Friday, October 16, 2020

Answer to the Question of "If Energy Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed, Then How Does It Exist?"


Prefaced question posted on the Facebook Stephen Hawking Group forum on 10-10-2020, greatly enlarged upon in this blog post: “'Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.’ If it can’t be created, then how does it even exist?”

(Paraphrased, “If energy and matter in the aggregate can neither be created nor destroyed, but cycle from one to the other perpetually, where did they, or energy-matter, come from?")

My answer:

The answer is in the fundamental, intrinsic factual circumstance that it is impossible for there to be absolute, universal or overall nothing and absolute, universal or overall somethingness, with somethingness being the same as mere essence of any kind, at the same time. Thus, fundamentally, there is either the circumstance of underlying or preexisting overall nothing or the opposite, being somethingness/essence. Mathematically and as a matter of mechanics or literal physics, something cannot come from absolute/ly nothing, even according to the something-from-nothing origin-of-the-universe thesis of some theoretical and cosmological physicists (like Stephen Hawking and Lawrence Krauss), who acknowledge that foremost fundamental space, the closest thing to nothing (with it so being a virtual nothing), is a physical thing, a something, as it empirically is a three-dimensional/four-dimensional (informational-dimensional) volume of expanse, however infinitesimal it may have been or grand it is or may become in size, and that by its mere existence as such it is temporal, a thing of presence, of dwelling and duration, whether infinite, indefinite or finite/circumscribed.

Also, empirically so, vacuum space, a 3-d/4-d volume structure and phenomenon, inheres, is occupied by and generates the quantum energy of a vacuum, of vacuum space and so itself is energetic in the same way that it inherently is the Einsteinian elasticity fabric of space-time (which I hypothesize is actually the inherent, fundamental energy of vacuum space, inclusive of latent or covert gravity-gravitons, quantum force fields, plus) -- a contained physical volume or simply a physical volume, which 3-d/4-d space, space-time is, may unto itself inhere pressure, the same thing as exertion, force and energy. (Even if space ever were or may become a one or any other dimensional structure of space or space-time, it would by its dimensionality still be an informational structure of expanse and a thing, a thing of existence. Only by its absence of all dimensionality and energy, as well as the derivatives of these, like quanta and atomic matter, would space be absolutely nothing.) Since energy is the basis of matter, in math terms the inverse of the Einsteinian equation of the equivalency of energy and matter, E = mc2, space, space-time would be the foundation of the material universe at all levels and neither space, space-time nor energy/energy-matter requires any other source for either's/their existence, though fundamentally energy-matter is/are dependent on 3-d/4-d volume space/space-time for its/their existence and not vice versa.

Analytical evidence, if not proof, that energy precedes matter in existence and is the baseline source of matter or the baseline source of both the cyclic conversion of energy into matter and matter into energy is contained in the same Einsteinian equation of the equivalency of energy and matter in which the product of the equation, the mathematical property, or term, on the right-hand side of the equation, mc2 translates into the law that matter is “'propelled' [implicitly but necessarily 'by an energy source'] at the speed” of light, squared, whereby it [consequently] becomes and is the solo property of nature that is energy (the physical property, or term, on the left-hand side of the equation). Doubly elucidated, the right-hand-side term of the equation mc2 and its law mean by the words “…at the speed of light…” that matter “in motion” is propelled [by an 'energy' source] at the speed of light multiplied by the speed of light (fundamental radiant energy = mass x (186,282 miles ((or 299,792 kilometers)) per second, alternatively 670,616,629 miles per hour,  x 186,282 mps, alternatively 670,616,629 mph ((or 1,079,251,200 kmh)) by a transcendent, superluminal energy propellant force of such a propulsion magnitude, 34.7-billion, 34,700,983,524, miles ((89,875,243,264 km)) per second, exponentially far exceeding the speed of light of 186,282 mps), with [light's rate of] motion or propulsion, or that of any activity per se, being the essential function and inseparable thrust gradient, power load or magnitude, of any kind at any level of existence, of [dynamic] energy and its distinctive feature dynamism. M x c2-speed, in propelling m (including all of its constituent quanta) at a total burn-up, disintegration velocity of 34,700,983,524-billion mps, or 89,875,243,264 kps, I surmise might theoretically be able to transport a retained intact m or its transformed subquantum nebular or coherent radiant state of fundamental, pure [radiant] energy to any neighboring galaxy in perhaps decades to a few years, at a per 30-second travel distance of 1,041,029,505,720 miles ((or 2,696,257,297,920 kilometers)), or  2.082-trillion, 2,082,059,011,440, miles (5,392,514,595,840 kilometers) per minute (mpm or kpm), and explain in part instantaneity [in interaction or functional correlation] between quantumly- or cosmically-entangled particles or objects, in the sense of an infinite or infinite-like [propulsive-energy] speed agent in a finite spatial context.  (Einstein's hunch that there's a hidden cause-effect explanation for quantum or cosmic entanglement instantaneity between entangled quantum particles ((quantum or subatomic matter?)) makes sense in the scenario of an infinite or [locally] infinite-like [propulsive-energy] speed agent in a finite space or such spatial context.  For instance, with reference to the latter point, the c2 energy-speed force, whereas it takes 5.5 hours for the sun's light, traveling at 186,282 miles or 299,792 kilometer per second, to reach the dwarf planet Pluto, an average of 6.9 billion kilometers ((4,287,461,225 miles)) distant from the sun, at the end of the planetary sector of our solar system, it would take c2 circa a 5th ((.20)) of a second to make the same journey and a micro-mini fraction of a second to travel from the Earth to the sun circa 150,000,000 kilometers ((93,000, 000 miles)) away from it, and a teeny-weeny fraction of this fraction of a second to travel from the Earth to Earth's moon at a distance away of 356,500 kilometers away from it ((the average of 225,383 miles away from the sun at its closest and 252,088 miles at its farthest point in distance)).  These c2 internal solar-system travel time spans perhaps could have given early- and mid-20th-Century quantum physicists who pioneered quantum physics the mistaken impression or illusion of instantaneity of quantum entanglement, spooky action at a distance, remotely-in-time-to-become explainable as viewed by Albert Einstein, in interactions, transactions, communications or functional correlations between quantumly-entangled quantum or subatomic particles.  How he came up with the equation E = mc2 confounds my imagination but it conceivably is explanatory of quantum entanglement instantaneity of a broadly local scale.).  Thus, matter is bundled energy, energy is the default actional, dynamic state of itself and both basically are energy but each is a different state of energy.

(One may ask, as I have in my apprehension of the validity of this equation of E = mc2, which is reported to have been confirmed experimentally by MIT in circa 2005 and in Albert Einstein's time by Cockroft and Walton, 1932,, is/((for me, was)) how the speed of light, the speed limit of the motion or travel or transpiration for all physical things in the universe, could be increased by any amount or be multiplied by itself, by whatever energy source, to achieve such a stupendous, incredible speed?, and by so asking oneself, one would be befuddled like me, other than to speculate that only expanding and/or traveling, therefore energetic, space/space-time, that has been observed and documented by astronomers to be expanding inter-galactically in excess of the speed of light, could do this and carry matter and vacuum-space's hypothetical quantum or subquantum, undifferentiated and united four-forces fundamental energy at such a speed and maybe faster. ((This consideration engenders the idea that there credibly may be universally fundamental space and energy, or space-energy, quantum or cosmic entanglement.))  Nonetheless, the militarily and industrially commonplace splitting of the atom and the conversion of its tiny mass to a humongous quantity of atomic or atomic-nuclear energy is associated with this equation, or a systematic, unwitting light-speed non-transcendent or subluminal version of it, maybe like in a single second the explosion of the concentrated electromagnetic energy of a photon beam, cloud, plasma, etc., containing within it 186,282 x 186,282 photons ((the force carriers of light, electromagnetism or electromagnetic energy)) triggered to mutually collide, or an event with the same number or more of anti-photons and photons that mutually annihilate or explode within a shared second or brief timeframe and release the extreme energy underlying c2, which is highly feasible.)

In sum, it takes energy to convert matter to energy and it takes energy to convert energy to matter, implying that there is always more energy than matter overall naturally, which is the observed case in the proportions of the dark energy (circa 68.5% of the basic content of the observed universe) and dark matter (circa 26.9% of the basic content of the observed universe) to one another in the observed universe. This relationship of imbalance or inequality in the cosmological caloric-mass content found between dark energy and matter in the universe may likewise be the observed case in the proportions of normal (luminous- or baryonic-related) energy and matter to one another in the universe, for which the percentage of the normal matter content is given, in the amount of circa 4.6%, but with no percentage content given for normal energy, which must be a lackadaisical, memed omission and must mean that the normal energy and matter content of the universe are combined, for convenience, in the percentage figure for normal matter from all reputable sources, inasmuch as the given three figures total 100% of the basic energy and matter content of the observable universe.  Despite the unspecified, hidden portion of the normal energy indicatively included with and undifferentiated from normal matter in the percentage quantity given for normal matter in the universe, the reported percentage of the dark energy by itself, absent the unstated amount of normal energy, is more than twice the amount of the sum of both dark matter and normal matter-plus in the universe.

Absolute nothing in this general regard, that of the whole of this narrative, is or would be an impossibility, an absolute impossibility. Furthermore, as a matter of incontrovertible empirical logic, there cannot be any existence that is apart from or beyond space, space-time because any [such theoretical] existence or purported existence would still have to exist somewhere, including apart from or beyond space, space-time, which therefore is somewhere, purportedly but fictitiously "somewhere else" apart from or beyond space, space-time, which is place, a location, a somewhere [else], being space, space-time.  However, hypothetically there could be an external space-time to the space-time of our universe, such as that of a parallel universe or multiverse or a hyperspace.  

     The said impossibility also negates the thesis or theory that space is made or may be made up of a network of quantumly entangled waves or particles or particles and waves or particle-waves, or an analogous foam, web or mush of quantum granules, etc., preexistent to space, space-time because they, by their structures as things, would have to be informational geometrical-spatial stuff, forms, structures or entities, even if they were ethereal shape-shifting stuff, things, etc., and so inescapably they would have to have spatial dimensions or dimensionality as well as have to initially, upon their inception or presence, and forever after be hosted in an environment or context "and always be somewhere" -- "all being space, space-time" -- and with at least infinitesimal space, and therefore space, space-time, separating and in between them in some way as structural identities; and by and for their mere existence, their state of being (the same as their state of duration, their enduring as a something), presence, dwelling and activity, they would be time-bound and engaged in inescapable ongoing-time behavior for the duration of their existence, which if and when it were to decay, entropy or lapse, they would cease to be and they would no longer be of time as they were, although their host and environment space, space-time would survive each and every one of them and yet endure and although their fundamental energy-matter would recycle in the universe (the space, space-time host and context of everything), whether near or far.  

     In addition, it is impossible for a thing to exist while not enduring or being of the state of duration, "time," and it is impossible for a thing to behave or engage in any activity and not engage in actional time or dynamic time, the concomitant of and underlain by energy.  The scientifically known ubiquitous virtual particles of vacuum space fizzing and flickering in and out of existence, as a matter of their behavior (their behaving, their dynamic behavior), too, must be fueled and powered by fundamental energy, the deduced source of their activity and cycling, and functionally are the 100%-correlated products of space, space-time.  Space-time intrinsically must be an autonomous continuum because if it were made up of things or a mass of unitary stuff, default space-time would not exist omnipresently throughout existence as it must wherever there would be separation of or gaps between or within such things or stuff, including virtual particles, force carriers, quarks, and so forth, ad infinitum, reflecting that things and stuff discontinuously pervade space, space-time and could not fill in all of space, space-time nor be the source of space, space-time.  In a practical, but just as impossible, regard, one could better and more plausibly deduce and infer the hypothesis that ubiquitous, fundamental, radiant energy -- the fuel, engine and driver underlying all action, creation, behavior, mutability and morphogenesis, evolution, quanta, matter and everything else of simultaneity of cause-effect, sequentially discrete action-reaction-interaction cause-and-effect physical or kinetic existence -- is the underlying source of space, space-time, were it not for the fact that fundamental energy resides in and is hosted by, as well as is manufactured (unfolds from expanding space, space-time) in the behaviorally elastic fabric of 3-d, 4-d volume space, space-time, in which, in vacuum space, gravity is ostensibly latent or covert (possibly there is such covert gravity, since there may be microgravity or subquantum gravity ((as in the [tethered] orbits of electrons around the nuclei of atoms, the clouds of gluons surrounding quarks in protons and neutrons, the highly dispersed, low-density quantities of quantum particles pervading interplanetary, apparent empty space devoid of resident celestial objects, with possible quantum or subquantum gravity wells from their presence in such space and interactions with neighboring or orbital coupling/s with other quanta, etc.)) and hypothetical gravitons at the fundamental energy state of otherwise vacuum space in which quantum fluctuations in the magnitudes of energy concentrations, and/or fields or energy-speed:energy-time domains constantly and ubiquitously impact by their motion and mass on the fabric of space, space-time, manifesting gravity, whether pull or push or both, at such a state or level of existence) and were it not for the fact that the current astronomy and astrophysics of humanity can trace and observe that space, space-time itself is dynamic and energetic in that 1.), it can cosmologically bend and expand and indicatively shrink in whole to a singularity of a virtually infinitely great-in-magniture, dense and intense infinitesimal mass in its least state in size, which is the evident initial state of the universe based on the CMBR (cosmic microwave background radiation), the fossil-light afterglow of the big-bang birth or emergence of the universe, and 2.), it can locationally do the same at the singularity, or nucleus, of black holes, regions of extreme gravity or extreme gravity wells, in the space, space-time universe of matter.  (Hypothetically, there may be both baryonic-matter state and dark-matter state black holes and they may be capable of interacting directly or indirectly and might indeed interact as pure gravity entities, given that indirectly observed dark matter, indirectly observed by its gravitational effects of enveloping and corraling the boundaries as well as inducing and maintaining the cohesion of galaxies and in gravitationally lensing light in outer space where no other gravitational lensing celestial body of normal matter is present, appears only to interact gravitationally, and directly so, with our baryonic-matter state of the universe.)

Ironically, the only thing that could theoretically precede or lie beyond [informational] space, space-time, the same as fundamental or minimal existence, would be nothing, as a matter of the conceptualized latter's prior but impossible state of [total and absolute] nullity or its probably just as impossible future state of [total and absolute] nullity, with needed for either state of nullity, respectively, being the absence or extinguishment of all energy, matter, energy-matter (including essence or stuff), motion, stasis, behavior, temperature, light, darkness, space (including distance, expanse, place), time (including presence, state of being and duration), dimensionality-geometry and informationality, though oblivion, a parallel universe, a multiverse or hyperspace theoretically could exist beyond our universe. 

Interview on the Subject of Energy with the Ghost of Physicist Albert Einstein

Question:  To your mind and in your theoretical analysis, is there a general explanation for the mysteries of the origin of the universe and its initial state as a singularity, black holes and the singularity of a black hole, instantaneity in the behavioral functional correlation or interface of quantumly entangled particles, etc., and similar or analogous [quantum] teleportation, the superpositional simultaneous multidirectional spins, etc., of a quantum particle, the quantum tunneling of quantum particles, the flickering in and out of existence of virtual particles ubiquitous in vacuum space, and for all atomic matter, including the constitution and behavior of its components, its organization and cosmologically evolutionary products and of all [action-reaction-interaction] cause-and-effect occurrence?

Answer:  Fundamentally, nothing can happen or happens without energy and action.  Energy is the fundamental source and driver of all happening, events, occurrences, transmission, behavior, and so forth, no matter how weird or seemingly inexplicable such phenomena may be.  It is the job of those with the need to understand and know to fathom the implied but unknown or mysterious energy sources, energy states and energy dynamics that would account for all of these phenomena, that sometimes are weird, perplexing, to us, realities of nature.  

The virtually infinitely dense and intense singularity state of the origin of the universe and that of a black hole, as a likewise compression of a likewise infinitesimal point of mass of a, respectively, cosmos-scale and mega- or superstellar-scale, or -capacity, extreme magnitude, would have to have been for the former or be for the latter an energy-governed singularity state, if not a state of likewise extraordinarily concentrated pure energy for either, and the trigger for the big-bang origin of the universe would have necessitated a causal fuel, being energy, and the big-bang cosmogenic event itself would fundamentally have had to have been an energy event.  

     In accordance with the law of cause and effect of the empirically-based explanatory standard model of physics applicable to atoms and the universe built of atoms, an energy source of a magnitude proportional in output to the comprehensive content, size and lifespan of the cosmologically evolutionary universe would have been required for the production of the universe.   

     But quantum physicists report that mathematically the law of cause and effect breaks down, apparently as we know it, at the points of the singularities of the big-bang and black holes and that it does not apply at these points of space (space-time), again, as we know it.  However, perhaps consistent with these mathematics and their translation to such a scientific insinuation or determination, while intellectually preserving the seemingly essential law of cause and effect universally observed by our science to be at work internally in atoms and in the building and cosmological governance of our atomic-molecular stage of the universe, hypothetically the big-bang origin of our universe, from the start-point singularity [of the birth] of the universe, may have been a simultaneous cause-effect event rather than a sequential cause-and-effect event and this same hypothetical principle of simultaneous, instantaneous cause-effect occurrence may be a phenomenon present in quantum-particle entanglement and simultaneous cause-effect entanglement between atoms as well as molecules, plus. Both quantum entanglement and analogous teleportation reflect an act of transmission ostensibly superseding, transcending or canceling the normal, to us, length, travel and latency (wait) factors of and across space and time. This principle of quantum-entanglement simultaneity-instantaneity, in which the extent of the distance between quantumly entangled quantum particles, and for analogous quantum teleportation, has no relevance or influence on the immediacy of occurrence of the mirror behavior or imaging between a behaviorally calibrated or tweaked input, independent-variable quantum particle and its output, respondent dependent-variable counterpart quantum particle mate, hypothetically may be possible because vacuum space itself is energetic and may have no speed limit and may somehow be capable of infinite speed. From the frame of reference of the behavior of the matter that makes up our stage of the universe built of atoms and operating on the sequential law of action, proportional reaction and [proportional or possibly synergistic] interaction cause-and-effect, this quantum entanglement behavior is entirely anomalous and alien to and defies the behavior of [the atomic macrocosmic state of] nature at this level, apart from that of sci-tech artificially quantumly-entangled isolated atoms or molecules, and maybe likewise sci-tech collections of these, and so may be thought of by us as "spooky action at a distance." If this principle is nevertheless quantumly factual, it would suggest or mean that the quantum entanglement relationship of the scientifically observed instantaneity of functionally correlated or synchronized behavior between two or more quantum particles may be or is one of cause-effect simultaneity and infinite speed, at the microcosmic state of nature, of communication, transaction or interaction...  

     Black holes are created by the crushing pull and compression gravity-force (energy) dynamics self-cannibalistically come from and exerted on the collapsing leftover cores of supermassive dead, imploded stars, reducing them to extreme, pure gravity-force (energy) regions, fields or wells in space, or, one might say, a such gravity-force celestial object in space. 

For anything, if it happens, happened or something about it happened, then energy and action are or were the underlying fundamental agents for whatever happens or happened, and energy is or was the underlying fundamental impetus of the action and for the effect of the action, with quanta and atomic matter being the force carriers and implementors of energy and action.  

Lastly, if there is anything of existence that is omnipotent, by definition it would have to be fundamental energy, omnipotent energy, omnipotent-omnipresent [foremost fundamental cosmic] energy whose fundamental, inescapable host and abode would necessarily be space, space-time, which itself is observably energetic.

Click on E = MC2 video at:

Go figure.  POOF!


E = mc2 in longhand writing means energy is equal to mass-1 multiplied by velocity-2 (c) of light that itself is multiplied by itself, the velocity of light, first, before Mass is multiplied by Velocity multiplied by itself.  

1.  Mass is the [energy-matter] quantity of inertia, assumedly quantifiable as an energy magnitude or gradient, possessed by a thing (an object, entity or event of any kind or size), the [relative] measure, degree, load or amount of resistance to acceleration or deceleration a thing of any kind or size possesses, somewhat comparable to and correlated with but not weight.

2.  Velocity is synonymous with speed or momentum, which, as well as velocity, are/is a feature of time (the from-to state of existence and duration, lifespan or transpiration span of an object, event or object-event).  

3.  Dynamic time (duration) = distance divided by speed (the speed of travel or transpiration of an object, event or object-event across or upon distance, a length or span of space, in which the speed of the traveler or transient factor is determined by its motional energy capacity and output (Speed = the measurement of position or point A to position or point B in distance divided by the duration of travel or transpiration of that distance by an object, event or object-event (a unit or clip of momentum, akin to tempo or a standardized unit of frequency of a pulse or beat pattern across a distance).  Reductively, in least terms, dynamic time is the durational result of a defined distance divided by the rate of motion of a thing traversing or transpiring upon it.  

4.  Nature is synonymous with and is the cosmologically evolutionary content and behavior of existence and its and their emergent, concomitant rules or laws.  (Informational, informational-dimensional space, space-time, energy, matter, energy-matter, circumstance-happenstance, or vice-versa, context, action-reaction-interaction cause-and-effect, cause-effect, determinism hypothesis)

Afterward Remark:  On the right-hand side of this equation, for anything of reference whose measure of mass is represented and inserted into the equation, the letter-symbol m would be mathematically represented by and replaced with the number expressing the measure of that m, and the mathematician performing the operation of the equation should be cognizant of the fact that in his or her multiplying of m by c2 that in an empirical regard he or she is multiplying m by a momentum that is fueled and propelled by an underlying, unstated magnitude of energy also symbolized by the c2 term representing superluminal speed or rate of motion or travel of m, mathematically expressed in or as miles, kilometers, etc., per second, per minute, per day, per month, per year (light-year).  Also, he or she should bear in mind that energy and speed-time are inseparably intertwined and positively correlated linearly in the equation's behavioral and mathematical result and the application of the equation's fully expressed mathematical result.  

(However, the energy-speed and speed-time relationship or bond diverges according to Einstein's locally-confirmed time dilation theory in which in outer space, highly vacuum space, speed and time systematically become progressively negatively correlated, linearly, so that the higher the speed at which a thing moves the slower in [correspondingly stretching space-time,] time it moves or the slower for it time moves ((or lapses, or so undergoes atomic or subatomic structural decay or entropy related to the universal processes of the mutability and morphing of things:  physical aging?)), which may conflict with the equation of E = mc2 and its "speeds," plural when the m gradient is applied to c2 ((as firstly there is the c2 speed alone and secondly the gradient of m multiplied by c2)).  If photons, light quanta and the force carriers of light, electromagnetism or electromagnetic energy, remain intact and continue to exist ((stasis time)) at their velocity ((a feature of dynamic time)) that is the speed limit of mass in our universe, a speed that theoretically is the time stand-still point for mass in the universe, then the activity ((a feature of dynamic time)) of their continued velocity and enduring presence ((fundamental time)) as things contradicts that time, dynamic or stasis time, has frozen or vanished for them ((reworded:  since, for photons, their motion of traversing distance across space at the speed of light persists, remains ongoing, a time event)), which conceptually has problematic implications for the relationship of [frozen or absence of] time to "mc2."  The solution to the issue with mc2, in borrowing terminology from accounting:  The "bottom line" is that Big E-baseline > c, with this having food-for-thought implications for energy physics.  The longhand translation and implications of Big E-baseline  > c are that the herein hypothesized speed of the fundamental energy of vacuum space, space-time, c2, exponentially exceeds the speed of light, c, and is not constrained by and is not subject to the laws of the universe governing the normal ((baryonic-plus)) energy-matter or mass of the universe, including its quantum particles and forces.  It occurs to me that c2, a mathematical constant, is actually the base or fundamental energy of vacuum space, space-time, in our universe, whose energy and speed magnitudes are the same as those [of the speed] of light multiplied by the speed of light and whose relativistic such magnitudes are variable, varying with different mass gradients for different varieties of mass or a given individual mass, and are mathematically those of the given mass gradient, M ((bundled energy)), multiplied by the c2 base energy of vacuum space, space-time, which together produce relativistic, synergistic Big E-ultra, being mc2, which behaves in the universe like the fundamental energy of vacuum space, space-time, c2, but as a higher energy force than C2 is more powerful and faster than c2.  C2 also suggests that there may be exploratory merit to string theory's concept of co-existing, extra hidden dimensions within, to our perception, standard 3-dimensional, 4-dimensional volume space, space-time, extra dimensions that are relativistic, extreme energy-speed, speed-time scales on a ladder of these with their own regimes or realms of time, space-time ((that may account for the instantaneity or superluminal time behavior of hypothetical wormholes and white holes if they are real, as well as enable quantum particles to assume a circumstance-dependent wave function and engage in quantum tunneling and the weird, extraordinarily complex superpositioning behavior of quantum particles)), within our shell of a bubble of 3-d, 4-d volume space, space-time.  As suggested before in this writing, c2, or c2 as well as mc2, might also account for or contribute to quantum entanglement's, and similar teleportation's, seeming instantaneity of communication, interaction or transaction between entangled particles or more complex matter and explain their accomplishing this phenomenon by their accessing and utilizing c2, or, to add, alternatively, other superluminal extreme energy-speed hidden, extra dimensions of or novel extreme energies and their frequencies, within the space, space-time of our universe.  ((The starting point for deciphering the science of quantum-entanglement, plus, simultaneity and instantaneity -- maybe even including the singularities of black holes -- is to construct exhaustive theories or hypotheses, with an open mind to discovery of, to our sci-tech humanity, new physics along the way, diagrammatically mapping credibly possible quantum object, energy and behavioral mechanisms and dynamics that could best mechanistically explain it, and test these theories or hypotheses in physical or computer-modeling experiments.  The simplest explanations for quantum instantaneity, to me, are, firstly, that expanding and malleable space, space-time itself, whose vacuum generates and hosts the mutable and morphable energy of vacuum space that is the source of the mutable and morphable cosmologically evolutionary quanta and matter of our universe, must by such properties be energetic and may have no, or virtually no, power or speed limits, which in effect may somehow allow entangled quanta to tap into this possibly supreme space, space-time nature of energy and engage in instantaneous complementarity, and, secondly, that quanta operate or co-operate in overlapping parallel [-universe] space, space-times with different energy, emergy-to-matter and relativistic motion and speed regimes, perceptibly and kinetically primarily invisible, materially and chemically, to our science, in which our parallel universe figuratively and comparatively has the speed limit of a snail, that is most extreme and the believed ultimate speed universally, to us, but by comparison with the other universe is a snail's-pace speed limit that is the true speed limit for our universe though not for the other, whereas the counterpart parallel universe has, unbeknownst to us, the unbelievably great and outlaw, to us, speed limit of light^20, while we illusorily observe the entangled quanta from the standpoint of our laggard universe, senses and experimentation measuring methods and means to be engaging in instantaneity and the seeming cancellation, etc., of distanced space-time, yet not time itself since instantaneity of an occurrence is itself time, or a time event, that necessarily occurs during the sci-tech input change to the [signaling, source or change-basis] ying quantum particle entangled with the [mirroring] yang quantum particle.  Quantum-particle entanglement and complementarity are not constructs of scientific debate concerning their reality, each of whose reality is scientifically confirmed; rather, the specific bases of the entanglement and the instantaneity of correlation or synchrony between the entangled particles are subjects for further scientific exploration, research and problem solving, for conclusive, factual answers.  If explanation two, whether or not in conjunction with explanation one, were to prove correct, then quantum-particle entanglement and possibly all weird quantum phenomena may resolve from their interfacing with the twilight-zone of primarily materially and chemically different and mutually invisible overlapping parallel universes, and be a blurry window, collectively, or windows otherwise between or across them, but usefully so scientifically.  As a principle of primordial, fundamental quantum nature, the hypothesis of quantum state cause-effect, action-reaction simultaneity-instantaneity and entanglement might be a pathway toward understanding  and accounting for the general absence of symmetrical antimatter in our state of the universe, as it may be the matter of a parallel antimatter universe mate of our normal matter universe, symmetrically burst into a separate, symmetrical big-bang existence with that of the origin of our universe of normal matter, with perhaps both being mutually invisible or [naturally almost entirely] inaccessible to one another.))  In addition, c2 might explain the nature of the 99.9999... empty space of atoms, as it possibly being the atomically containerized c2 quantum energy of vacuum, volume space, space-time and a sharing source of the tremendous E = mc2 energy release of an atom undergoing nuclear fission or fusion.  Incidentally, on the evening of 10-31-2020, I saw a do-it-yourself science post with two vertically juxtaposed pie charts comparing the sizes of the state of matter, primarily dark matter, of the universe 13.7-billion years ago ((in a 13.82-billion-year-old universe)) versus currently, which reflected that the [primarily dark] matter content of the universe had shrunken greatly across this time frame, implying and making available the hypothesis, if the source of the pie charts is credible and the representations of the pie charts are true, that the decay or entropy of [largely dark] matter and its conversion to mc2 may have increased and may be [contributing significantly to] increasing the energy stock of the universe relative to that of matter and that this process may be fueling the faster-than-light-speed [intergalactic] space, space-time expansion of the universe.)

Practical [Personal] Hypotheses in Explanation of Instantanteity of Complementarity of Quantum State Changes Between Quantumly Entangled Quantum Particles

1.  C2 and mc2 (of Albert Einstein's equation on the equivalency of energy and mass, E=mc2) superluminal speed, if actualities, accessed by quantum behavioral states of quantumly entangled quantum particles.  It would take c2 2.8234672221 minutes to travel one light-year (5,878,625,373,183.6 miles or 9,460,730,472,580.8 kilometers ) or 11.293868888 minutes to travel 4.22 light-years, the latter to the closest star-planetary system Proxima Centauri.  This energy-speed would convey to the sci-tech of our species broadly locally apparent instantaneity of complementarity in change of quantum states between the entangled particles.

2.  Extreme energy-velocity extradimensional regimes to the normal 3-dimensional, 4-dimensional volume space-time of the universe accessed by the quantum behavioral states of quantumly entangled quantum particles.  This would convey to our sci-tech universe-wide apparent instantaneity of complementarity in change of quantum states between the entangled particles.

3.  Extreme energy-velocity, superluminal to that of our universe, of a far higher baseline energy-velocity regime of a parallel universe accessed by the quantum behavioral states of quantumly entangled quantum particles.  This would convey to our sci-tech universe-wide apparent instantaneity of complementarity in change of quantum states between the entangled particles. 

4.  Quantum-state space-time compression via the quantum behavioral states of quantumly entangled quantum particles.  

5.  Reversion to and/or access of the primordial quantum state of the pointal unidimensional space-time singularity precedent to or the initial existential state of and precipitative of the big-bang cosmogenic event of the universe by the quantum [informational] behavioral states of the instantaneity of complementarity quantumly entangled quantum particles.  Space-time may have no speed limit and may be capable of infinite speed. 

6.  Quantum-state, of singularity-state emergence and origin, informationality, in which informationality is concurrent with and inextricably integral to dimensional space-time, of any "number" of dimensions, and all things of existence, for the informational behavioral states of complementarity entangled quantum particles, may have no speed limit and may be capable of infinite speed, because all possibilities of what is existentially possible in evolutionary cosmological reality were contained in the pointal unidimensional space-time singularity, for which informationality with indicatively supremely energetic space-time constituted that singularity and was concurrent with and inextricably integral to that cosmologically primordial singularity identity of space-time.