Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The 10-16-2016 Early-Morning Arson and Graffiti Nazi-Slur and Threat Attack on the GOP Office in Hillsborough, North Carolina -- Its Political and Social Impact Implications

Trump in a Perpetual Chaffing Campaign, Howling that the Election Process Is Rigged Against Him and Brandishes the "Rigged System" Campaign to Market Civil Discord and Division

Social and societal rift-war wagers and civil disturbance rabble rousers, if not civil war fantasizers and attempted inciters are the indicated source of the arson and graffiti attack on the GOP office in Hillsborough, North Carolina – seemingly angry-emotional, angry-passion, hysterical-anger, lynch-, riot- and rampage-mob provocateur-instigators, possibly political manipulation foreign operation agents acting directly or using treasonous locals or local hirelings, or vested-interest locals, high or low and acting on self initiative or by agreement or consensus, wanting to insinuate guilt to a readily supposed or presumed suspect, an apparent high-score or obvious suspect on a suspect list, that is the political opponent, adversary, of the victim, resulting in accusations or recriminations between the obvious, but circumstantially framed innocent, suspect as the perpetrator. Trump’s hyperbolic sociopathy, verging on vainglory (deranged narcissistic) maniacal psychopathy, together with his orchestrator political paranoia, hysteria, hostility and aggression mongering and agitating of his rally crowds and constituency offer an ideal route for political manipulation of deep suspicion, conflict, discord and angry, possibly violent, civil division, by internal and foreign adversaries of the American political system of a federal constitutional democratic-republic, between the portion of the American populace favoring a Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party versus that favoring a Donald Trump and Republican presidency and congressional majority in the November 8, 2016 US presidential and congressional elections. Given that Hillary Clinton was handily leading Donald Trump across all credible national voter polls, and in the most reliable national voter polls by as much as 48% to 37%, on 10-13-2016, the day before the arson and Nazi-slur and threat graffiti attack on the Hillsborough, NC, GOP office, in a voting battleground state in which Hillary Clinton had a firm lead in the polls, yet a state in which the citizenry has flipped in recent decades in supporting GOP and Democratic Party candidates for political office and has demonstrated no violence or terrorism against either of these political parties, nor, in its being a traditionalist priority white-interest and culture dominant state demonstrating no public hostility toward the Ku Klux Klan, the KKK, or domestic Nazis, and as black Americans and Hispanics in the South do not have the MO of political arson nor targeting Nazis or the KKK for violence, unless, for the latter (in people-to-people confrontations), their venues or publicly common venues are trespassed upon and menaced by them, this was an evident act of political violence intended to frame by implication the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton as culpable for it and to politically sabotage their formidable candidacy campaigns for political office and induce, if Trump loses and need be, a violent or revolutionary civil rift between the people of the US, come vote and election day of 11-08-2016 and its afterward -- an act of political violence to divide Americans and pit politically partisan Americans against each other civilly and self destructively by anti-democracy and or extremist politically partisan sentiments internal to the US or those of its adversaries of abroad but with domestic adversarial operatives. In reference to crime investigation criteria of “means, method, motive, and message and meta-message” of a criminal act, the Democratic Party and its constituency had nothing to gain but everything to lose by the perpetration of this act of political violence and terrorism by one of its own, even a barely-able-to-think such lone actor – it would be and would have been politically grossly incompetent and self-destructive act for the Democratic Party, and by political extension, by and to any, any, any …, of its members. It is unlikely, but not inconceivable, that an unscrupulous clandestine GOP social wedge or rift operative would not know better than to spray paint a Nazi-slur and threat against a GOP office in North Carolina or any Southern state so as to, for political bad press and voter and polling damage against the Democratic Party and Democrats, frame-up and implicate the Democratic Party or an unlikely extremist partisan Democrat as the culprit. 

Likewise, it is unlikely, but not inconceivable, that even a barely-able-to-think such Republican would do such a thing, although wacko folks like Charles Manson, Timothy McVeigh-Terry Nichols and Dylann Roof have perpetrated terror-horrors intended by them to precipitate a revolution and/or race war in the US to overthrow the US government and might exploit Trump’s politically manipulative incendiary, persecution-victim rhetoric in trying for the same. Also, although KKK and Nazi, etc., are folks who have the modus operandi (MO) of committing political and criminal terrorist acts, the KKK generally does not attack white people nor the property of white people, especially socially insular and socially traditionalist, mainstream white people, nor in large measure do Nazi factions and other white separatist, nationalist and supremacist gangs, groups and organizations, except to acquire financial assets or in competition and feuds within and between their entities, but the temptation may be present within these to exploit Trump’s politically-socially divisive, implicitly hostile and potentially incitement-to-civil-violence rhetoric, to instigate mass-scale civil unrest and attempt destabilization of US domestic government and they might ideally make or have made for the recruiting of a hit-and-run terrorist, or more, operative/s for the arson attack on the GOP office in Hillsborough in NC. Because militant left-wing white radicals are culturally and historically not tolerated in the Southern states, the described act most improbably would have been perpetrated by such an activist individual. . 

That Donald Trump used a news conference later in the day of the office attack to accuse an unknown Democrat for the attack and that on 10-18-2016 each his vice-presidential running mate Mike Pence and he himself in individually separate press conferences attributed the attack to news media bias against their presidential and vice-presidential campaign bids thereby these political-office running mates showed a concerted, consensus effort to attempt to use this apparent act of political terror to control the virally politically damaging focus of the press (aka the news media) -- by publicly brow-beating and attributing fault and guilt to the news media (whereas the media has given him and his campaign circa $3,000,000,000.00 in free media, far more than any other candidate for political office and maybe all of the candidates combined for the 2016 US presidency) -- on the Donald Trump sex audio-video (AV) recording scandal and its fallout in the public surfacing of nine claimed sexual assault female victims, the count to date, of his whose claims support that he practiced the sexual assault behavior that he described of himself on the AV recording, a narrative on which follows the end of this commentary article. Their televised debates with their Democratic Party opponent conspicuously show that they each were adept, moreover expert, at changing the subject of the debate moderator questioning in the debates with self advertisements, self promotions and political talking points irrelevant to the questions, in order to escape or attempt to escape debate moderator questions that caused them discomfort. Trump’s of late amped-up frenetic campaign of alleging that the election is rigged against him, with outlandish, Hitlerian political-doctrine, big lies, is another damage-control tactic of changing the subject and shifting public and voter attention away from his politically crippling AV sexcapade-bragging scandal and failed political debate performances.*

From a strategic standpoint, if the arson-graffiti attack was an inside job, it most probably would have been sourced [out] from within Trump’s formal or informal campaign organization, with plausible deniability of it on the part of Trump and actual ignorance of it on the part of his more virtuous running mate Mike Pence, permitting them criminality shielding and to politically capitalize on the attack upon its occurrence by their fault-charging of the news media for the attack by its negative news coverage of the scandal and intimidating the news media into changing the subject on the Trump campaign away from the Donald Trump AV sexcapade-bragging scandal dogging and damaging the political competitiveness and viability of the Trump-for-president candidacy ticket, weeks away from election day of 11-08-2016.

The 10-28-2016 politically strategically timed and announced new investigation by the FBI director against Hillary Clinton changes, and undoubtedly was meant to change, and may have indeed changed, the main political subject in the news media killing the viability of Donald Trump's presidential candidacy recently, a sexual predatory sex scandal with Trump the serial predator, a subject that was immolating the Trump candidacy and, by political fallout and contagion, those of other candidates for political office of the Republican Party and splitting the Republican Party into disunity and disarray.  Of course this announcement was politically calculated and foremost aimed at sabotaging and derailing the front-runner presidential candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

This 10-28-2016 politically strategically timed and announced cloud-of-innuendo high-publicity new investigation of Hillary Clinton by FBI Director James Comey, acting on his own, independently of the US Department of Justice and top FBI officials, is no sane reason to vote for a "President Frankenstein monster," madman Donald Trump! 

An excerpt from the 10-25, 2016 issue of SF Chronicle reporting a news release from the Associated Press on a Donald Trump negative reaction to the freedom-of-the-press first amendment  of the US Constitution states:  "A day after suggesting the First Amendment to the Constitution may give the press too much freedom, he insisted that the media are promoting biased polls to discourage his supporters from voting."  I wonder why he feels this way?  Need I say see the above for the answer (the matter of the AV recording and claimed victim-witnesses affirming the behavioral reality of "Trump's bragging on it?

(Excerpt from ‘A Teacher’s Guide from the Holocaust:’ “On February 27, 1933, the Reichstag building went up in flames. ... In a parallel move from April to October, the regime passed civil laws that barred Jews from holding positions in the civil …”). 

I read that something politically incompetent like this happened during the Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia during the Jimmy Carter presidency, in which, by analyzing the characteristics of and tracing the evidence, an adversarial foreign government was easily found to be the ultimate culprit.* 

However, it is possible that this attack was an act of outraged political protest by a truly patriotic US citizen, dedicated to democracy and the US Constitution, of any race or ethnicity who may be a member of either major political party or one of the minor, alternative political parties, upset with the words of Vichy Regime mental Quisling US GOP Governor Paul LePage of the state of Maine reported recently in the news media in which he said, falsely, in effect that the crime situation in the US is dire (crime statistics fluctuate and depend substantially on voluntary local, and discretionary in type of crime (with criminal charges and prosecutions subject to district, state and federal attorney discretion), government compilation and reporting, explicitly that the US Constitution is broken [and not able to deal with it], that we need an authoritarian government in the US and that he supports and remains loyal to Der Fuhrer Donald Trump, also falsely claiming and exploiting humanly natural, inevitable crime, afflicting all races, ethnicities and societies worldwide, but greatly exacerbated and magnified with the prevalent availability and ownership powerful, high-capacity-magazine, rapid-fire guns and rifles in the US, where Trump and his adviser Il Duce Rudolph Guilani have called for federally unconstitutional arbitrary and blanket racial-profiling stop-and-frisk of black American citizens and the concentration of this in black American communities by police (against 4th amendment illegal detainment, searches and seizures, lacking “probable cause” and often requiring a search warrant; against the 8th amendment due-process right and protection right from cruel and unusual treatment, including extrajudicial killings by police, of each individual citizen; against the 14th amendment right of each citizen to equal treatment under and before the law, the law enforcement agencies and judicial system), although white people and non-black Americans control illegal prescription and non-prescription drug production, dissemination and sales (as well as dominate their abuse and illegal consumption), organized and ad-hoc institutional white-collar crime, business merchandise and inventory heist and black-market crime, wage theft, human trafficking of virtual sex slaves, including of young white females and boys, and household and agricultural laborer slaves, financial fraud operations, abusive elder-care and child-care operations, [militia] mercenary services, including murder for hire of individuals, assassination of anti imperial oligarchical capitalist, pro communitarian-humanitarian populist economics (including priority domestic-interest democratic capitalism) foreign leaders, the overthrow of like foreign governments and revamping them into Western-capitalist resource extraction and control client nation-states, and dominate illegal drug use, sex tourism, child-porn producers and consumers, child-porn sharing and pedophile sex rings and indulgence as individuals, kidnapping, serial murder and rape-murder, spouse and whole family murder and such murder-suicide, racial-targeted political violence and terrorism, massacre murder, animal poaching and poaching payers, brokers and merchants, animal species extinction, pollution of the air, water and land, illegal deforestation, illegal weapons dealing and sales, etc., etc., and always have -- but given the same social-economic environments, circumstances and means or reversed such environments, circumstances, influences and means, criminally and immorality disposed (often for survival, economic stability and prosperity via the avenues and means to these available to them) or susceptible people of different races and ethnicities will tend to misbehave equivalently and in the context of history have, They want to institute a legalized double-standard system of justice in the US in which black Americans are criminalized by virtue of their phenotype racial features and are collectively subject to criminal suspect treatment at all times, wherever they go or may be and whatever they may do, without legal remedy and recourse. Their false assertion is an invention for a rallying-cry campaign slogan and basis for a political plank to turn black American communities into neo-segregation concentration camps, in Hitlerian euphemism-speak trying to convince black Americans that this is for their own good, and that they should join Trump and his political camp with their (black American) political-suicide voting support; it is also to delight and garner the enthusiastic political support for this of large numbers of bigoted white people historically hateful of and supporting social and political disenfranchisement of black Americans, family entertainment lynching of black Americans and rogue, killer-cop brutality beatings and killings of unarmed and physically non-confrontational black Americans. act of political violence and terrorism by one of its own, even a barely-able-to-think such lone actor – it would be and would have been politically grossly incompetent and self-destructive act for the Democratic Party, and by political extension, by and to any, any, any …, of its members -- but given the same social-economic environments, circumstances and means or reversed such environments, circumstances and means, criminally and immorality disposed (often for survival, economic stability and prosperity via the avenues and means to these available to them) or susceptible people of different races and ethnicities will tend to misbehave equivalently and in the context of history have, They want to institute a legalized double-standard system of justice in the US in which black Americans are criminalized by virtue of their phenotype racial features and are collectively subject to criminal suspect treatment at all times, wherever they go or may be and whatever they may do, without legal remedy and recourse. Their false assertion is an invention for a rallying-cry campaign slogan and basis for a political plank to turn black American communities into neo-segregation concentration camps, in Hitlerian euphemism-speak trying to convince black Americans that this is for their own good, and that they should join Trump and his political camp with their (black American) political-suicide voting support; it is also to delight and garner the enthusiastic political support for this of large numbers of bigoted white people historically hateful of and supporting social and political disenfranchisement (once Jim Crow laws and official, yet enduring informal, comprehensive discrimination in all social-political-economic spheres of society against the bulk) of black Americans, family entertainment lynching of black Americans and rogue, killer-cop brutality beatings and killings of unarmed and physically non-confrontational black Americans. (One of my own grievances with the Trump for president campaign) 

Notes on the Scandalous Donald Trump Sexcapade-Bragging Audio-Video Recording

In a news broadcast on 10-12-2016 of a women's protest rally of the lurid sexism and misogyny of Donald Trump, a rape-victim protester of Donald Trump as a misogynistic obscene lecher for his 1995 audio-video recorded comments in which he bragged about being a women's crotch grabber and having tried but failed to seduce a celebrity married woman named Nancy, revealed to be TV celebrity host Nancy O'Dell, remarked that not only is he disqualified for occupying the office of US presidency for his misogyny and disrespect for women, but that he is furthermore disqualified because these comments and his serially disrespectful remarks about all manner of other Americans reflect that he as a person lacks the basic "diplomacy," or diplomatic, skill and skills essential for any political leader and head of government.

(A major reason for why Republican Mike Pence lost in the vice-presidential-candidates debate of 10-04-2016 to Democrat Tim Kaine and Donald Trump lost again in the second presidential-candidates debate of 10-09-2016, in the judgment of the viewer public as opposed to that of political, politicized media pundits, is because both Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton demonstrated themselves to be honest and honorable debaters in answering moderator and audience questions whereas both Pence and Trump came across in the debates as ducking or sidestepping questions and changing the subject [matter] under questioning, using their response time to deliver personalized political talking points and personal attacks, interrupting their opponent's rebuttals and talking over and drowning out their rebuttals until the response time for their opponent expired. That is, the latter engaged in flagrant, bullying, dishonorable cheating in the debates, demonstrating bad behavior and reflecting as well as evidencing abiding bad character and deficient integrity on their part, offending the moral sensibility of most viewers. Their ill-mannered and cheater debating tactics also offended most viewers’ standards and expectations of proper manners and fair play. 

Though Donald Trump improved his debate manner, as opposed to the substance his arguments, in his third and final debate with Hillary Clinton on 10-19-2019, his impulse to incivility -- in interrupting Hillary Clinton during one of her turns to speak and, in short, calling her "nasty" and in his refusal at the end of the debate to offer to accept the results of the presidential election -- broke loose and blighted, soured and completely sabotaged, in the majority public opinion and mind, the otherwise largely respectable manner of his debate performance.)

Sexual abuse, assault and rape victims view Donald Trump's audio-video recorded depictions of his sexcapades associated with and against women and girls as casting him as a sewer rat wallowing and stewing in a sewer bath and view his theatrical public denials of some women and girls claiming that he visually intruded on them in their dressing rooms or physically imposed on their bodies sexually with his hands, kisses and his tongue as revealing him to be a drama-queen, emphatic liar con-artist.

Donald Trump’s public shouting tirades against the stream of claimed victim-witnesses of his lecherous hanky-panky, testifying that he behaved toward them as he described of himself to have and bragged he had in his own voice and words in an AV recording, denouncing and slurring them (the victim-witnesses) as all being liars and threatening to sue them after election day, 11-08-2016, was meant to intimidate them into silence and flight from airing their news-media validated and energized grievances against him, in which his AV-bragging, self-confessed guilt gave publicly objective support to the credibility, or validity, of their professed sexual victimization grievances against him. His dismissive, bashing and lawsuit threat and intimidation tirades also were meant to curb the growing number of additional potential victim-witnesses from publicly speaking out and reporting their sexual victimization by him, feeding the onslaught of bad publicity against his character and presidential campaign as well as decreasing customer patronage of his businesses.  In all, they were meant to mute them and make them and the sexual predator issue go away permanently, by means of, in this situation, checkmated, untenable legal-bluff intimidation on his part given that an actual legal confrontation with him by a claimed victim-witness or a multiplicity of victim-witnesses, especially in a class action lawsuit against him, in which he and his army of money-sucking lawyers, sucking on his stash, he would easily lose, in light of the publicly broadcast sexual predation self-confessed guilt AV recording of him in his voice and words,  to the professed victim-witness/es of his sexual assaults (non-consensual groping, kissing and otherwise amorous or sexual handling of them, as well as intruding into the dressing rooms of and ogling especially undressed or substantially undressed underage teen girl models, as he confessed on the AV recording to former TV show host Billy Bush and they (the alleged victim-witnesses) allege in the news media happened to themselves.  All they would have to do, at a minimum, is circumstantially show that they were in a same setting or environment in a same time frame with him (Trump) in which the victimization/s could have occurred to be immune from libel, whereas the burden of proof would be on him to show conclusively, in light of the publicly broadcast incriminating AV recording, that they were not in a same setting or environment in a same timeframe in which he could have sexually transgressed against them as, they have described, and he would have to demonstrate conclusively that they were liars as to their charges against him (impossible for Trump and his attorneys if the same setting or environment and time frame criteria concerning the alleged victim-witnesses can reasonably be supported, or, especially, verified).  Not only could these claimed victims, publicly slurred as liars by Trump and threatened with a lawsuit for allegedly lying, counter sue him and easily prevail in court were he to file suit against any or all of them for libel, they can immediately sue him, do thus now, given the said legal context, in which he has given them civilly legal cause-of-action, libel against them, for his public liar slur of and threat of a lawsuit against them for their allegations of sexual transgression by him against them.  The count of victim-witnesses was chilled to and stopped at 14, as of Trump’s threats to sue victim-witnesses. By the way, radio and TV personality Howard Stern has reported that he has an AV recording of an interview he held on Donald Trump in which Trump again bragged about his sexcapades with women, but refuses to release it publicly because he views such a release to be a betrayal (source:  online entertainment culture site Forward, 10-18-2016).
Some question why the claimed victims are coming to news media and public attention with the public exposure and broadcasting of the audio-video (AV) recording in which Trump brags of his transgressive sexcapades. The answer, friends, is that the AV is braggadocio-volunteered testimonial evidence on the part of a self-reported perpetrator supporting their long-harbored grievances and grudge against him for his hands-on, ogling and remarks of sexual harassment and trespass on them and their bodies when they were young women and girls. "Hell hath no fury like a woman's (or girl's) scorn."

To repeat, an excerpt from the 10-25, 2016 issue of SF Chronicle reporting a news release from the Associated Press on a Donald Trump negative reaction to the freedom-of-the-press first amendment of the US Constitution states: "A day after suggesting the First Amendment to the Constitution may give the press too much freedom, he insisted that the media are promoting biased polls to discourage his supporters from voting."  I wonder why he feels this way? Need I say see the above for the answer? .

Indicatively his non-disclosure contracts with employees and associates are no-tell, gag, lawsuit-contingent contracts with some of the women, as he had with his TV show The Apprentice employers and executives who witnessed him spewing the word "nigger" and can only say anonymously and off the record that they witnessed this coarse speech uttered by him. However, those non-disclosure agreements or gag contracts may have a fatal flaw invalidating them in conflict with the elements of a legal, enforceable contract, or deal transaction, inclusive of an agreement, which is synonymous with the these. The elements of a legal, enforceable contract, or deal transaction, or agreement, are that 

There must be an offer of a legal product or service

in exchange for legally adequate consideration (value)

the offer must be freely and willfully accepted, without external threat or duress,in most cases it must be in commonly understandable writing and agreed to in writing (by written signatures, in many cases witnessed by an impartial or honest third party),
the contract be between persons of legal age and competence (including apparent intoxicant-free state of mind, free of duress and free of deceit by another, and able to understand the language of the contract) 

both principal parties of the contract must execute or perform on the contract, with regard to an agreed upon exchange of the accepted offered product or service, in whole, part and parts, or increments, as agreed in the terms of the contract, in which the agreed upon product and/or service is both provided and received with timely due consideration or value rendered for the received product and/or service.

The product, in the case of a fashion model or entertainer or entertainment producer or executive, may be a job or money, and the consideration or value due and rendered from the recipient may be a promise or promised conduct or behaviors that does or do not conflict with the law or the recipient’s credible social morality or religious morality and conscience, such as sworn secrecy or confidentiality in keeping copyright, patent, trademark, innovation, marketing-related, financial/investment, trade or company secrets and privacy the recipient may become privy to in the employment or service of the employer or employing contractor, etc. 

The problem with these no-tell contracts is that if they contain an ostensibly immoral condition, courts may invalidate them as civilly illegal or unlawful, with respect to contracts and contract law, as opposed to invalidate them and criminally sanction them as criminally illegal, wherein the immoral act or acts, whether specified or unspecified, of the contracts may not be illegal in itself or themselves. It is doubtful that a contract or deal permitting liability immunity to a perpetrator for a future, subsequent (to the contract or deal) prima-facie immoral act or acts, that in itself is or in themselves are not illegal (that is to say, is or are not a crime such as a criminal infraction, misdemeanor or felony), is a civil-law binding contract or deal. Definitely such a contract or deal involving and allowing for a criminal act or acts against an individual (crime against a victimizable individual by the non-legal consent of that individual) or requiring silence or nondisclosure of a criminal act or acts by a perpetrator, or would-be or could-be perpetrator, is legally invalid and automatically null and void before the institutions of US law, although a contract awarding adequate compensation to a crime or civil-injury victim that is acceptable to and accepted by the victim to settle legally his or her victimization in a legal process, such as in binding arbitration or a pre-trial court settlement, etc., is binding in many cases, not involving intentional or reckless, etc., murder and/or mayhem, unless the process is legally flawed. 

Since uninvited or unwelcomed kissing and non-consensual grabbing of the crotches of women by Donald Trump, as he describes he did on audio-video recording of his dialog with Billy Bush, is criminal sexual assault in many states in the US and the latter is with certainty both universally in human society blatantly socially immoral and a violation of religious morality and conscience, victims and witnesses of it most probably cannot be legally bound to non-disclosure agreements, contracts or deals concerning it and such agreements, contracts or deals are most probably legally invalid and moot upon inception.

In states where such interpersonally sexually transgressive behavior is by statute, law, criminal, such agreements, contracts and deals are illegal and legally worthless, other than that they are potential valuable admissible, prosecutable criminal evidence against the perpetrator of the sexual assault, Donald Trump. In either case, if there is no statute of limitation on or yet expired statute of limitations for prosecution of the sexual transgression, victims can file lawsuits for monetary reparations. Where there is a statute of limitations for prosecution or a lawsuit that has expired, victims can petition the courts to determine whether the invalid or illegal non-disclosure agreements, contracts or deals can be treated as bluff or fraudulent agreements, contracts or deals that illegally misinformationally foreclosed on and denied victims’ exercise of their right to avail themselves of legal action against Trump within the statute of limitations for Trump’s sexual transgressions against them.

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