Sunday, July 21, 2024

Challenge to GOP Vice-Presidential Nominee J.D. Vance in the 2024 Presidential Election


Challenge to J.D. Vance:

Identify by name the Democratic Party leader or leaders in elected government office or in the official national, state or local offices or chapters of the Democratic Party who said that Donald Trump must be stopped at any, or all, cost. 

1. (See click-on hyperlink news references of accusation by GOP US Senator J.D. Vance, OH, against the Democratic Party and POTUS Joe Biden:   VPfrontrunner JD Vance points finger at Biden for apparent assassination attemptat Trump rally | The Independent Potential Trump VP JD Vance accuses Biden admin of inciting violence | Fox News 

2. (News articles of J.D. Vance saying he would unconstitutionally do what V.P. Pence, Donald Trump's VP, refused to do in unconstitutionally overturning the 2020 US presidential election Electoral College vote win of Joe Biden as new US president, effective on inauguration day of 01-20-2021:  JD Vance questioned the 2020 election, disagreed with Mike Pence ( J.D.Vance Says He Would Accept the Election Results, With a Caveat - The New YorkTimes ( ,  PolitiFact| Fact-checking Kamala Harris’ claim that J.D. Vance said he would haveoverturned the 2020 election , PolitiFact | Trump’s baseless claim about 2020 election fraud and suspending the Constitution  

3. (News articles of Donald Trump proposing termination of US Constitution:  Trumpcalls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth Social post | CNNPolitics , Trump’sCall for ‘Termination’ of Constitution Draws Rebukes - The New York Times( , Top Republicans stay silent on Trump’s call to terminate the Constitution ( 

4.  (Identity and social profile of gunman who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump:  Thomas Matthew Crooks: What we know about Donald Trump's attacker ( Trump rallyshooter identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20-year-old Pennsylvania man.Here's what we know so far. - CBS News , What we know about the Trump rally shooter ( What we know about the Trump rally shooter ( , Whowas Thomas Matthew Crooks, the Trump shooter? : NPR .) 

5.  (News articles of Donald Trump proposing that he might use federal law-enforcement agencies to prosecute and/or imprison his opponents, or enemies as he views them, as well as reconstitute the US Civil Service by firing thousands of merit-system employees, hired on merit criteria and qualifications, consideration free of political and religious, etc., affiliation, and substantially hiring Trump and GOP loyalists to replace them (the long outlawed spoils system): Trump again suggests he would try to prosecute his political opponents if reelected | CNN Politics  'It's very possible': Trump floats imprisoning his political opponents ( , Trump wants to fire thousands of government workers. Liberals are preparing to fight back if he wins | AP News  Trump, who told supporters 'I am your retribution,' now says, 'I'm being indicted for you' - ABC News ( After his historic guilty verdict, Trump is focused on revenge ( , After his historic guilty verdict, Trump is focused on revenge ( )  

Non-fraud lying, without a material-loss victim, and lying that is not committed under statutory perjury law with respect to under-oath Congressional, law-enforcement- or judiciary-related testimony are largely not illegal and that is why Trump, the Southern-strategy reformed GOP, with a neo-Confederacy and neo-Nazi constituency faction, and you engage in and rely on it. The purpose of lying is to deceive, dupe and mislead as well as hide, cloud or obscure the truth. 

It is true that Democrat, traditionalist Republican and moderate and liberal independent voters up and down the electorate line have justifiably referred to Donald Trump, and now you J.D. Vance, in view of your recent political history as reported in the cited news above and more as fascistic or believers in autocracy, in the sense of expressing the desire or inclination for yourselves, as candidates for election as US president and vice president in the US presidential election day of November5, 2024, for an anti-US Constitutional authoritarian and dictatorship form of government and that both of you, based on your reported and videoed statements in the news, pose a danger to the USA Of, By and For the People Federal Constitutional Unalienable Democratic Bill of Right Republic form of government.  You now want to shut down that rightful criticism and charge against and earned by Donald Trump and you because it is a threat to the electability of both of you, your US presidential-vice presidential election candidacy ticket, in the upcoming US presidential general election at a time when you can no longer just appeal to your Southern-strategy reformed, Trump-for-dictator personality-cult Republican Party but must appeal to the general electorate and win over substantial votes from it in order to win the 2024 US presidential election.  Donald Trump is even trying to shift his political persona to one of a democratic identity in saying in the news that he took a bullet for democracy.  The criticism and earned charge, with continued and abundant corroboration, will continue permanently.

However, liars can be sued for money compensation for defamation or slander when they knowingly or recklessly publicly make false claims of [serious] misconduct or culpable character against persons or operational entities (bona-fide businesses, organizations, institutions, etc.).

Indeed, Democrats and traditionalist Republicans have sincerely said and continue to say that Trump is unfit in character to hold the national highest leadership government office in the USA of US president and is a danger to democracy in the USA and world, because he as US president in the months of November and December of 2020 and until January 6, 2021, the official Electoral College vote certification day of the 2020 US presidential election by the US Congress, following his failed bid for reelection on US presidential election day of November 3, 2020 against Democrat, former USA V.P. Joe Biden, together with members of his presidential administration, elected officeholders of his political party the GOP in the US Congress and in state governments, as well as private attorneys, attempted to USA unconstitutionally, via USA unconstitutional, USA Congressionally-unlegislated, fabricated extra-legal, sham and scam procedural schemes and insurrectionist terrorist mob incitement against the US Congressional chambers and his own GOP V.P. Pence, to retain the USA presidency for him/self, Trump, despite a fair and free 2020 US presidential election that  rejected power-intoxicated and addicted wannabe dictator Donald Trump. His appointed US attorney general, a Republican, investigative assistant or district US attorneys general, Republicans, DHS chief of federal elections oversight, a Republican, and federal court judges, Republicans and Democrats, all determined that the 2020 USA presidential election was virtually without fault, in having typically very few and insignificant in number instances of voter fraud and vote handling misconduct. Nevertheless, to the present time, Trump and his loyalists campaign falsely on the claim that the 2020 presidential election win of Biden was rigged against and stolen from him, Trump. Trump has also spoken publicly of suspending the USA Constitution, our every-citizen, egalitarian, democratic-rights Bill of Rights supreme law of the USA the USA Constitution and of wanting to be dictator of the USA for a day and to the effect of weaponizing law-enforcement agencies of the federal Civil Service against his enemies, apparently criminal and civil prosecutors, exposers, critics and bad-news and -PR journalists and press of his crime-grime-and-slime misdeeds. And Trump, whose gun-fire attacker on Saturday, July 13, 2024, was a registered member of the Republican Party, the Trump-led Republican Party, has publicly repeatedly suggestively threatened and encouraged violence against individuals, like saying former chairman of the USA armed forces’ Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley should be executed for treason, and like saying to the effect that there could be en masse political violence in reaction to his criminal trials as well as a loss by him in the 2024 USA presidential election (pending news verification, which is crowded out with news on the mentioned gun-fire attack on him, except for this one damning news item, ).

There is an abyss more to upload to public memory about the long trail of grotesque misdeeds and bad character of Donald Trump and his presidency, and its afterward chapter, which I will leave to others to do as I have little tolerance for and patience to even think about him and the yucky mess that he is.

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