earth, chemical, fossil-fuels, light and orbital-space-junk pollution, and locate there museums to store humanity's and our sciences' portably historically, scientifically, culturally, artistically and educationally priceless treasures and secure them, hopefully for always, from the ravages of human war, all other destructiveness, and all looting and banditry.

The biological problems for humans in spacecraft flight to and physically functioning on these off-Earth worlds of particularly susceptibility to cancer from cosmic rays and radiation and bone-density loss from in-flight zero-gravity or microgravity and new-world low gravity might in significant part be overcome or offset by insulating the skin of the spacecraft traveling to and temporary [modular] buildings on these worlds with layers of antiradiation lead-foil shielding and making the travelers' living and working, etc., quarters, clothing and furniture (not forgetting beds) electronically, silently, imperceptibly and continuously, vibratory and providing the facilities, and/beds with robotic equipment that, on a daily basis, deep massage the muscles and bones of travelers and settlers, and subject their muscles and bones to weight-bearing and skeletal traction exercises, in which the subjected travelers and settlers behaviorally remain passive. On medical approval, it might be a good idea for them to intake glucosamine and chondroitin nutritional supplements with MSM as well as magnesium, potassium and zinc mineral nutritional supplements, and a capsule of high-quality calcium and drop or easily chewable small tablet of antiradiation potassium iodide, with a meal or meals, for the most part daily permanently. All of these nutritional supplements, except for the small tablet potassium, to be chewed thoroughly, should absolutely be consumed in capsule, therein powdered, form, and not in pill form, including for all same form of official oral medication, in my opinion, inasmuch as pills and tablets, for sure, in my judgment and opinion, can and do damage the digestive system and cause hernias as well as, by their binder ingredients, hardened stool in the gut, constipation and difficult and rectal-tissue rupturing and/or tearing defecation -- in my experienced judgment and opinion. To avoid consuming the byproduct cellulose capsule-container of these powdered nutritional supplements, they should be opened and their contents deposited in a section of one's soup, yogurt, smoothie or hot cereal, or on a portion, the sauciest portion, of one's plate of food and mixed in and covered over by that section or portion of food of either kind. (I must say "opinion" to avoid vicious producer lawsuits against me -- some producers, in my opinion, want to do what is cheapest and sales competitive for themselves and their P&L bottom line without foremost concern for the overall health and safety of their product to and for consumers, while sharing in the credit of the good effects of the capsule versions but selling harm, in my opinion, from the more cheaply produced pill and tablet versions.)

For human babies born on low-gravity other-worlds, there will be a Darwinian adaptive and evolutionary sorting of them in best and, eventual, optimal physical functionality to the natural geophysical conditions of those other-worlds, and the newcomer, pioneer settlers will have to and will readily, to varying bio-locomotional degrees (skeletal, neural-muscular locomotionally or motorically), adapt according to their individual physical capabilities there and learn to function there physically adequately, for basically healthy, physically fit persons. But much, an overabundance of, long-term-use painkiller medication should be there and accepted as a necessary evil, for situations of unexpected and expected intolerable pain there for humans. As a practical matter, decedent persons may have to be disposed of in a biodigester process or by cremation (preceded by funerary rites or memorials) with the remnant debris or ash in either event being used as plant fertilizer. For the most part, until these other-worlds have been breathably geoengineered and terraformed on the surface for near-normal human survival and health safety against cosmic rays and radiation showering and bathing them, humans will have to live underground most of the day and work on the surface at night -- they will have to be an interim subterranean and nocturnal species on the other-worlds.

The terraforming of these worlds to make their surfaces, hydrology, atmosphere and meteorology, summarily breathable, protective against carcinogenic and lethal cosmic, habitable and cultivatable for the reproductive lifeforms of our planet, for surface-land foresting, farming aquaculture and bringing our pet dogs, cats, birds and horses, etc., will entail advanced astrophysics-geoengineering study, theorizing and experimentation as well as other research and development to accomplish and will take much more time. But it is feasible and will happen to completion, if our species, with its advanced sci-tech, does not destroy itself and most life on Earth beforehand.
Electronic- or telecommunications between humans on these off-Earth worlds and Earth would be immediately available via computer-device email messaging (text, audio, video or audio-video), cell-phone texting and satellite (or its spacecraft substitute) -radio broadcast signals and such broadcasts. Eventually, instantaneous communications may be interplanetarily possible between and among the interplanetary diaspora of humans via quantum-particle-entanglement language coding of data (alphabetic -- alphabetic that is human devised and standardized, using species of particles, their varied quantity and up-down, left-right spins, and vice versa, for alphabetic meaning or character -- replications of this quantum-particle-entanglement on a transmitter-receiver database in all diaspora setting, in which quantum entanglement can be obtained not only between subatomic particles (quantum particles) but between atoms, molecules and among arrays or collections of atoms or molecules, too) and its transactional, interactive, teleportation by interacting quantum computers, now under development, perhaps globally, but most prominently by Google, IBM and the Peoples Republic of China.

They and their space-faring sci-tech successors, over generations, will make it work via their related education, training and experience and by solving all nature of mechanical and human and involved flora and fauna biological engineering problems by constant sci-tech R&D, human ingenuity and figuring things out on the go.

Engineer-entrepreneurs (formal and informal), informal sci-tech, self-taught, self-motivated tinkerers, innovators and inventors, and scientist-entrepreneurs, as well as, and at times along with, government engineers, scientists, planners and technical designers, have provided advanced nations all of their technology and infrastructure of every kind, against all majority or widespread public incredulity and naysaying of their such concepts and projects, including, most recently, personal computers, the worldwide-web internet, pocket Wi-Fi cell phones, stem-cell therapy, genetic editing and clean, healthful and delicious tech beef and chicken alternative meat that's ranch, farm and slaughter and butcher cruelty-free, with probably pork, crab, lobster, hotdog, sausage and other sci-tech plant-cell cultured, cruelty-free, tech meat to come, which could be machine cultured and consumed by outer-space travels, sojourners and crews and passengers onboard passenger spaceships and orbiting space stations and so made and consumed by human settlers on off-Earth colonies.

With sci-tech humanity's genome decoding, biotech and gene-editing, sci-tech humanity's accumulated bodies of knowledge, skills, experience, mass scientific and related branches of technical education, literacy and talent is position to make and on the cusp making an endless succession of extraordinary breakthroughs in bioengineering, as well as in other applied sciences, in which it may be possible for humanity's sci-tech to not only be able to repair and regenerate body organs and parts of all kinds of and for humans, but also may be able to mass manufacture these from animal stem cells and tissue, artificially and free of the animals themselves and their agricultural domestication, enslavement and food-supplies slaughter by humans and for feeding humans, including milk and eggs, perhaps on all variety of bio-engineered meat trees or vines with the animal meat covered in nutrient plant skins, like those of bananas, oranges, grapefruit, melon, etc., and hanging from the trees and vines.

One of my pet bioengineering fantasies is for sci-tech humanity to mass produce designer, for the construction building trades, cultured [real] wood (real tech wood, hi-speed grown in shape-and-size mold/ing containers) of all construction-wood varieties to spare our planet, and its wildlife, and otherwise, dependent on trees and forests, Earth's [planetary] respiratory system, of interminable mass harvesting and deforestation by humankind. This idea brought to fruition would probably result in, for itself as an industry, a potential multi-hundreds of billions of dollars in net profits annually.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Ruminations of a Physics Fan on the Phenomenon of Gravity

Ruminations of a Physics Fan on the Phenomenon of Gravity

I've been reading over and over in physics writings that gravity is not a force but is the curvature or bending of the fabric of space, or spacetime, by the impact or the presence of bodies of mass in or upon it, assumedly including the resulting microgravity wells of subatomic quantum particles with mass, even in atoms, to such macrogravity wells of super galaxy clusters and such gravity wells of differentiated or discrete bodies of mass between these. At the same time, the gamut of these bodies of natural mass, from tiny to grand, for the most part, do, at varying speeds, based on the nature of the body or object, both spin unto themselves and, so to speak, "hierarchically" orbit more massive or larger and more massive bodies of mass or micro-objects with a mass, which (spinning and orbiting -- indicated superpositioning on both the quantum and macroscopic levels of mass) may not only result from gravitational effects but may contribute to them. However, indeed that curvature or bending response results in pulling, contracting and squeezing pressure, which is a pulling, contracting and squeezing force, which clearly in the case of a black hole, an extreme gravity well or field in the 3D-4D volume of space, or spacetime, is a most powerful sucking gravitational well or field, again, at a minimum, a pulling pressure or force behavior on other things in its pull reach. Furthermore, gravitational waves radially rippling outwardly through the fabric of space, or spacetime, generated from the collision and merging of two black holes or neutron stars, are indeed repulsive gravity, as distinct from ordinary pulling, and the like, gravity and are a [pressure] force impactfully propagating through and rippling the fabric of cosmologically foremost fundamental 3D-4D volume space, or spacetime, itself. Theoretical gravitons, the theoretical quantum particle-wave force carriers of gravity are likely to be found, if they exist, in gravitational waves, which have been repeatedly instrumentally observed and proven to exist by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory). Gravity clearly appears to be a reactive, cascading impactful force either way, of pull or push pressure, albeit a dependent-variable reaction force instigated by the independent-variable antecedent proactive force in or upon space, or spacetime, of mass.

Encapsulated in an inelegant axiom, this conception of gravity would say that the pressure of mass acting on 3D-4D volume spacetime, being the fabric of spacetime, makes and tells 3D-4D volume spacetime, the fabric of spacetime, how to contour, and therein how to move, and the reactive pressure of so contoured 3D-4D volume spacetime hosting and acting on mass tells mass, and its resulting gravity well in spacetime, how to move and how to impact and interact with other bodies of mass and their gravity wells.


1. Space (the same as spacetime) is a physical 3D-4D volume and geospatial-grid structural thing. It is nowhere and in no way an absolute vacuum. Even in its virtual vacuum state it is pervaded with the energy of a vacuum and ubiquitously fizzing with opposite-charge virtual particles (evidentially, via their collisions and mutual annihilations, the basis of the energy of a [virtual] vacuum, and vice versa) flickering in and out of existence.

2. The fabric of spacetime (the same as the fabric of space) is elastic [in behavior] and the elastic fabric of the informational 3D-4D structural volume and geospatial-grid of spacetime.

3. The [informational-directional] dimensional structure of space makes space a physical structural spacetime thing of existence (in which the state of existence is interchangeably termed the state of being as well as presence, tenure and dwelling), which is also the foremost temporal state, being the state of time and is inextricably concurrent with dimensional space, in which space in the absence of all dimensions would no longer be spacetime nor a thing of existence and not even space, but in its place of nonexistence would be the circumstance of incomprehensible absolute nothing (no place, no direction, no time, no energy, no matter, no light, no darkness, no temperature, no essence if any kind, no anything).

4. The confirmation as fact that formerly theoretical gravitational waves, as distinct from gravitational-well gravity of bodies of mass, informs us that there is an inward-directional pull-effect or -force gravity from bodies and objects of mass and an outward-directional push-effect or -force of gravity, in the form of gravitational waves, produced by the collision and merging of two or more black holes, neutron stars or white dwarf stars.

5. If in reality, if confirmed to be fact, the theoretical gravitons for the gravity of the gravitational wells of macrocosmic bodies of mass correspond in size to fit into the size range of other quantum particles (i.e., from quarks to lepton and hadron quantum-particle families and offshoots), and therein the size of quantum-particle force carriers of the other three fundamental forces of nature, and if all bodies of mass and objects with a mass (including such quantum particles) have a gravity well and a related gravitational pull effect, however small for quantum particles with mass, then the gravitons for gravity wells of quantum particles would expectedly be virtually infinitesimal, by comparison on the quantum particle level, and be behaviorally different from the gravitons of the gravity wells of macrocosmic bodies of mass. (Situations of mergers of quantum particles from collisions between mergeable species of these may generate microcosmic quantum-particle related gravitational waves.) Given this frame of reference, compared to the quantum-particle gravitons of gravity of the gravity wells of macrocosmic bodies of mass, the gravitons of the gravity wells of quantum particles with mass expectedly would be virtually infinitesimal subquantum particles. Alternatively, gravitons might exist and operate in a purely wave state at the quantum particle level and at some threshold point exist and operate as particle-waves or particles, or causally switch between these states, in the atomic-molecular macrocosmic regime of mass in our universe. A candidate for what may be gravitons may be the known virtual particles of virtually vacuum spacetime, ubiquitously fizzing or popping in and out of existence in spacetime.

Quantum particle symmetry theory's hypothesized, and substantially verified, opposite-charge matter-versus-antimatter otherwise equivalent species particles, in this discussion of quantum particles being hypothetical gravitons and antigravitons, would comport with being these virtual quantum particles of matter and antimatter of vacuum space mutually colliding and obliterating and in so doing generating the inherent quantum energy of vacuum space, the basis of matter creation, as well as account for pull-compression pressure gravity resulting from mass, however large or small, and push-emitting gravity pressure of gravitational waves resulting from the merger of black holes and/or supermassive stars or such star remnants, possibly cumulatively the source driving the expansion of the universe's [fabric of ] space, spacetime. Possibly the motion of, or moving, things (their spinning, orbiting or traversing, or all), is a further source of either or both of these directional forces of gravity pressure, extrapolated from physicist Albert Einstein's factually proven inference that acceleration -- also applicable to deceleration, or overall to celeration, be it acceleration or deceleration -- of an object is equivalent in effect to the force of gravity. Incidentally, I recently read an article (this sentence is an addendum to the prior posting of this narrative) on the circumstantial logic and evidence for a multiverse in online Big Think digital magazine, which suggested that the cosmogenic big-bang expansion of the universe was and is its ongoing entropic gravitational pull, or push, away from the initial state of the universe.

6. Acceleration, the increase in velocity of a body in motion or the setting into motion a body at a state of rest, is equivalent to the effect of gravity, and so is deceleration of a body in motion. It is to be clarified as to whether the same effect is produced by a system of perpetually closely neighboring or spatially linked objects moving at different fixed speeds, such as the orbiting system of multiple rings (made of ice, rock and dust) of each, in our solar system, the gas planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Q: How is it the case that nothing can exist in the absence of dimensional space, inarguably the same thing as spacetime?

A: Because space, or spacetime, is the host of everything else that exists, that will exist and that could have existed and can exist and because everything of existence is a configuration, form, structure or construction of some kind, and cannot by its [identity of] being a thing or something be otherwise or to the contrary, all of which are simultaneously [the] informationality, spatiality and geometry of the state of existence of each and every thing of the present, future, past and potential, meaning they are things of space and spacetime, their prerequisite for existence and individual informational, geometric-spatial identity, which if abolished would result in everything having no host, no configuration, shape, form, structure, features, geometry, presence and existence. Nothing can exist beyond spacetime, because somewhere else is location, which is [still] space wherever it may be, and to exist is foremost the state of time and the foremost state of time, of the state of being of something or somethingness.

Public Domain

Sample of References on Why Gravity is Not a Force

Reference on Gravity as a Force