Sunday, September 25, 2016

Analytically Objective Professor of Multidisciplinary Studies, Harvard University educated, Proposes that Jihad Terrorist Killings and Police-Related Killings in US Have Helped Trump in the Presidential Election Polls and Could Elect Him President If They Continue in Nearness to Election Day, 11-08-2016

In an hour-long radio broadcast of Saturday, 09-24-2016, from 4 to 5 a.m., I listened to an NPR World Affairs Council broadcast of a speech by and interview of a multidisciplinary-studies Harvard University-educated professor discussing the presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  His judgment was that Trump and his candidacy team have gained substantial voter support from exploiting the terrorist bombings and police shootings, in which police have been the gun-shooting victims, over the course of the 2016 presidential campaign.  He cautioned that the continuation of these, especially of an attack with major casualties in number and extent of harm done, under the rhetorical exploitation and xenophobe and law-and-order fear-mongering of these by Trump and his campaign management team, could win Trump enough voter support to elect him the next president of the US, especially if one or multiple of these tragedies occur/s near election day, 11-08-2016.  He had the courage to say publicly and forthrightly what millions of people have been thinking to themselves and maybe some have been saying privately to their political soul mates:  It strongly appears as though there are some political-provocateur killer cops misusing their police uniform, badge, authority and gun to inflame the black American public and incite, as lone-wolf, covert free-lancer, political violence ideologue-activists/instigators and fantasy or wishful political powerbrokers or kingmakers by their actions, social-racial political outrage and disturbances, resulting in riots and grievance-based, blind retaliatory violence by some sympathizers of the black citizen victims of questionable-basis or unnecessary police shootings or killings, that will gravely politically divide the American public (between unconditional supporters and believers in the above-reproach, unquestionable, absolute fairness, reputability and integrity of largely white and white-rule-culture controlled law enforcement, in which black people are viewed as naturally the problem and virtually or essentially always at fault for and deserving of their injuries and deaths at the hands and by the gun-shooting deaths of them by law enforcement versus those who observe law enforcement as practicing unconstitutional, double-standard, apartheid-system policing against black Americans and black-American communities, socially different populations with an overall different relationship and experience with and perception of law enforcement),  a division that the political demagogues Donald Trump and team can and do politically spin rhetorically, exploit and capitalize on, with a tried-and-proven-effective Nixonian law-and-order political rallying cry and campaign plank, for bolstering Trump’s political competitiveness and sought advantage.  Outraged black communities bearing witness to the unjustified and unnecessary killings of unarmed and non-confrontational black victims, typically incidentally stopped or detained by some police, tend to respond to these killings with demands for public transparency and accountability of police departments (PDs) by and with the public showing of the video-cam recordings of the killings by police, via the news media, with protest vigils demanding these, sometimes with PD disclosures and sometimes with PD obfuscation and administrative excuses and obstruction against public disclosure and accountability to the aggrieved community and general citizenry, in anti-democracy, government-unaccountability, authoritarian police-state fashion.  Predictably, the latter often results in rioting, gun fire and retaliatory violence in association with intended, and otherwise, generally, peaceful protests as well as sometimes in injury to and killings of innocent police having nothing to do with the killer-cop shootings or killings, by retaliatory indiscriminately embittered individuals categorically and immaturely viewing all police as the wrongdoer/s, as being the killer-cop/s in the murder-by-cop incident, most often with impunity for the killer cop/s.  By their protecting the police jobs of killer cops of unarmed individuals, or non-confrontational individuals in possession of a passive weapon, police departments and police unions are hurting themselves socially-politically over the long term and exposing their officer staff to attack by retaliatorily indiscriminate and immature minded, embittered individuals intent on categorical retaliation, at all costs, to the negative PR-cost of the black community included,  just as Jihadist religious martyrs incur, uncaringly, a bad-PR cost to their faith community/ies of overwhelmingly peaceful people -- PR is an acronym abbreviation for “public relations.”  Police, when they legitimately feel endangered by such people, can tase them into incapacity and to physically restrain them, or at most, to do this, and when absolutely necessary, wound them by gun shot in the leg or legs and/or buttocks, and/or an arm or the arms, and then subdue and physically restrain them.  Police are forbidden by US Constitutional law, by the 4th amendment of the US constitution, from arbitrary detentions, including killing, and searches of persons, and searches and confiscation of their premises, property, papers and personal effects and from practicing double-standard, apartheid-system policing by the 14th amendment, US Constitutional laws, along with the 8th amendment right to protection of persons, including law-enforce detainees, suspects and convicts, from cruel and unusual punishment (in which death of an unarmed person or one not posing an explicitly clear and imminent danger to life and major property exacted by police without a trial and judicial-system adjudicated death sentence of such a person is denial of the right of due process under the law and cruel and unusual, as well as grossly inappropriate and illegal, extrajudicial, irreparably lethal punishment by law-enforcement personnel), that are very often ignored by the criminal justice and judicial systems, at all levels of government as regards black Americans subjected to these systems.  Arbitrary detentions and searches by government -- police, military, etc. -- are detentions and searches not based on probable cause, being cause based on objective evidence, that a crime was committed or is under way, is about to occur or is being prepared or planned [or], normally, unless involving a specific and imminent life or major property danger, requires a court issued protective custody detention or arrest or search warrant.

Similarly, some terrorist martyrs may be wishful, or unwitting-pawn, political powerbrokers or kingmakers, zealot, Jihadist patriarchal males and such chattel-minded females, foreboding and intolerant of female-governance preeminence.  Such folks can also be influenced by key spiritual or doctrinal mentoring intimates, associates and/or leaders, undercover operatives and/or agents of influence nurturing and instructing belief in the unacceptability of female authority at the helm of governance, governance over men and society overall, such as could occur with the election of Hillary Clinton as president of the USA, in which position she would be the preeminent world leader, presiding in influence and economic, political and military policy and decision-making authority over wealthy patriarchal nations dependent on and crucially engaged with the US.  They may also inspire religious-basis terrorist acts by Jihadist martyrdom suckers, dupes or  mentally deranged and/or incompetent persons -- influence that really is for political impact and electioneering.  Moreover, individuals may be subconsciously propelled to so act for the same sentiment internal to themselves but with a conscious different reason that is deceptively, or semi-deceptively, a Jihadist religious excuse.  That is to say they can foresee and know, from their observation and memory of the news-media fallout of the acts of previous Jihadist terrorists, the social-political consequence of their terrorist act before they perpetrate it and that they can possibly vote with their terrorist act and sway other votes with their terrorist act to put Donald Trump into office as president and keep Hillary Clinton out of office as US president, to the satisfaction of their patriarchal chauvinism and that of ISIS, al-Qaeda, et. al., Iran, the Arabian Gulf nations, the Wahhabis, the Salafists, etc.  The Taliban, ISIS, al-Qaeda, etc., militarily are neither cowed by Donald Trump, regardless of his tough-talk, nor Hillary Clinton, but would prefer losing militarily to a Mr. President Trump regime than to a Madam President Clinton regime, either of which they believe they can resist indefinitely in guerilla conventional-weapons war, wear down in life and material losses and bankrupt, and socially-politically facture, their nation, the USA, via conventional-weapons war, like they did the Soviet Union/Russia and all before them, in their previous identity incarnations.  The leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has long ago been reported to have said that it is his intention, by his and ISIS’s encouragement of Jihad terrorist acts by Muslim residents in Western nations, with very few recruit-respondents in comparison the size of the populations of Muslims in the US and other Western nations, to draw Western nations into domestic and external, worldwide hostility and war against Islam itself and its 2.08 billion Muslims (source: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2014 calculation).  Such generalized hostility and war would disengage Muslim-nation friends and allies of Western nations from partnership war against militant Islam, including ISIS, and unite world Islam in a war, at all levels (guerrilla-military, economic and diplomatic, with new allies, such as Pakistan, China, Russia, North Korea, etc.), of survival against Western nations turned comprehensively against, respectively, Islam and Muslims, itself and themselves.  In this scenario, with the loss of Islamic-nations in the Middle East friendly to and working in partnership with Western nations to defeat militant, rogue Islamic combatant organizations attempting by war to conquer and rule the Middle East under a clergy-governed Islamic caliphate nation-state, similar to Iran, there would be no possibility of defeat of militant, rogue, Jihadist Islam via guerrilla conventional-weapons war on their part.  A Trump presidency, as is his suggested intent, might temporarily, for his term of office, restore some of the lost profitability of fossil fuels, which, in addition to enriching the US, Arabian Gulf nation-states, Iranian and Russian fossil fuels industries, to the aggravation of the world’s anthropogenic climate-change predicament, would also likely enrich ISIS and  caliphatist Islamic militia rogues of Libya and other such forces in the Middle East and North Africa, controlling or attempting to control oil fields and production facilities, as well as other valuable resources like the internationally trespassed-upon fish and sea-food rich coastal waters of Somalia and gold pits and terrains of Mali, and fattening their warfare, terrorist and conquest funding treasuries.  A Trump presidential administration could do this by reward-and-punishment (carrot-and-stick) inducement of domestic and foreign trading-partner companies,  particularly manufacturers of motor vehicles as well as power-plant companies distributing gas and electricity, to stick with and increase the price-advantaged availability of motor vehicles using fossil fuels and power plants using coal, oil and fracked and non-fracked natural gas (geo-sourced methane gas) to generate electricity, while administratively, legally and legislatively doing everything possible to undermine the alternative energy industry and its clean and renewable fuel-energy products.    

President Obama, in his gift of high prudence, opted for a minimally necessary US military presence in the Middle East because it is militarily and economically a sprawling, bottomless pit of quicksand.   

(Incidentally, news media the week of 10-06-2016 reported that Trump does have investments in the fossil-fuels industry, having found so far, investments in Phillips 666 Oil Inc. and in the company, Energy Transfer Partners, attempting to construct an oil pipeline, Dakota Access Pipeline, across Native American land, also Native American sacred land, Spirit Camp, in North Dakota, whose construction had been stalled by Native American political protests and legal actions but has been legally cleared and resumed by judicial ruling of a federal  appeals court.  The news reported that Phillips 66 Oil Company is slated to own 25% of the pipeline (supplemental source:  Democracy Now online news, 10-06-2016).) 

In a news broadcast on 10-12-2016 of a women's protest rally of the lurid sexism and misogyny of Donald Trump, a rape-victim protester of Donald Trump as a misogynistic obscene lecher for his 1995 audio-video recorded comments in which he bragged about being a women's crotch grabber and having tried but failed to seduce a celebrity married woman named Nancy, revealed to be TV celebrity host Nancy O'Dell, remarked that not only is he disqualified for occupying the office of US presidency for his misogyny and disrespect for women, but that he is furthermore disqualified because these comments and his serially disrespectful remarks about all manner of other Americans reflect that he as a person lacks the basic "diplomacy," or diplomatic, skill and skills essential for any political leader and head of government.

(A major reason for why Republican Mike Pence lost in the vice-presidential-candidates debate of 10-04-2016 to Democrat Tim Kaine and Donald Trump lost again in the second presidential-candidates debate of 10-09-2016, in the judgment of the viewer public as opposed to that of political, politicized media pundits, is because both Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton demonstrated themselves to be honest and honorable debaters in answering moderator and audience questions whereas both Pense and Trump came across in the debates as ducking or sidestepping questions and changing the subject [matter] under questioning, using their response time to deliver personalized political talking points and personal attacks, interrupting their opponent's rebuttals and talking over and drowning out their rebuttals until the response time for their opponent expired. That is, the latter engaged in flagrant, bullying, dishonorable cheating in the debates, demonstrating bad behavior and reflecting as well as evidencing abiding bad character and deficient integrity on their part, offending the moral sensibility of most viewers.  Their ill-mannered and cheater debating tactics also offended most viewers’ standards and expectations of proper manners and fair play. 

Though Donald Trump improved his debate manner, as opposed to the substance his arguments, in his third and final debate with Hillary Clinton on 10-19-2019, his impulse to incivility -- in interrupting Hillary Clinton during one of her turns to speak and, in short, calling her "nasty" and in his refusal at the end of the debate to offer to accept the results of the presidential election -- broke loose and blighted, soured and completely sabotaged, in the majority public opinion and mind, the otherwise largely respectable manner of his debate performance.)

Sexual abuse, assault and rape victims view Donald Trump's audio-video recorded depictions of his sexcapades associated with and against women and girls as casting him as a sewer rat wallowing and stewing in a sewer bath and view his theatrical public denials of some women and girls claiming that he visually intruded on them in their dressing rooms or physically imposed on their bodies sexually with his hands, kisses and his tongue as revealing him to be a drama-queen, emphatic liar con-artist. 

Donald Trump’s public shouting tirades against the stream of claimed victim-witnesses of his lecherous hanky-panky, testifying that he behaved toward them as he described of himself to have and bragged he had in his own voice and words in an AV recording, denouncing and slurring them (the victim-witnesses) as all being liars and threatening to sue them after election day, 11-08-2016, was meant to intimidate them into silence and flight from airing their news-media validated and energized grievances against him, in which his AV-bragging, self-confessed guilt gave publicly objective support to the credibility, or validity, of their professed sexual victimization grievances against him. His dismissive, bashing and lawsuit threat and intimidation tirades also were meant to curb the growing number of additional potential victim-witnesses from publicly speaking out and reporting their sexual victimization by him, feeding the onslaught of bad publicity against his character and presidential campaign as well as decreasing customer patronage of his businesses.  In all, they were meant to mute them and make them and the sexual predator issue go away permanently, by means of, in this situation, checkmated, untenable legal-bluff intimidation on his part given that an actual legal confrontation with him by a claimed victim-witness or a multiplicity of victim-witnesses, especially in a class action lawsuit against him, in which he and his army of money-sucking lawyers, sucking on his stash, he would easily lose, in light of the publicly broadcast sexual predation self-confessed guilt AV recording of him in his voice and words,  to the professed victim-witness/es of his sexual assaults (non-consensual groping, kissing and otherwise amorous or sexual handling of them, as well as intruding into the dressing rooms of and ogling especially undressed or substantially undressed underage teen girl models, as he confessed on the AV recording to former TV show host Billy Bush and they (the alleged victim-witnesses) allege in the news media happened to themselves.  All they would have to do, at a minimum, is circumstantially show that they were in a same setting or environment in a same time frame with him (Trump) in which the victimization/s could have occurred to be immune from libel, whereas the burden of proof would be on him to show conclusively, in light of the publicly broadcast incriminating AV recording, that they were not in a same setting or environment in a same timeframe in which he could have sexually transgressed against them as, they have described, and he would have to demonstrate conclusively that they were liars as to their charges against him (impossible for Trump and his attorneys if the same setting or environment and time frame criteria concerning the alleged victim-witnesses can reasonably be supported, or, especially, verified).  Not only could these claimed victims, publicly slurred as liars by Trump and threatened with a lawsuit for allegedly lying, counter sue him and easily prevail in court were he to file suit against any or all of them for libel, they can immediately sue him, do thus now, given the said legal context, in which he has given them civilly legal cause-of-action, libel against them, for his public liar slur of and threat of a lawsuit against them for their allegations of sexual transgression by him against them.  The count of victim-witnesses was chilled to and stopped at 14, as of Trump’s threats to sue victim-witnesses.  By the way, radio and TV personality Howard Stern has reported that he has an AV recording of an interview he held on Donald Trump in which Trump again bragged about his sexcapades with women, but refuses to release it publicly because he views such a release to be a betrayal (source:  online entertainment culture site Forward, 10-18-2016.  By the way, radio and TV personality Howard Stern has reported that he has an AV recording of an interview he held on Donald Trump in which Trump again bragged about his sexcapades with women, but refuses to release it publicly because he views such a release to be a betrayal (source:  online entertainment culture site Forward, 10-18-2016).

Some question why the claimed victims are coming to news media and public attention with the public exposure and broadcasting of the audio-video (AV) recording in which Trump brags of his transgressive sexcapades. The answer, friends, is that the AV is evidence supporting their long-harbored grievances and grudge against him for his hands-on, ogling and remarks of sexual harassment and trespass on them and their bodies when they were young women and girls. "Hell hath no fury like a woman's (or girl's) scorn."

The 10-28-2016 politically strategically timed and announced new investigation by the FBI director against Hillary Clinton changes, and undoubtedly was meant to change, and may have indeed changed, the main political subject in the news media killing the viability of Donald Trump's presidential candidacy recently, a sexual predatory sex scandal with Trump the serial predator, a subject that was immolating the Trump candidacy and, by political fallout and contagion, those of other candidates for political office of the Republican Party and splitting the Republican Party into disunity and disarray.  Of course it was aimed at sabotaging and derailing the front-runner presidential candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
This 10-28-2016 politically strategically timed and announced cloud-of-innuendo high-publicity new investigation of Hillary Clinton by FBI Director James Comey, acting on his own, independently of the US Department of Justice and top FBI officials, is no sane reason to vote for a "President Frankenstein monster," madman Donald Trump!

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