Friday, October 26, 2018

Voter Power

Voter power, the power to elect to and eject from office the elected officeholders, the top leaders, of governance at every level of government of our society, the power of the citizenry to choose its and their government and governance leaders. Use it or lose it, that power, and keep or lose, lose by forfeiture and capitulation to oligarchical tyranny of whatever kind, our pluralist constitutional democratic-republic society and constitutional democratic rights and way of life, our, largely in law, though not necessarily in practice fairly, but nevertheless, in ideal and aspiration, egalitarian society of broad, and equality therefrom, freedom for all.  

I am voting for entirely Democratic Party candidates, come November 6, 2018, national election day.

Keep America great by vote ousting from its short-time chokehold control the Trump-Pence and crowd morally-depraved swamp of predation-craving and yawning, gluttonous alligators of iniquity fouling it, led by the fake-blond Sleaze in Chief, aka Predator in Chief, a publicly pathological flagrant, egregious liar, con talker, two-faced double talker, methodical mass fear and resentment stoker and manipulator bigot-demagogue, as well as grifter-fleecer, and man of grotesque incivility, unsavory, bad character and no conscience, using his position, cult followers and team players to serve his carnality, conceit and insatiable lust for self aggrandizement, glory and power (A sordid blight on America!).

Don't be stricken with amnesia about the root source of the thriving US economy and let President Trump, a mammoth liar, con talker, scammer, grifter-fleecer, bigot-demagogue and self-glorifier, claim credit for a so-far 10-year expansion economy cruising on autopilot, established by the Obama Presidency. The Trump presidential administration inherited this net consistently expanding economy from the Obama presidential administration upon Trump's taking office on January 20, 2017 as the elected successor US president to the outgoing, termed-out President Barack Obama.   

Demagogic Rabble-Rouser 

Unite and fight 
The demagoguers;
Don't let them
Divide and conquer.
They are voices
Of discord and rancor;
They gain as scare
And scapegoat mongers
Who foment spite
Toward different others.
They are questors
Without honor,
Loyal only 
To themselves 
And power. 

Copyright, Lord Prophet of Powertix

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