Sunday, October 30, 2016

FBI Director James Comey, a Republican, Acting on His Own Accord, Politically (Mis)Using his Official Position & Authority to Shift Swing Votes in Swing Battleground States Toward Trump & GOP Candidates

FBI Director James Comey, a Republican, Acting on His Own Accord, Politically (Mis)Using his Official Position and Authority to Shift Flexible Swing-Voter Votes in Election-Deciding Swing Battleground States Toward Trump and GOP Candidates...

FBI Director James Comey, when it most matters, surfaces as a player of power politics, in behalf of his political party affiliation, in which foul is fair and as a man of audacious political artifice and intrigue, attempting to insulate these and his job from accountability and repercussions with excusatory, fault-extricating alibi, wrong-finessing jive talk -- putting his political-party loyalty above his obligation to be politically neutral and nonpartisan in the execution of the duties in his office as an administrative federal top executive employee of the federal executive branch of government.  Of  course, the "investigation' announcement was poitically calculated and foremost aimed to sabotage and derail the front-runner presidential candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton, so near to election day.

FBI Director Jame’s Comey’s 10-28-2016 letter to US Congressional Republican committee heads reporting that the FBI would be conducting a new, second, investigation into determining whether any email correspondence between Hillary Clinton, when she was US secretary of state, and her long-time aide attorney Huma Abedin -- the wife of former US Congressman Anthony Weiner who is under criminal felony investigation by the FBI for having sent sexually explicit photo-emails to a 15-year-old girl, associated with his own computer and maybe internet devices of the now estranged couple in his possession, possibly associated with emails to Huma Abedin from Hillary Clinton’s improper use of a private email server when she was US secretary of state -- are connected to that unauthorized email server and were or contained federal government classified information.  Director Comey’s letter apparently was released to the press by the recipient Republican congresspersons, both events of which  have the politically strategically timed effect of late in the Democratic-versus-Republican presidential nominee campaigns, circa a week away from election day of 11-08-2016, of casting a politically damaging cloud of innuendo and atmosphere of criminal speculation, suspicion and demagogic presumption of culpability across the voting public, in the absence of a review and fair assessment of the emails to be examined by the FBI, on heretofore front-runner, in voter preference polls, Hillary Clinton and her candidacy campaign for election to the office of the US presidency, with expected consequential voter apprehension about voting for Hillary Clinton by likely many swing voters, especially in the politically flexible battleground swing states (or politically purple states), who until the public disclosure of the new investigation may have been inclined to vote in the majority or plurality in some or most of them, in determining the presidential election outcome, for Hillary Clinton to be the next president of the US.  FBI Director James Comey is a lifelong Republican.  As he advised Congressional hearing congressperson Republicans, to their raucous jibes and partisan displeasure, in the acquittal findings of the first e-mail server investigation of Hillary Clinton by the FBI, he, as the agency head, was the messenger in reporting the acquittal results of FBI investigators of the first investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of the improper private e-mail server during her tenure as US secretary of state.  He was not an FBI investigator nor a member of an FBI investigative team in that earlier FBI investigation on Hillary Clinton.  It has been reported in the broadcast news throughout the weekend of 10-28-2016 that FBI Director James Comey was acting on his own in making his announcement of a forthcoming new, second, investigation by letter to fellow Republicans, who are US congressional committee heads and congresspersons of both chambers of Congress, against Department of Justice attorney counsel to him, in effect, that such an announcement in mere days before election day, of 11-08-2016, would have the specter of prejudicial, partisan political interference and influence in an ongoing election and was unprecedented in FBI history. 

We will not fall for a politically strategically timed and announced cloud-of-innuendo new investigation of Hillary Clinton by the FBI director to shepherd and manipulate us politically into voting to elect to the highest political and governance office of the nation, the US presidency, a President Frankenstein monster, Donald Trump!

James Comey, the FBI director, is a lifelong Republican and the FBI historically hires and is staffed overwhelmingly by persons with conservative, as well as with socially moderate, values and backgrounds and historically has engaged in political and rogue and unethical law-enforcement activism against lawful but deemed domestic enemies, individuals and groups, often seduced, tricked or provoked into crime and scandal by undercover operatives, in collaboration with other federal agencies and/or local police departments and/or other state and local government entities, seeking to publicly and socially discredit, uncirculate and neutralize them and their influence, in practice quite efficiently and successfully.  Champion of the oligarchy and corporatocracy of the US, with highest regards to the fossil fuels industry and military-industrial complex (read the caught-red-handed account of the FBI-Oakland Police Department, California, terrorist frame-up and bomb-violence maiming operation against peaceful environmentalists Judy Barre and Darryl Cherney protesting the old-growth redwood-tree deforestation logging in California by one of the US’s top logging-deforestation companies then, in which the FBI and Oakland Police Department were successfully criminally exposed and sued federal court – Judy Barre was maimed by the hidden bomb planted in the car in which she and Darryl Cherney were riding/driving and she died some years later from cancer).

The politically strategically timed and announced cloud-of-innuendo high-publicity new investigation of Hillary Clinton by FBI Director James Comey, acting on his own, independently of the US Department of Justice and top FBI officials, is no sane reason to vote for a President Frankenstein monster, madman Donald Trump! 

By contrasting federal institutional justice, during circa the summer of this year 2016, Donald Trump’s attorneys petitioned the federal judge presiding over the unlicensed, fraudulent, financial-rip off Trump University scandal class-action lawsuit to deny the release of any court, or litigation, testimony and evidence on this case and to postpone or suspend court proceedings on it until after the presidential election is over, so as to protect the political candidacy of Donald Trump from adverse information and publicity that might ensue from the trial on Trump University and Donald Trump’s relationship with and role in it.  The judge agreed that release of testimony and evidence relating to the trial and the trial itself during the presidential election season could harm Donald Trump’s candidacy and he agreed to deny release of any information relating to the trial and to postpone or suspend the trial until after election day, 11-08-2016.  This my recollection of the news articles I read and broadcasts I heard on the court petition to protect Donald Trump’s candidacy from its proceedings and the information obtained by the court on the Trump University law suit.  Yet unsavory, sleazy, utterly crooked Donald Trump praises FBI Director Comey for his politically adverse publicity action against his political rival for the presidency Hillary Clinton and demagogues its cloud of innuendo, treating announce of the new investigation as meaning criminal culpability and guilty, and as a diversionary issue to silence his sexcapades scandal of accumulating claimed victim-witnesses, 13 at last count, dogging and damaging his campaign in the news media until arrival of this introduced new news media issue meant to impugn by suggestion, embarrass and undermine the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton -- an egocentric, egomaniacal, unscrupulous, flim-flam crazy man and hypocrite! 

This politically strategically timed and announced new investigation by the FBI director against Hillary Clinton changes, and undoubtedly was meant to change, and may have indeed changed, the main political subject in the news media killing the viability of Donald Trump's presidential candidacy recently, a sexual predatory sex scandal with Trump the serial predator, a subject that was immolating the Trump candidacy and, by political fallout and contagion, those of other candidates for political office of the Republican Party and splitting the Republican Party into disunity and disarray:

The problematic subject in the news media for Donald Trump and the Republican Party, that was burning up their political competitiveness, that they could not change themselves, despite failed events to do this, but that GOP member Director James Comey’s political influence letter may have changed relates to the sum of the following:  

In a news broadcast on 10-12-2016 of a women's protest rally of the lurid sexism and misogyny of Donald Trump, a rape-victim protester of Donald Trump as a misogynistic obscene lecher for his 1995 audio-video recorded comments in which he bragged about being a women's crotch grabber and having tried but failed to seduce a celebrity married woman named Nancy, revealed to be TV celebrity host Nancy O'Dell, remarked that not only is he disqualified for occupying the office of US presidency for his misogyny and disrespect for women, but that he is furthermore disqualified because these comments and his serially disrespectful remarks about all manner of other Americans reflect that he as a person lacks the basic "diplomacy," or diplomatic, skill and skills essential for any political leader and head of government.

(A major reason for why Republican Mike Pence lost in the vice-presidential-candidates debate of 10-04-2016 to Democrat Tim Kaine and Donald Trump lost again in the second presidential-candidates debate of 10-09-2016, in the judgment of the viewer public as opposed to that of political, politicized media pundits, is because both Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton demonstrated themselves to be honest and honorable debaters in answering moderator and audience questions whereas both Pence and Trump came across in the debates as ducking or sidestepping questions and changing the subject [matter] under questioning, using their response time to deliver personalized political talking points and personal attacks, interrupting their opponent's rebuttals and talking over and drowning out their rebuttals until the response time for their opponent expired. That is, the latter engaged in flagrant, bullying, dishonorable cheating in the debates, demonstrating bad behavior and reflecting as well as evidencing abiding bad character and deficient integrity on their part, offending the moral sensibility of most viewers. Their ill-mannered and cheater debating tactics also offended most viewers’ standards and expectations of proper manners and fair play.

Though Donald Trump improved his debate manner, as opposed to the substance his arguments, in his third and final debate with Hillary Clinton on 10-19-2019, his impulse to incivility -- in interrupting Hillary Clinton during one of her turns to speak and, in short, calling her "nasty" and in his refusal at the end of the debate to offer to accept the results of the presidential election -- broke loose and blighted, soured and completely sabotaged, in the majority public opinion and mind, the otherwise largely respectable manner of his debate performance.)

Sexual abuse, assault and rape victims view Donald Trump's audio-video recorded depictions of his sexcapades associated with and against women and girls as casting him as a sewer rat wallowing and stewing in a sewer bath and view his theatrical public denials of some women and girls claiming that he visually intruded on them in their dressing rooms or physically imposed on their bodies sexually with his hands, kisses and his tongue as revealing him to be a drama-queen, emphatic liar con-artist.

Donald Trump’s public shouting tirades against the stream of claimed victim-witnesses of his lecherous hanky-panky, testifying that he behaved toward them as he described of himself to have and bragged he had in his own voice and words in an AV recording, denouncing and slurring them (the victim-witnesses) as all being liars and threatening to sue them after election day, 11-08-2016, was meant to intimidate them into silence and flight from airing their news-media validated and energized grievances against him, in which his AV-bragging, self-confessed guilt gave publicly objective support to the credibility, or validity, of their professed sexual victimization grievances against him. His dismissive, bashing and lawsuit threat and intimidation tirades also were meant to curb the growing number of additional potential victim-witnesses from publicly speaking out and reporting their sexual victimization by him, feeding the onslaught of bad publicity against his character and presidential campaign as well as decreasing customer patronage of his businesses.  In all, they were meant to mute them and make them and the sexual predator issue go away permanently, by means of, in this situation, checkmated, untenable legal-bluff intimidation on his part given that an actual legal confrontation with him by a claimed victim-witness or a multiplicity of victim-witnesses, especially in a class action lawsuit against him, in which he and his army of money-sucking lawyers, sucking on his stash, he would easily lose, in light of the publicly broadcast sexual predation self-confessed guilt AV recording of him in his voice and words,  to the professed victim-witness/es of his sexual assaults (non-consensual groping, kissing and otherwise amorous or sexual handling of them, as well as intruding into the dressing rooms of and ogling especially undressed or substantially undressed underage teen girl models, as he confessed to former TV show host Billy Bush on the AV recording and they (the alleged victim-witnesses) allege in the news media happened to themselves.  All they would have to do, at a minimum, is circumstantially show that they were in a same setting or environment in a same time frame with him (Trump) in which the victimization/s could have occurred to be immune from libel, whereas the burden of proof would be on him to show conclusively, in light of the publicly broadcast incriminating AV recording, that they were not in a same setting or environment in a same timeframe in which he could have sexually transgressed against them as, they have described, and he would have to demonstrate conclusively that they were liars as to their charges against him (impossible for Trump and his attorneys if the same setting or environment and time frame criteria concerning the alleged victim-witnesses can reasonably be supported, or, especially, verified).  Not only could these claimed victims, publicly slurred as liars by Trump and threatened with a lawsuit for allegedly lying, counter sue him and easily prevail in court were he to file suit against any or all of them for libel, they can immediately sue him, do thus now, given the said legal context, in which he has given them civilly legal cause-of-action, libel against them, for his public liar slur of and threat of a lawsuit against them for their allegations of sexual transgression by him against them.  The count of victim-witnesses was chilled to and stopped at 14, as of Trump’s threats to sue victim-witnesses. By the way, radio and TV personality Howard Stern has reported that he has an AV recording of an interview he held on Donald Trump in which Trump again bragged about his sexcapades with women, but refuses to release it publicly because he views such a release to be a betrayal (source:  online entertainment culture site Forward, 10-18-2016).

Some question why the claimed victims are coming to news media and public attention with the public exposure and broadcasting of the audio-video (AV) recording in which Trump brags of his transgressive sexcapades. The answer, friends, is that the AV is evidence supporting their long-harbored grievances and grudge against him for his hands-on, ogling and remarks of sexual harassment and trespass on them and their bodies when they were young women and girls. "Hell hath no fury like a woman's (or girl's) scorn."

An excerpt from the 10-25, 2016 issue of SF Chronicle reporting a news release from the Associated Press on a Donald Trump negative reaction to the freedom-of-the-press first amendment of the US Constitution states: "A day after suggesting the First Amendment to the Constitution may give the press too much freedom, he insisted that the media are promoting biased polls to discourage his supporters from voting." I wonder why he feels this way? Need I say see the above for the answer?


In news coverage, in the waning days of May of 2016, of Donald Trump and his candidacy for the presidency of the US, he has clearly suggested and essentially explicitly said, in substantial and substantive paraphrase of him, that as president he would support the revival and revving up of the coal industry and all of the fossil fuels industry and deregulate them as well as that he thinks that the finding, by the science on globally adverse climate change, along with the science itself, is a hoax that such change is being driven by industrial fossil fuels extraction and their fuel energy production and mass use. What does deregulating the fossil fuels industry mean -- giving fossil fuels companies and personnel legal and administrative license and immunity for their pollution and degradation of the environment (of land and its topography and geology, the water bodies and systems, the atmosphere, biology, food means and sources, etc.) and for inflicting ill-health and mortality hazards on habitats, wildlife and humans, including their workers, in the course of their carrying out their “deregulated” business operations?!

News media the week of 10-06-2016 reported that Trump does have investments in the fossil-fuels industry, having found so far, investments in Phillips 666 Oil Inc. and in the company, Energy Transfer Partners, attempting to construct an oil pipeline, Dakota Access Pipeline, across Native American land, also Native American sacred land, Spirit Camp, in North Dakota, whose construction had been stalled by Native American political protests and legal actions but has been legally cleared and resumed by judicial ruling of a federal appeals court. The news reported that Phillips 66 Oil Company is slated to own 25% of the pipeline (supplemental source: Democracy Now online news, 10-06-2016).

(It is unsurprising that in the first, but possibly the second, Democratic versus Republican Party presidential-election-candidates debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that when Trump was asked by the debate moderator how he would bring the former US manufacturing jobs off-shored to foreign nations back the US he sidestepped answering this question itself but replied instead that he would stop jobs from leaving the US without explaining how he would do this.)

We will not fall for a politically strategically timed and announced cloud-of-innuendo new investigation of Hillary Clinton by the FBI director, acting on his own, to shepherd and manipulate us into voting to elect to the highest office of the nation, the US presidency, a President Frankenstein monster, Donald Trump!

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