Sunday, October 31, 2021

Why Conscience Hectoring of Space-Faring Billionaires Is Misplaced and a Waste of Effort

Why Conscience Hectoring of Space-Faring Billionaires Is Misplaced and a Waste of Effort

Given that Evidently Most of the Rich and Powerful People of Our Planet Will Not Donate or Devote All or Most of Their Discretionary or Disposable Money or Wealth to Remedy Humanity’s Social, Economic and Environmental Problems, the Same Goes for the Middle and Under Classes, and Anthropogenically Caused Global Crisis Climate Change Threatening Earth’s Habitability and Causing the Rapid Extinction of Other Species, then Realistically, Leading Environmentalist Space-faring Billionaires Can’t Be Expected to Do So Either, Yet They Have an In-Process Environmentalist Plan B Alternative of Their Own and to Their Own Preference for Tackling These Problems Their Own Way with Their Own Money

It is so much easier for a company owned and run by a small set of utopian, visionary entrepreneur engineers or scientists, and staffed and operated by scientists, engineers, mathematicians and sci-tech technicians to venture into interplanetary and cis-planetary outer space for benign human habitability development and settlement of them with peaceful and civil humans with conscience than to solely or primarily politically and financially struggle against the manifold competing, squabbling and tenacious financial, economic (industrial, business and labor, political), national, religious and racialist forces, overwhelmingly more powerful than them on Earth (indirectly and directly controlling the top-to-bottom large majority of government leaders everywhere, and thereby the militaries and police everywhere too, by their money, social networking, doctrinal, lobbyist, political and mass-media-communications influence) that put their self-interest and self-benefit, in the here and now, first, before everything and everybody else, including the habitability for life on Earth. They are trying to save the planet and the human species as well as other species by establishing their vision of a salvation world or salvation worlds, and maybe save habitable Earth itself, off of planet Earth, including by encouraging and making it attractive for environmentally harmful businesses and resource-extraction industries to relocate their operations off of Earth to the moon, Mars and its moons, the dwarf planet Ceres of the Mars-to-Jupiter asteroid belt and the approximately 800,000 asteroids of this asteroid belt and to rid the Earth of them permanently. Theirs is a credible and feasible solution to them and preferable and more pragmatic to them than the idea of their critics that they should spend their money solely on rehabilitating the Earth.

They choose to spend their own money as prudently workable, according to their own minds, on both domains, interplanetary and cis-interplanetary outer space and the Earth, at the same time. Their undertaking is also a hedge measure, an in-process plan B, for preserving a constructive and positive population fragment of our species and some other plant and small-fauna species on other worlds, maybe even copy and original collections of human civilization’s library and museum treasures, in the high-chance unfortunate event that the cast of characters governing and dominating or controlling humanity and Earth’s resources fail to save the Earth’s anthropogenically, industrially, commercially and unchecked human overpopulation, imperiled habitability and dwindling current regime of biodiverse species.

Were these space-faring billionaires to heed their critics and forego their interplanetary vision and projects and spend all of their money and time on attempting [futilely] to remedy the human-caused and maintained problems of world humanity and planet Earth, like the majority of the population and electorate of the USA, they would probably ridicule and denounce the USA for being shortsighted and incompetent in being non-competitive with PRC China, India, the EU and UAE in their interplanetary outer-space settlement and development and leaving these to their then established and thriving such interplanetary space programs on and in Earth's moon, Mars and its moons, the asteroid-belt dwarf planet Ceres and the many asteroids of the asteroid belt.

By the way, how does one spend one’s disposable money and time to stop the human forces that are the sources of these existential problems for the habitability of Earth and its species, including the human species (like environmental and atmospheric polluting fossil-fuels production companies, their user technology companies and the latters’ products and retail seller and mass-consumer customers, unchecked human overpopulation and overharvesting and resource and food over-extraction of Earth’s lands, forests, water bodies, and the continuous displacement of wildlife habitats and decimation and extinction of wild species for new human settlements, recreation and hunting, agriculture and industrial and commercial development and exploitation, nuclear power plant disasters' long-term radioactive contamination and poisoning of the environment (marine, terrestrial, atmospheric and biological), likewise radioactive fallout contamination and poisoning from nuclear tests, and war, international and insurgent power and land grabbing, crime and political-economic corruption overridden nations, and mass refugee migrations resulting from them, etc.)? By spending them on protest activism and politicians?

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