Thursday, June 2, 2016

Donald Trump Plugging for Fossil Fuels and Denying Their Cause in Adverse Climate Change

The Relevance of Donald Trump’s Campaign for the US Presidency Turning to Touting Fossil Fuels & Dismissing of Them and Their Mass Use as Driving Globally Adverse Climate Change

Donald Trump, Glib, Spin and Ad-Hominem Con-jobber -- In his having lost the first Democratic vs Republican Party presidential nominees debate of Clinton versus Trump, held on 9-26-2016, in a scientific poll of viewers of the debate finding that 69% of the viewers judged Hillary Clinton to have won  versus 29% of the viewers who judged Donald Trump to have won it, Trump and his campaign team in its aftermath have reverted to Trump's old winning formula in the internal Republican Party primary elections campaign:  "If you cannot compete and win in debating on matters and issues of political and economic substance by mean of reasoning and command of facts, attack the opponent's personal life, family, physical and style characteristic, etc., irrelevant to the qualifications for the job under competition, using gossip, rumor, ridicule, jokes, lies, sexual and fidelity smear, etc."  Losing on debating smarts performance, Trump, and team, in desperation against the ropes, reverts to his old self, making personal attacks, punching below the belt, as his best and perhaps only, yet hopeless, strategy as she doesn't have that vulnerable, susceptible appendage there, hope against Madam President Hillary Rodham Clinton!  

A major reason for why Republican Mike Pence lost in the vice-presidential-candidates debate of 10-04-2016 to Democrat Tim Kaine and Donald Trump lost again in the second presidential-candidates debate of 10-09-2016, in the judgment of the viewer public as opposed to that of political, politicized media pundits, is because both Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton demonstrated themselves to be honest and honorable debaters in answering moderator and audience questions whereas both Pence and Trump came across in the debates as ducking or sidestepping questions and changing the subject [matter] under questioning, using their response time to deliver personalized political talking points and personal attacks, interrupting their opponent's rebuttals and talking over and drowning out their rebuttals until the response time for their opponent expired. That is, the latter engaged in flagrant, bullying, dishonorable cheating in the debates, demonstrating bad behavior and reflecting as well as evidencing abiding bad character and deficient integrity on their part, offending the moral sensibility of most viewers.  Their ill-mannered and cheater debating tactics also offended most viewers’ standards and expectations of proper manners and fair play.

Though Donald Trump improved his debate manner, as opposed to the substance his arguments, in his third and final debate with Hillary Clinton on 10-19-2019, his impulse to incivility -- in interrupting Hillary Clinton during one of her turns to speak and, in short, calling her "nasty" and in his refusal at the end of the debate to offer to accept the results of the presidential election -- broke loose and blighted, soured and completely sabotaged, in the majority public opinion and mind, the otherwise largely respectable manner of his debate performance

(In a news broadcast on 10-12-2016 of a women's protest rally of the lurid sexism and misogyny of Donald Trump, a rape-victim protester of Donald Trump as a misogynistic obscene lecher for his 1995 audio-video recorded comments in which he bragged about being a women's crotch grabber and having tried but failed to seduce a celebrity married woman named Nancy, revealed to be TV celebrity host Nancy O'Dell, remarked that not only is he disqualified for occupying the office of US presidency for his misogyny and disrespect for women, but that he is furthermore disqualified because these comments and his serially disrespectful remarks about all manner of other Americans reflect that he as a person lacks the basic "diplomacy," or diplomatic, skill and skills essential for any political leader and head of government.

Sexual abuse, assault and rape victims view Donald Trump's audio-video recorded depictions of his sexcapades associated with and against women and girls as casting him as a sewer rat wallowing and stewing in a sewer bath and view his theatrical public denials of some women and girls claiming that he visually intruded on them in their dressing rooms or physically imposed on their bodies sexually with his hands, kisses and his tongue as revealing him to be a drama-queen, emphatic liar con-artist. 

Donald Trump’s public shouting tirades against the stream of claimed victim-witnesses of his lecherous hanky-panky, testifying that he behaved toward them as he described of himself to have and bragged he had in his own voice and words in an AV recording, denouncing and slurring them (the victim-witnesses) as all being liars and threatening to sue them after election day, 11-08-2016, was meant to intimidate them into silence and flight from airing their news-media validated and energized grievances against him, in which his AV-bragging, self-confessed guilt gave publicly objective support to the credibility, or validity, of their professed sexual victimization grievances against him. His dismissive, bashing and lawsuit threat and intimidation tirades also were meant to curb the growing number of additional potential victim-witnesses from publicly speaking out and reporting their sexual victimization by him, feeding the onslaught of bad publicity against his character and presidential campaign as well as decreasing customer patronage of his businesses.  In all, they were meant to mute them and make them and the sexual predator issue go away permanently, by means of, in this situation, checkmated, untenable legal-bluff intimidation on his part given that an actual legal confrontation with him by a claimed victim-witness or a multiplicity of victim-witnesses, especially in a class action lawsuit against him, in which he and his army of money-sucking lawyers, sucking on his stash, he would easily lose, in light of the publicly broadcast sexual predation self-confessed guilt AV recording of him in his voice and words,  to the professed victim-witness/es of his sexual assaults (non-consensual groping, kissing and otherwise amorous or sexual handling of them, as well as intruding into the dressing rooms of and ogling especially undressed or substantially undressed underage teen girl models, as he confessed on the AV recording to former TV show host Billy Bush and they (the alleged victim-witnesses) allege in the news media happened to themselves.  All they would have to do, at a minimum, is circumstantially show that they were in a same setting or environment in a same time frame with him (Trump) in which the victimization/s could have occurred to be immune from libel, whereas the burden of proof would be on him to show conclusively, in light of the publicly broadcast incriminating AV recording, that they were not in a same setting or environment in a same timeframe in which he could have sexually transgressed against them as, they have described, and he would have to demonstrate conclusively that they were liars as to their charges against him (impossible for Trump and his attorneys if the same setting or environment and time frame criteria concerning the alleged victim-witnesses can reasonably be supported, or, especially, verified).  Not only could these claimed victims, publicly slurred as liars by Trump and threatened with a lawsuit for allegedly lying, counter sue him and easily prevail in court were he to file suit against any or all of them for libel, they can immediately sue him, do thus now, given the said legal context, in which he has given them civilly legal cause-of-action, libel against them, for his public liar slur of and threat of a lawsuit against them for their allegations of sexual transgression by him against them.  The count of victim-witnesses was chilled to and stopped at 14, as of Trump’s threats to sue victim-witnesses.   By the way, radio and TV personality Howard Stern has reported that he has an AV recording of an interview he held on Donald Trump in which Trump again bragged about his sexcapades with women, but refuses to release it publicly because he views such a release to be a betrayal (source:  online entertainment culture site Forward, 10-18-2016).

Some question why the claimed victims are coming to news media and public attention with the public exposure and broadcasting of the audio-video (AV) recording in which Trump brags of his transgressive sexcapades. The answer, friends, is that the AV is evidence supporting their long-harbored grievances and grudge against him for his hands-on, ogling and remarks of sexual harassment and trespass on them and their bodies when they were young women and girls. "Hell hath no fury like a woman's (or girl's) scorn."

An excerpt from the 10-25, 2016 issue of SF Chronicle reporting a news release from the Associated Press on a Donald Trump negative reaction to the freedom-of-the-press first amendment  of the US Constitution states:  "A day after suggesting the First Amendment to the Constitution may give the press too much freedom, he insisted that the media are promoting biased polls to discourage his supporters from voting."  I wonder why he feels this way?  Need I say see the above for the answer?

The 10-28-2016 politically strategically timed and announced new investigation by the FBI director against Hillary Clinton changes, and undoubtedly was meant to change, and may have indeed changed, the main political subject in the news media killing the viability of Donald Trump's presidential candidacy recently, a sexual predatory sex scandal with Trump the serial predator, a subject that was immolating the Trump candidacy and, by political fallout and contagion, those of other candidates for political office of the Republican Party and splitting the Republican Party into disunity and disarray.  Of course it was aimed at sabotaging and derailing the front-runner presidential candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

This 10-28-2016 politically strategically timed and announced cloud-of-innuendo high-publicity new investigation of Hillary Clinton by FBI Director James Comey, acting on his own, independently of the US Department of Justice and top FBI officials, is no sane reason to vote for a "President Frankenstein monster," madman Donald Trump!

Bankruptcy Bailout Repeater, confirmed and documented to be four times according to a news article of 06-21-2016 by PolitiFact, to the financial distress, harm and loss of his creditors and investors -- "bankruptcy 1:  The Trump Taj Mahal, 1991; bankruptcy 2:  Trump Plaza Hotel, 1992; bankruptcy 3:  Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, 2004; bankruptcy 4:  Trump Entertainment Resorts, 2009."  News researchers Lauren Carroll, Linda Qui and Clayton Youngman, assisted by their editor Katie Sanders, write that Trump also filed for bankruptcy on Trump Castle in 1992 and on Plaza Hotel in 1992.  On 10-11-2016 USA Today news, among all other major news media, reported the Trump's prized Taj Mahal Hotel and Casino has shut down as a business. 

Tax Shirker,
To the tax funding deficiency of civilized society’s public order, health, safety, educational, economic, quality-of-life and emergency services and infrastructure serving the social common good and society as a whole, serving even tax shirkers who do not pay their fair share for the support, maintenance and advancement of the society in which they live and operate and from which they benefit, including from the bankruptcy courts that have protected his financial and business viability. What a socialism- and welfare-for-the-rich rip-off bum and bummer!  A tax-benefits freeloader, scum-sucker billionaire!, a billionaire according to his untrustworthy word -- a wealth-status claim he shirks publicly verifying.  (“Noblesse oblige” -- “much is expected from those who have much,” inasmuch as they benefit most from the fruits of humanity and civilization, and the bounty of nature, that are the source of their existence, their total endowment and their prosperity and wealth and to which they are first and foremost infinitely indebted endlessly.  Those fortunate enough to be wealthy, without exception, should gratefully and particularly generously pay taxes, including wealth inheritance taxes on large income and wealth they did not earn but simply received from a bequest, whether from a living-will/living-trust estate or a decedent estate, freeloader income and wealth exceeding tax-exempt inheritances of $5,450,000.00 and less in value -- high-wealth inheritance taxes high-wealth freeloader heirs and their schmoozers, lobbyists and attorneys often condemn and curse as being death taxes!  They would have no problems in paying taxes were they, like everybody else should, to live within their financial means -- within quite substantial financial means for them, so there should not be a problem in the least for them in paying these taxes.  Humanity, civilization (or society) and nature are our common and overall sources, resources, heritage, benefactors, and makers and breakers:  again, for all -- fundamentally, we all belong to them and they all belong to us, equally and/but indivisibly.

Using the alibi that he cannot release his federal tax returns to the public, the news media, for examination by the voting public and citizenry, because they are under Internal Revenue Service audit, Donald Trump has shirked the tradition of presidential candidates releasing their federal tax returns to the public established by Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, both Democrats, and become a firm tradition as of the 1970 presidential candidacy of  subsequently elected President Richard Nixon, a Republican. IRS spokesman Anthony Burke in February of this year 2016 answered news media inquiries as to whether the circumstance that tax returns under IRS audit presents a barrier to their release to the public in his saying via email to inquirers "Nothing prevents individual from sharing their own tax information."  Former IRS commissioner Fred Goldberg, under President George W.H. Bush, stated in August of this year 2016 in a televised news interview that there is no excuse for Donald Trump not publicly releasing his tax returns despite an IRS audit on them.  And pinnacle-tier billionaire Warren Buffett in this same month has said in news-media coverage of him on this issue that his federal tax returns are also under IRS audit and that he is legally free to release them to the public and challenges Trump to meet with him on air on television and for them both to release their tax returns together to the news media and American public for their examination, a challenge Trump has treated and greeted with suspect silence.  News investigators who have accessed two federal tax returns on Trump dating back to the 1980s that he submitted to state agencies report that they show no taxes due or paid by him and/or his businesses.  On Friday, 09-09-2015, the general news media reported that Trump's GOP running mate, for the vice presidential position, Governor Michael Pence, of Indiana, publicly released, together with his wife, their federal tax returns for the last ten years. 

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump’s opponent in the 2016 election campaign for the US presidency, has publicly released her tax returns, filed together with her husband Bill Clinton, and the GOP-much-maligned Clinton Foundation, a world-service charity, has publicly released its tax returns for examination by the news media and interested citizenry.  One of the nation’s top charity rating agencies,Charity Navigator, has given the Clinton Foundation a rating of 4 out a maximum rating of 5, that is rarely given, whereas other highly rated charities have been given a rating of 3, in which these charities, including the Clinton Foundation, have nevertheless given financial contributions to support the impartial auditing work of that independent charity rating organization.

Trump’s Only Publicly Known, though Indirectly Publicly Known, Federal Tax Return Filings

Source:  The Inside Track on Washington Politics, PowerPost, May 21, 2016:  ‘Trump once revealed his income tax returns. They showed he didn’t pay a cent.’

“The only window into Trump’s handling of his income taxes came during the 1981 New Jersey gambling commission report.  Trump had submitted his 1978 and 1979 returns to the regulators as part of an application for a casino license. State records summarizing the returns show that Trump claimed that his combined income during those two years was negative $3.8 million, allowing him to pay no taxes. A few years earlier, he had told the New York Times he was worth more than $200 million."

On 10-01-2016 The New York Times news reported that it had obtained records, and corroborating testimony that the records were correct, that inferentially, based on respectively, as applicable, state resident and nonresident income tax returns he filed with New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, Donald Trump would or should have filed a federal tax return for the 1995 tax year, that would, likewise to those state income tax returns, have shown that Trump reported a business net operating loss on it of $916,000,000.00 that could result in a carryforward net operating loss lasting for 18 subsequent years in federal income tax deductible installments of that net business operating loss, furthermore resulting in zero income taxes on those those federal income returns for that time frame.

The Trump-for-president campaign-team, Republican-Party and oligarchy-mass-media hubbub and dust-up storms of accusatory innuendo of unfounded criminal scandal leveled at Hillary Clinton for her FBI-determined inappropriate but not criminally culpable work-related use of a private email server during her service as US secretary of state and at the world-service charitable Clinton Foundation for its legitimate financial activities these adversaries via paranoia-thought manipulation and interpretation of the fact try to correlate and quid-pro-quo tie to Hillary Clinton in her role and service as US secretary of state -- all charities, as often are the presidential foundations of former US presidents, with the Clinton Foundation being the President William, or Bill, Clinton Foundation,  are fundraising organizations that depend on perpetual fundraising to fund their charitable work and charity-work staff -- are intended to sully, impugn and discredit by innuendo the core social and political reputability of both Clinton spouses, people of humble origin with empathy and an historically demonstrated compassion and activist caring for ordinary and marginalized other people the world over as well as to do the same against the altruistic Clinton Foundation, The parallel objective of this hubbub and oligarchical-manufactured mass-media dust storm of  sham controversy against Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation is to obscure and cloud out the character accountability and egregious career and adult-lifelong roguery of thoroughly unscrupulous Donald Trump, a born and braggart, lifestyle oligarch, thereby engineering for him a no-cost consequence with the electorate in his not complying with the tradition of general-election presidential candidates releasing to the news media and the US citizenry bona-fide copies of their federal tax returns for their examination by these and for the concerned American public's financial character assessment and presidential suitability vetting of the general election candidates for holding the position of president of the USA, the highest governance and political leadership office and job in and of the nation -- an affirmative-action, without qualms, free-pass exemption for a legacy, social-privilege rich man.  Hillary Clinton correctly and precisely labels this adversarial hubbub and smear campaign as "all smoke and no fire."

Compare the news media research findings on the Clinton Foundation to their findings of the last three weeks reported on the Trump charitable foundation:  the Trump Foundation charity is unlicensed by the State of New York, its domicile, was never audited and has been used to pay for Trump-related expenses and purchases, with charity funds received from donors, the source of his charity's funding.)

Most accurately but less poetically said, he is a glib, hype, spin and ad-hominem con-jobber

The issue:

In news coverage, in the waning days of May of 2016, of Donald Trump and his candidacy for the presidency of the US, he has clearly suggested and essentially explicitly said, in substantial  and substantive paraphrase of him, that as president he would support the revival and revving up of the coal industry and all of the fossil fuels industry and deregulate them as well as that he thinks that the finding, by the science on globally adverse climate change, along with the science itself, is a hoax that such change is being driven by industrial fossil fuels extraction and their fuel energy production and mass use.  What does deregulating the fossil fuels industry mean -- giving fossil fuels companies and personnel legal and administrative license and immunity for their pollution and degradation of the environment (of land and its topography and geology, the water bodies and systems, the atmosphere, biology, food means and sources, etc.) and for inflicting ill-health and mortality hazards on habitats, wildlife and humans, including their workers, in the course of their carrying out their “deregulated” business operations?!  He speaks like an unscrupulous, eloquent dimwit -- someone whose talk is lesser in reason than the talk of an intellectual idiot, a status to which he does not measure up.

Caveman capitalism kingpin, backward-brained doofus Donald Trump is the political strongman,  gladiator, warrior dinosaur for the would-be comeback monopoly of the energy economy by the dirty, filthy, polluting fossil fuels industry, an industry in increasing competitive slippage and creeping eclipse by the clean, renewable energy industry and suffering sustained devastatingly low prices and revenues for its glut of suppliers and supplies, all compelled to compete nevertheless to protect and retain their individual fossil fuels market niche and share.  This economic hurt to the fossil fuels industry is exacerbated by the exponential growth in consumer demand for and adoption and purchase of off-grid, personal and private on-site electric and hybrid energy-source production and storage technologies -- such as solar, wind-turbine, hydrogen-fuel-cell, geothermal as well as garbage and environmental bio-waste and sewage conversion  (optionally convertible into either or all electricity, biofuels, and/or environmentally sequestered and clean utilities methane gas, the latter being virtually the same as natural gas) biodigester technologies for on-site personal, private and community, etc., electrical energy generation, as well as the personal Tesla powerwall battery for such energy storage for later retrieval and use (when there is no daylight, sunshine or wind), all for supplying privately, locally and community generated electricity to personal and private, even community and government, facilities, vehicles, appliances and devices.  There are also growing networks of public-use electrical charging stations for electric and hybrid motor vehicles, of which the Tesla Motors west-coast and east-to-west coast networks in the USA are free for use to its motor-vehicles owners. 

In addition, there are constant improvements and innovations in clean, alternative energy technology, one of which is a five-minute battery charger for electric and hybrid-electric motor vehicles, not yet on the market for sale, that was invented by an engineer in Singapore; another of which is that some models of hybrid-electric vehicles can now drive circa 600 miles on a single gas-tank fill-up alternating in powering  these vehicles while recharging the discharged electric-drive battery, which, every time the electric-drive battery recharges, that recharged electric-drive battery switches on to power and drive the vehicle and  the gas drive feature of the vehicle switches off; and a third of which is that Tesla Motors’ new, Model-3, entry-level mass-market car has a drive range of 200 miles on a single full battery charge and is a self-parking and semi-autonomously driving car. Moreover, intercontinental trans-oceanic, etc., electricity transmission cables for pooling and transmitting clean-technology generated electric energy 24/7 will eventually circulate clean electric energy 24/7 globally, as always some half of our 24/7 rotating planet is in a daylight phase and as there is always more than sufficiently abundant light or sunshine, wind, geothermal, hydro-power and biodigester (converter of bio-waste and sewage optionally to electricity, biofuels and/or environmentally sequestered, clean utilities methane gas, the primary and utilitarian constituent of natural gas) resources for clean energy technology generation of electricity somewhere across and about our planet for its 24/7 global exchange.

The gaining popularity of clean, renewable energy production and storage technologies has been reducing the need for and the level of consumer demand for atmospherically, environmentally and biologically terribly adverse and damaging fossil fuels. 

Trump’s evident hope and the hope of the fossil fuels industry is to bash, discredit, demonize, denigrate and make an economic enemy in the public’s eyes, ears and mind of the domestically and globally good-steward, forward-thinking, free-of-war, clean and renewable energy industry and its products.  At the same time, Trump, the fossil fuels industry and fossil fuels company stock investors, and their lobbyists and mass media voice stooges, want to champion belief in and promote the primary use of outmoded and environmentally and climate disturbing and ruinous fossil fuels and to restore fossil fuels products and their producers --  that is, the fossil fuels industry -- to stable high prices, high profitability and high stock values, and high stockholder returns on investments as well as high volume stock sales/purchases. 

Perhaps,  if not probably, uncool, old-school, oligarch Donald Trump is significantly, if not mightily, invested in the fossil fuels industry, which may be part of the reason for his excuses to not divulge in full publicly his tax records and financial records detailing and verifying, or showing the truth of, his financial worth and such investments, history, conduct and character.  The majority of American voters are seeing and will increasingly see Donald Trump for the charlatan, crank and uncouth madman, and even ridiculous political and public bellicose, bellowing, brawling, bully clown and immature, ill-mannered scoundrel, that he has shown himself to be and that he basically is, despite his affirmative-action-for-the-legacy-rich wealthy birth and upbringing, and lifelong pampering.  As a result, he will crash and burn bigtime in the presidential general election. 

Folks same natured as him, irrespective of their socio-economic class, are entertained, delighted and enthralled by him, if not perversely in love with him, but they lack the numbers as voters to elect him president of the USA, in the absence of gross political misconduct.

For those who are politically attracted to Donald Trump and believe that he would be a superior political and economic leader, in occupying the office of president of the US, because of his TV-show and mass-media news-coverage publicity stunts conveying the public high-profile image of him as being a preeminently competent, successful and rich businessman, allegedly worth 10 billion dollars (where it is unstated as to whether this is a gross asset worth or net asset worth, an alleged worth in either regard not supported and verified by publicly disclosed, in full, financial records), and who believe, based on this image of him and his rhetorical self puffery, that he is therefore best able to negotiate and make political and economic deals nationally and internationally that are to the advantage of America (the USA) or its public, bear in mind that, to my notice and knowledge and probably yours, until this 2016 presidential election, his name (and financial profile) has never appeared in Forbes Magazine’s lists of US and international billionaires, which currently lists him with a net worth of $4.5 billion recently fallen by $800 million and standing at $3.7 billion as of 09-29-2016, and that there are billionaire entrepreneurs in communist China and the third-world nations of Mexico and India with confirmed multibillion-dollar-value fortunes exceeding the value of his alleged, unverified fortune, as well as confirmed African entrepreneurial billionaires with smaller billion-dollar-in-value fortunes, all confirmed billionaires who acquired their fortunes from legitimate business enterprise and who never went bankrupt, filed for bankruptcy nor were rescued by bankruptcy law and bankruptcy court from bankruptcy.  He lacks the raw intelligence and business savvy of any of these billionaires, of all around the world (of the first, second and third world nations), who must both cringe and belly-laugh at his ludicrous boastfulness and lack of substance in character and intellect, and at the gullibility and demagogic and crass zombieism of his political fans and acolytes (Trumpie zombies, Trumpie dummies). 

The magic of fiction and the magicians of fiction are effective to an appreciable degree, in reference to the management of Trump’s image as described in the aforementioned and in politically stoking and exploiting the xeno-paranoid, xenophobic hysteria of his political followers. 

Insincere Promise to Return Offshored Manufacturing Jobs to US, Part-1.  His old-school oligarch capitalism mindset is Donald Trump’s true loyalty, along with his full-of-himselfism, and is what he really hews to, not his Trojan-horse, bait-and-switch, Pollyanna false assurances of returning offshored manufacturing jobs back to the US -- a Machiavellian oligarch capitalism mindset that is despicable to and passe for the majority of American voters and the majority of citizens of the first world nations.  Trump is a lifelong primacy-of-profits, at-all-costs, corporate oligarch and would not, indeed, would never, jeopardize Wall Street-roster corporate incomes and profits by trying, as President of the USA, to usher through Congress for Congressional enactment into law doomed-to-fail, likely largely unconstitutional, legislation forcing US corporations, for whom most Republican Congresspersons are public officeholder lobbyists and in which almost all are wealthy and very-wealthy stockholder investors, to return these corporations’ manufacturing operations back to, whether substantially or in the majority, the expensive and high-cost labor and business economic environment of the USA from low-wage, no-fringe-benefits, low-overhead and low-tax second and third world nations, minimizing their expenses and maximizing their profits and returns on investments to stock investors, or minimizing their losses, via their manufacturing operations being in those nations (nations often also with lax laws on employee workplace conditions, health and safety protections, and rights, including rights against abuse and redress for abuse by employers).

Insincere Promise to Return Offshored Manufacturing Jobs to US, Part-2.  The onshoring, en masse, to the US of the manufacturing operations of US manufacturer corporations can only be achieved via the imposition of federal government tax penalties on these corporations, for their locating their operations abroad, in conjunction with federal government use-grants, subsidies and tax breaks significantly and competitively benefiting the bottom line (profitability score, profit size or margin) of these corporations and making it financially worthwhile for them to locate their manufacturing operations in the US, entirely or partly -- largely for equalizing onshore and offshore operating costs and profitability, or economically skewing the advantage to onshoring of operations.  (This is a successfully tried strategy, with recent, internal-to-the-US, stateside examples of its application being the city of San Francisco that competed successfully to host with only positive government incentives given by it and the state of Nevada that competed successfully also with only positive government incentives given on its part to host Tesla Corp.’s large-scale factory for the mass production of lithium-ion batteries and the manufacture of its Tesla Model-3 mass-market, economy, all-electric motor vehicles, deals structured to result in net revenue gains to both government entities by the employment, on the part of these incentive-recruited resident companies, of significant numbers of people in well-paid, long-term, if not career-lifetime, jobs, making for good numbers of good tax-paying consumers of local goods and services and renters and buyers of local residences and/or other real property, invigorating local economies and generating spiraling local and state taxes from business recipients of their spending money.)  Also, the US electorate would have to fill both houses of the US Congress with majorities of middle-class, substantially highly educated, professional, people, with statutory civilian-life job, or business, career-advancement and pension security and guarantees during and after their service as an elected Congressional officeholder, and such protection of their political integrity and independence of thought and action as US Congressional officeholders from the influence and punishment of them by their civilian-life employers or business associates, etc., in order for the US Congress to vote into law these government incentives on US manufacturer corporations for them to locate their manufacturing operations in the US, entirely or partly.

It is unsurprising that in the first, but possibly the second, Democratic versus Republican Party presidential-election-candidates debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that when Trump was asked by the debate moderator how he would bring the former US manufacturing jobs off-shored to foreign nations back the US he sidestepped answering this question itself but replied instead that he would stop jobs from leaving the US without explaining how he would do this.   

Even if, behind his hyperbolic self-promoting and self-aggrandizing rhetorical flourishes, Donald Trump is a façade, that is, a pretense, billionaire, he is likely to at least have a net worth approximating his net inheritance as an heir that he received as a young man, which would be of several hundred million dollars, and he is virtually certain also to be heavily invested as a portfolio stockholder in the stock market in US corporations that have offshored their manufacturing operations wholly or in major part, as well as he, as a suppositional president of the US, would highly likely be personally disinclined, just like the majority of Congresspersons, to induce these corporations legislatively to relocate their manufacturing operations to the US.  If he really is a billionaire, he undoubtedly would be so invested and would have made much or most of his billionaire fortune from his stock market investments in multinational corporations.

     News media the week of 10-06-2016 reported that Trump does have investments in the fossil-fuels industry, having found so far, investments in Phillips 666 Oil Inc. and in the company, Energy Transfer Partners, attempting to construct an oil pipeline, Dakota Access Pipeline, across Native American land, also Native American sacred land, Spirit Camp, in North Dakota, whose construction had been stalled by Native American political protests and legal actions but has been legally cleared and resumed by judicial ruling of a federal  appeals court.  The news reported that Phillips 66 Oil Company is slated to own 25% of the pipeline (supplemental source:  Democracy Now online news, 10-06-2016).

The Military Veterans Funds Fiasco.  The recent news-media report on the philanthropic flap over the tardiness and shortfall in the delivery of the funds pledged to military veterans organizations by Donald Trump, funds only delivered after veterans organizations complained to the news media that they were well overdue for delivery, raises the question as to whether his pledge of the funds was basically a political PR ploy intended to bait and tacitly solicit, with the dangle of money, the public political endorsement and support of veterans organizations for his political candidacy, thereby using them as intended positive political publicity props for his election campaign for the US presidency.  It is noteworthy that all but the one-million-dollar contribution from Donald Trump himself of the short of six million dollars actually delivered of the pledged six million dollars came from fundraising of the money from the public -- using other peoples’ money to pay out the bulk of his, the $10-billion man’s, philanthropy, apparently PR philanthropy.

Trump University Scandal.  Another ethics ruckus currently gripping Donald Trump, and dogging him in the news media and federal court system, is that of his former, now “defunct,” legally unaccredited (in not even meeting NY state criteria for an elementary school, let alone a college or university, public or private), by implication bogus, allegedly scam university (using the title “university” as a business marketing gimmick, in which it was an unreal university as a matter of fact but was actually a university in name only) operating under the name Trump University has been charged with duping students into liquidating and turning over their personal equity and credit-card borrowing capacity to pay for 3-day seminar classes on how to make lots of money from real estate, with follow-up real-estate money-making opportunity leads and guidance services to be provided by Trump University staff, services complainant former students say they did not receive.  Financial records associated with the complainant students are said to support their charges, as does the testimony of one or more former instructors of Trump University who objected to the said money fleecing practices of the school, involving tens of thousands of dollars per individual student from thousands of students.  The federal judge who recently ruled on the law-suit charges against Trump University, and who ruled that the school and Donald Trump (with Trump reported to be a 90%-plus share owner in the [seminar] school charged with fraudulently fronting to be a university and wrongfully using the title university in its doing-business-as, dba, name) were at fault, has been publicly excoriated by Donald Trump as having made a biased ruling against Trump University, et. al., because he, the judge, is a Mexican, and is biased against Donald Trump, although the judge was born, raised and educated in the state of Indiana as a legal US resident-citizen.  Trump argues that some former students of the thousands involved with the school say that they were completely satisfied with the school and that students of the school answered surveys on the school with the highest score on all questions – maybe stooge, or ghost, students or unquestioning, unwitting marks reported they were completely satisfied with the school (the some students). 

     Buyer beware in answering any survey for a business or institution, particularly for those providing services.  If you are kind, and want, or feel the need, to be in the future good graces of a business or institution according you products and/or services, and as a matter of course you complete the surveys with flattering or highest ratings on all questions , if you later find that you are the victim of either of these types of entities, an astute business or institution can and will use the friendly rated survey or surveys or archive of surveys on an individual or group as good character references or evidence, and historically so, in favor of themselves and to your discredit or to the discredit of a complainant or group of complainants, in a dispute, complaint or legal action.  It is standard practice for some businesses and institutions to routinely request that customers, subscribers or members complete customer surveys or questionnaires to rate products, services and/or staff performance, which also may be used genuinely in part or major part to obtain quality-of-performance, service or product, as well as customer-satisfaction, feedback on them for the purpose, on the part of the entity, of monitoring and optimizing their quality and/or value to customers.

     For legal purposes, courts should not accept customer surveys, or the like, as evidence of good character or honorability on the part of an entity in the selling of goods and services, as they can serve the premeditated or intended purpose by principals of the business or institution of self-favoring preemptive manipulation of potential testimonial evidence, to the unawareness of the customer answering the questions of the survey, or the like, preselected and authored by the business or institution or either’s proxy for the survey, etc., questions design.  An unethical self-favoring tactic an entity can use to manipulate volumes of mixed favorable and unfavorable surveys is to select for evidence to a court the favorable ones or mostly favorable ones, and to routinely destroy, following their completion by customers, the negatively rated ones or most of them, thereby retaining mostly favorably rated ones along with a reality-suggestive token of negatively rated ones.  Also, personnel of these entities may woo customers with niceness and royal treatment into completing maximally favorably rated surveys or they may be nice to the customer while issuing the survey or surveys, to be completed on the spot, and have the customer leave it or them or give it or them to the issuer to collect, with the customer conscious that the issuer can look at the rating  or ratings of the survey or surveys, and feel hurt if it is or they are given a modest or low rating or ratings overall, putting psychological pressure on the customer to complete a kind and friendly, highly rated survey.        
Thump, His Public Persona and Debates MO (modus operandi).  A man of fatuous hubris and garish, unmerited self puffery, and one who replies with unqualified generalizations, and evasively with ad hominem attacks, to those who ask him questions seeking details on his declared policies and intended undertakings were he to be elected president of the US and on his views on issues of significant social, political and economic current affairs as well as questions seeking explanations and public accountability for his sometimes controversial and inflammatory public remarks and conduct. 

Obviously, his ad hominem attacks on questioners are meant to rile and publicly demean them, shut them down, and escape and discourage questions, or for him to escape answering such questions substantively and with qualification (details, elaboration, clarifying or backup support, etc.), that challenge his intellect, on a serious level, and that demand and challenge his ability to engage in reasoned and factually and strategies detailed discourse and debate on social, political and economic issues and policies with which a president, respectively and as applicable, would have to contend and fashion knowledgeably and strategically -- questions that would expose his lack of ability to engage in serious reasoned discourse and debate with depth and soundness of thought on matters of substance and, as a result, would discredit his candidacy worthiness to be president and at the same time would thereby embarrass him publicly.  No, Trump wants to answer questions with, or simply to make, unqualified, superficial, dramatic generalizations, rather than speak in specifics and mechanics and the wisdom of these, as to his governance policies and agenda and their implementation -- he just wants to be a showman and have a stage to put on his Donald Trump-Archie Bunker rant, rip and quip act.  Lately, he has demonstrated that he can articulate reasoned explanations, that may or may not be reasonable, for his controversial and inflammatory public remarks and conduct but he continues most often to offer nothing of substance or detail on matters of his policies and his stated stances of action were he to be elected president.

Trump’s Renege on His Publicly Very Own Offer to Debate Senator Bernie Sanders.  The foregoing is why Donald Trump, after first offering to debate socialist US Senator Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton’s rival for the Democratic Party’s nomination for its general election presidential candidate, an offer Bernie Sanders enthusiastically accepted, days later changed his mind on, and withdrew, his offer to debate, cowering out of doing the debate, a debate that would have been between just two opposing candidates and would have involved a one-on-one dialogue and airing and exchange of contrasting intellect on political, social and economic issues and ideas between these two candidates for president, one a practicing arch capitalist-oligarch and the other a socialist US senator, former US representative and former mayor.  Trump may have imagined himself to be so scary as a candidate for the US presidency -- in view of his successful ad-hominin bashings of his Republican Party candidacy rivals, for the GOP nomination for its political candidate for the presidential general election, in group debates, group GOP debates that were more like competitive monologues and post-monologue turn-taking lashings of one another -- that he expected that Democratic Party presidential candidate Senator Sanders would have declined to debate him, believing the expected rejection of the offer to debate from Senator Sanders would have bolstered his, Trump’s, self and public image as a frightful political force and champion debater from whom all rivals would flee in terror virtually at the prospect of debating him.  However, he realized, when Senator Sanders enthusiastically accepted his offer to debate, that he, Trump, was not suited for nor prepared to engage in one-on-one dialogue and point-for-point reasoned dispute on issues and ideas of political, social and economic pertinence. 

     Unless Trump was acting half-cocked on his own and highly on impulse, which is his style and a credible possibility, Trump and his campaign strategy team were also sure to have strategically thought up and calculated the insincere Trump debate offer to Senator Sanders to create special mass-media news publicity for Sanders and to energize his campaign in its competition against Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the Democratic Party’s state primary voting contests for the Democratic Party nomination for him, the underdog candidate, to better but futilely challenge her in their rivalry for one of them to become the Democratic Party candidate, its campaign candidate, for the US presidency against that of the GOP candidate, Trump,  and third party candidates, in the US presidential general election in November, and to diminish her social and political esteem with the public and Democratic Party voters as well as to disrespect her as a person and attempt to besmirch and embroil in controversy her candidacy as the frontrunner for the Democratic Party nomination, and to incite jealous animosity on the part of her campaign team and followers toward Sanders and his campaign team and followers over such special mass media attention, with expected backlash toward Clinton’s campaign by the expected reactive Sanders’ campaign (again, in the minds of the Trump strategists).  The long-range purpose of this Trump-GOP ploy would have been that of irreconcilably splitting Democratic Party voters, along Sanders versus Clinton campaign preference camps, and obviating their otherwise inclination to unify, following the Democratic Party’s official nomination and selection of a presidential candidate, against Trump and the GOP in the presidential general election in November of this year, 2016 -- old-fashion divide-and-conquer [diplomacy] strategy to disrupt, via internal dissention, disunite, dilute and weaken the solidarity and concerted power of the opposition (an effect that also can be precipitated by projections or declarations of an election or Party-nominee winner by news media companies on the eve preceding the day of major state primary election contests or in advance of Party-nominating conventions).  However, in the aftermath of the public cowering by Trump from Sanders, the Sanders and Clinton campaigns are reflecting by their cordiality and respectfulness toward one another that they are cognizant of this indicated, quite possible, Trump-GOP ploy to instigate irreconcilable and fatally imploding infighting within the Democratic Party for the self defeat of its officially nominated and selected presidential candidate in the general election campaign against, realistically, Trump, the GOP’s official candidate for the US presidency, and they are already saying that they are unified in a commitment, as nevertheless rivals, to defeating the Trump candidacy for US president.

This presidential election will be Trump’s political comeuppance trouncing and coup-de-grace kick in the butt, sending him to uncool old-school oligarch retirement!, unless traditional unscrupulous Republican voter-suppression and sabotage tactics succeed against non-Republican voters, which they more than sometimes do, such as of impedance of voter registration and misdirecting, misleading, disinformational, misinformational and legalistically intimidating, etc., telephone robocalls, cell-phone text messages, bill boards, Postal mail, email, door-to-door operatives, voter-ID checker-harassers, polling-place mischief, ballot mischief in the preparation and handling of voter ballots to defeat them from voting and to defeat their actually cast votes, in the democratic republic of the USA, on the part of its politically and faux-morally self-righteous and condescending rightwing.   

Hell no to a fuel energy future that continues to be dominated by fossil-fuels CO2 and methane gas pollution and environmental degradation, destruction and wreckage -- of land, the waters, atmosphere and biology -- resulting from their extraction, transport and use as well as in wars and domestic and international political corruption and social schisms for accessing and controlling them, as has been the case throughout the passed 20th century to, seemingly somewhat attenuatingly so, the present time! 

(By the way, government assessment and charges of taxes on income [largely state and federal, but also municipal on the income of businesses domiciled within the municipal jurisdiction] or taxable property [largely state and county-municipal] should be based on a progressive tax system in which percentage taxes are apportioned according to level of income or the bona-fide value of the taxable property, such as is largely the case, but with no tax escape in any regard for individuals and going concerns with sufficiently livable incomes. And no taxable type of property should be exempt from property tax or its normal rate of tax based on its fair market value or statutory tax-subject value, should have tax-discount exemptions for the most part based on owner-occupied homes and an additional discount for the owner-occupied homes, such middle-class and under-class homes, of retired senior citizens [who are generally on fixed incomes apart from pension COLAs, which may be irregular].)

Donald Trump -- A superficial, ostentatious man of unmerited self puffery, and a gratuitously cruel man!  Megyn Kelly, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Ted Cruz and his wife and family, Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, high-profile victims of his sleazy ad hominem attacks, bear true witness against this madman from crazyland!

He’s a sour joke!

This commentary (opinion) is public domain, the supplement below -- it may be used in whole or part without attribution to me, its writer.   


Week of June 6, 2016 -- Attorneys General of Florida and Texas Outed as Hookers on the Sly and Using Their Government Offices as Whorehouses, selling their souls to Donald Trump, with a heart of cold, for a pittance and time bomb of poisonous money, now exploded.

State of Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was revealed to have opted out of her state joining multistate attorneys’ general class-action lawsuit against the multistate Trump University and affiliates fraud and swindle scam around the time she solicited a quid-pro-quo campaign contribution of $25,000 from Donald Trump for her reelection treasury chest, money that was remitted to her campaign fund indirectly via a Trump family foundation.  A group supporting Pam Bondi for reelection at the time reported to the organization ‘And Justice for All’ that it had received the $25,000.00 check on 09-17-2013, four days after state of Florida AG Pam Bondi announced that her office would not be joining the multistate attorneys’ general lawsuit against fraudulent Trump University, et. al. News credits go to the Orlando Sun Sentinel and Associated Press.

State of Texas former Attorney General Greg Abbott, now governor of Texas, was revealed to have shelved his state’s internal class-action lawsuit against the multistate Trump University fraud and swindle scam operations in Texas in exchange for Trump University promising to leave Texas despite the thoroughly investigated and prepared prosecution work of Trump University, et. al., by the Texas AG’s team of attorneys, with a settlement worth of $5,400,000.00, as of 2010. Several years later, Abbott is reported to have received a political election campaign contribution of $35,000 from Donald Trump, an apparent stealth quid pro quo for his quashing of the litigation against Trump University, et. al., in and for Texas and Texans ripped off by the Trump University fraud and swindle scam.  News credit goes to former Texas Deputy Chief AG John Owens.

Reported and documented commonly in the mainstream news:  Trump’s longtime business history of failure to pay wages, as well as correct wages, to workers, attorneys firms for legal services, contractors for materials, services and major jobs.

Reported commonly in the mainstream news:  Trump has and/or his entities have been sued numerous times, often successfully, but sometimes his attorneys (apparently changing attorneys) have legally stalled action on suits against him or his entities and worn down plaintiffs by time and expense to them dropping their lawsuits, and has numerous court judgment liens filed against him and/or his enterprises.

Between May and Mid June of 2016

Reported commonly in the mainstream news:  Trump made suggestive retaliatory personal threats that he would use the office of the US presidency for punishing his critic British Prime Minister David Cameron, criticizing his (Trump’s) original stance, as hypothetically the next US president, of imposing a blanket ban on the immigration of Muslims to the US (where Muslims are our main and essential allies in the fight against ISIS, al-Qaeda, and radical Islam, in Asia Minor, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the US, plus), in which Britain is a top NATO ally with and of the USA, and for punishing the US federal judge, Gonzalo Curiel, presiding over fraudulent Trump University’s prosecution.  The suggestive retaliatory punishment was contained in Trump’s remarks in the news media in referring to each of these individual, in effect, that he will remember you/this (circa “I will remember this/you when I’m president”) after he is elected president of the US, which is both an illegal and immature, impeachable misuse of the office of the president.

Trump's such remark toward the judge is immediately an illegal attempt, on the part of Trump, in using his GOP credible and voter-qualified quasi-official candidacy for the US presidency, to influence the judge presiding over the current trial of fraudulent Trump University, and a future appeals court judge or panel of judges who might preside over an appeal of the protested adjudication of this trial, to rule favorably for Trump University and Donald Trump or be punished under a Trump presidency.  This is felony attempted coercive influence, by veiled threat, to interfere with and bias the legal independence, neutrality in service and fundamental fairness of the federal judiciary and its judges.  Federal prosecutorial and lawsuit charges need to be brought against Trump promptly for the latter outrageous, illegally egregious transgression.

This madman, Donald Trump, is not running for office to represent and serve the nation and the American people as a nation, the constitution and federal law of our nation and the institutions of the nation; rather, he is running for the office of the US presidency for him to use it to serve himself and represent himself and his private and personal interests, maybe even, through the administrative machinery of the federal government, to protect or salvage the hidden mess and fragility of his endangered empire of financial dominoes and to discourage the adjudication of the class-action federal fraud law suit against Trump University and himself, the supermajority shareowner, of fraudulent, swindler Trump University, under pending trial.

In the first week of the month of August of 2016 Donald Trump’s attorneys petitioned the court for dismissal of the law suit against Trump University for financial fraud, arguing that the fraudulent misrepresentations in advertisement and promotion of Trump University and its promises or assurances were mere puffery and not fraud: this is, they were arguing the misrepresentations were not really intended to be false advertising and defrauder, swindler lies, an argument for dismissal of the law suit that was an indirect admission of guilt of false advertisement and making false promises or assurances to promote large fee-paying enrollment into the brief how-to, big-money-making, magic-money real estate course with legally unqualified, unlicensed, con-job Trump University.   His attorneys also petitioned the court to withhold release to the news media of audio-video recorded testimony Trump had made before the court or in a deposition related to the law suit preliminary to the hearing of the law suit by the court, asserting that release of the audio-video testimony during the election season would or could be embarrassing to Trump and damaging to his presidential campaign.  The judge rejected the petition for dismissal of the law suit but assented to the petition for withholding release of the audio-video testimony, agreeing that its release to the news media during the presidential campaign season could harm Trump’s presidential election bid.

Plagiarized excerpt of First Lady Michelle Obama’s first presidential inauguration speech, associated with the initial election of her husband Barack Obama as president of the US, recited by the wife of Donald Trump, at the GOP’s Presidential Candidate Nominating Convention, in the heart of Mrs. Trump’s speech, being in essence and paraphrase “His-word-is-his-bond” Mrs. Obama speech and “You can trust him,” referring to Donald Trump, a theme and assurance reiterated in a speech by Trump’s daughter at that convention, a theme, thread woven into their speeches by a cut, copy-and-paste, lazy-brained speech writer, that springboarded into Donald Trump’s self promotional speech of his acceptance of the GOP national convention’s nomination of him as the GOP presidential candidate for the 2016 US presidential election.  This state of affairs on the part of the Trump-for-president camp is yet another illustration of the dishonesty, skullduggery and immorality that Trump and the Trump-for-president camp engage in and the immoral, unethical miasma that he and they emanate and represent.  

WikiLeaks public release of internecine DNC files embarrassing to the Democratic Party, evidenced from a federal investigation to have been done by computer hackers in Russia, circa upon commencement of the Democratic-Party National Convention for nominating the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, in response to which Trump made a public solicitation to Russia to, or continue to, cyber hack and release more DNC adverse e-data, especially on Hillary Clinton.  After being criticized by major figures in both political parties for his overture to Russia, Trump and his excusers said that his overture was a joke.   Two top staff men of the Trump campaign team have had major financial ties to Russia, one his freshly resigned presidential campaign manager Paul Manafort and his deputy, newly reassigned in duties by the Trump team, Rick Gates, with both Trump campaign staff changes made in the week of August 15, 2016 -- read the news articles on them and their relationships with Russia, et. al., posted on the internet and do not listen to rightwing broadcast talk-show hosts and guests attempt to sanitize or whitewash the relationships.  In addition, there has been talk in the new media that Trump may have financial ties to Russia, as well as because of his repetitive bankruptcy history with loan and investment losses to major banks, other creditors and investors, where Trump has declared publicly that he is the king of debt, unable to borrow major money from with the US, Mexico, Europe, China and the oil-wealth Arab nations, Trump may be trying to curry favor with Russia as a needed lending hand, speculation made credible by Trump’s publicly proposed rapprochement policies toward Russia should he become the next US president, including attenuating NATO and NATO support for former involuntary Soviet Union nations that are now independent democratic nations and fearful neighbors of Russia, the nucleus nation of the collapsed, former Soviet Union.  This media talk also speculates that Donald Trump’s nonsense justification and excuse for not making his tax returns public are because they are under IRS audit, discredited by the IRS as a basis for his non-release of them to the public and by actual and pinnacle-tier billionaire Warren Buffett, who publicly stated that his tax returns are also under IRS audit and that he would meet with Trump on air (on the TV) for both of them to show their tax returns publicly for their examination by the news media and public, is that they may very show not only a problematical financial condition for him but a financial tie or ties to Russia.  (To be continued and clarified.)

*****What news investigators have determined about the tax filing and paying history of Donald Trump.  What a law professor David C. Johnston, an independent, discovery biographer on Trump, and professional writer Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of Donald Trump’s book ‘The Art of the Deal,’ say about Trump’s personality, business competence,  character, level of wealth and tax filing and paying.  It’s negative and cautionary.

Public putdown by Trump of American Muslim parents of Middle Eastern heritage, Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son, an Army captain, Humayun Khan, lost his life at the age 27 in Iraq fighting for the US and in protection of his troops, with Trump turning the putdown event obscenely into a campaign and personality-cult commercial bestowing accolades on and in promotion and boosterism of himself.   (To be continued and clarified.)

August 9, 2016:  A fearmongering speech, for gun owners, at a Trump rally in which the repeated false accusation on guns confiscation and repealing the second amendment, the latter by an asserted reinterpretation of this amendment overturning that made by the Rehnquist Supreme Court, was made by Trump against President Hillary Clinton, this time voiced in double-entendre speech, doublespeak, or equivocation, with Trump saying that maybe second-amendment people, gun-rights people (with many believing in no restrictions on the types and capacities of guns available to gun owners), could do something about it, doublespeak with overlapping messages, one to cloud and disclaim guilty intent, an innocence pretense and defense, and the other message to provoke and incite gun-violence by unhinged personality-cult zealot risk-takers or martyrs from among his followers to strike at his opponent Hillary Clinton -- the latter type of message is referred to in legal language as a “dog whistle” message.  Trump is a confirmed political violence fomenter.  At Trump rallies during the GOP presidential primaries Trump explicitly encouraged his audiences to attack protesters, one of whom was a nonviolent young black man being escorted out of a rally by rally security and was punched in the mouth -- and his mouth bloodied, while he was being escorted out -- by a member of the Trump rally audience, an incident that was video recorded and broadcast in the media, in which the assailant is recorded as smugly saying to the effect “I should have killed him.”  In his political violence fomenting Trump offered to pay the legal expenses of attackers of protesters.  Security did nothing to protect the nonviolent young black male protester from the attack or stop the attack against him and did nothing to the assailant for the attack, nor did the police officer included in the security detail do anything to the assailant. 

During a Trump rally speech in South Carolina in November of 2015 Trump mocked the disability condition of and ridiculed disabled New York Times news reporter Serge Kovaleski, with arthogryposis, a limb debilitating and immobilizing joint-disorder, and at a Trump rally in Florida in March of 2016 Breitbart news reporter Michelle Fields was pushed by then Trump-for-president campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and Trump responded with a statement of unconcern for her.

Trump Presidential Campaign At the Brink of Doom.  Within circa 24 hours after Trump’s incendiary remarks concerning Hillary Clinton, the NRA announced to and in the news media that it was commencing a nationwide media campaign of ads against Hillary Clinton that were not a collaboration  with Donald Trump.  A blazing lie and a liar organization.  Trump’s inflammatory, controversial, negative-attention-getting speech was the spearhead of a coordinated campaign of fearmongering  and vilifying lies against Hillary Clinton by and between the NRA and Trump-for-president team, a desperate, no-holds-barred, no-punches-pulled, attempt to rev up the badly faltering Trump presidential campaign from becoming competitively bankrupt and moribund, at which it is now teetering -- I take Trump at his word that he, in paraphrase of him, “cannot imagine -- that is, ‘bear’ -- losing per se and losing the election to Hillary Clinton” and I believe that he would rather that fatal tragedy befall her as soon as possible so as to avert one-on-one debates of political issues with her and an election loss to her, that seems almost certain, short of a miracle saving him, Trump.  His outrageous controversial and controversy-making remarks were made to gather mass public attention and set the stage for an attentive mass media audience to listen to a swiftly forthcoming, a follow-up, announcement in the mass news media by the NRA supporting the scaremongering false claims of Trump and declaring that it was mounting an all-out media-ad war against her and her presidential candidacy.  President Obama has proven twice, in his initial election and reelection to the presidency, in which the NRA media machine attempted to smear and defeat his presidential bids, that, although it can buy off, politically intimidate and psychologically control Congresspersons in the majority, and win local political battles across the nation, it can no longer win the political war on the national scale in determining and controlling the US presidency and presidential administration.  Most voters and the public disrespect and reject the gun-violence, gun-cult, death-cult, disciples-of-death NRA and tune out or shun its ads, and will not listen to the ghoulish voices of its propagandist ghouls and necrophiles (the latter term used here to mean what its semantical structure denotes:  “lovers of death, and killing as well”).

Purpose of Donald Trump’s about-face on his stance to not support or withhold support for fellow GOPers John McCain, Paul Ryan and Kelly Ayotte in their Congressional reelection campaigns against their primary elections GOP opponents.  His team of campaign advisers -- Paul Manafort, ignominious Dick Morris, Rudolph Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie -- or this team and he read the impartial voter polls days prior to the candidates’ GOP primary elections and saw that they had winning polling numbers for the primary elections.  As the said incumbents were the likely primary winners, according to the polls, Trump had to endorse them prior to the elections or lose political credibility, and be politically defaced and embarrassed, if he did not endorse them and they won the primaries, which would have revealed that he lacks locality political sway within the political party or that his presidential candidacy is at grave risk of failure nationally, including within the GOP, based on reality-test results in actual primary elections of GOP candidates for both House and Senate US Congressional elections.  By endorsing the winners, according to the voter polls, before the reality-test GOP US Congressional primary elections, Trump could fake that his endorsements caused the wins and winners and publicly appear to have political sway and be politically viable himself as the GOP presidential candidate.  His preferred, but strategically unendorsed, GOP insurgent candidates lost their primary elections, indicating that Trump lacks grass-roots voter dominance on a regional and local jurisdictional basis, politically, within the Republican Party.       

Trump’s Economic Plan:  Collapsing tax brackets down to three, greatly and most beneficially to the high wealth class, eliminating all taxation on income and financial assets from inheritances (disparaged and misnomered by the egregiously greedy of the mega-millionaire and billionaire class as “the death tax”), in which heirs could receive inheritances of unlimited value totally tax free; deregulating business and industry from legally established and enforceable health, safety, and ethical and honorable conduct standards, in their relationships with the public and customers,  in regard to quality and safety of their products and services, in regard to their relationships with their staffs and other businesses and the community and environment; reducing US funding and material support for NATO, plus:  A failed and subsequently rejected and rehashed GOP plan, excluding Trump’s proposed reduced support for NATO, most recently dating back to the federal budget busting and Great Recession precipitated by and under the G.W.-Dick Chaney Presidency.  A Trojan Horse plan overwhelmingly beneficial to the high wealth class and large inheritance heirs, mega-million-dollar and unlimited billion-dollar inheritances tax free and reducing greatly the taxes of the high-income classes, by collapsing the progressive income tax system down to three income brackets, rationalized on the repeatedly proven fallacy that trickle-down economics and prosperity increases prosperity for all, whereas it has been repeatedly proven that updated and state-of-the-arts infrastructure and increased middle and underclass incomes galvanize and roar commerce, the economy, production, demand, spending, and investment and saving, on a maximum scale and that a social safety net gives the populace a sense of security, stability and ability to cope in the event of unforeseen or uncontrollable personal adversity and economic dislocation, as, with respect to the latter, routine and random employment furloughs and layoffs are endemic to constant business and industry downturns and down cycles associated with periods of sustained or critical declines in consumption and sales and capital losses as well as with major occasions or periods of company or industry-pervasive mismanagement, bad accounts receivable, bad investments, financial system and stock-market crashes,  or corruption and crashes, etc.  Post-Great-Recession examples of unregulated free-market, free of government and citizenry oversight, corruption are the US taxpayer-rescued solvency-shaky US banking system's blocked attempt in 2011 (blocked by the Occupy Wall Street public interest and advocacy movement), acting in consensus, to impose gouge fees on bank customers and account holders, the LIBOR and Forex banking-and-financial-system scandals in recent years, respectively, of insider-manipulated and financial-predatory interbanking-lending-interest and foreign-currency-exchange rates, among other financially predatory international banking-and-financial-system manipulations and scandals, the September of 2016 news-media exposed Wells Fargo Bank fraudulent, customer-unauthorized-and-deception, bank-creation of millions of fee accounts and enrollment into credit-card accounts on account holders, (in which too big for real and too big for jail top executives claimed saw no evil, heard no evil, did no evil, said no evil and knew of no evil go unfaulted and legally and administratively for the gross fraud permeating their institution, the institution they govern).  Major corporations have unprecedented cash reserves on hand already, that they substantially are not deploying productively (other than to buy or buy into profit-auspicious other companies or complementary companies to theirs that will fortify or enlarge their market-share and market-share reach), because of lack of sufficient demand for their products and services and consumer demand that is without sufficient income and disposable income owing to the extraordinary concentration of wealth in too few, an oligarchy, with comparatively miniscule spending needs and dwarfed in its scale of spending in comparison to that of the middle and under classes.  Trump’s tax plan also fosters and entrenches an hereditary, generational aristocracy of unearned total wealth transfer to heirs within families that is also totally untaxed, in which such income-tax immunity on wealth and income, massive wealth and income, goes to this class of people because of their birth and marriage into great wealth (a beneficiary, survivor spouse, widow or widower, who could bequest it by will or living trust, tax free, to her or his choice of heir/s or natural family heirs), whereas traditionally under the progressive income tax system there is a nontaxable exemption amount of money and/or fair market value of assets (wealth) from an inheritance, currently at $5,450,000.00, above which the money and/or fair market value amount of the inheritance is progressively taxed, subjected to greater tax rates commensurate to the size of the inherited wealth’s value exceeding an inheritance’s tax exempt amount or fair market value of $5,450,00.00.  Why should a food-service waitress or waiter, etc., have to pay tax on modest income and an heir to a great fortune pay nothing in income taxes or not pay income taxes commensurate with the level of extreme wealth he or she inherits (unlimited wealth-class socialism and entitlement, or economic-financial freeloader privilege, forever, based on birth, marriage and inheritance, being aristocracy and oligarchy as opposed to personal economic performance and merit, antithetical to democracy and classical capitalism based on honorable marketplace competition with reward based on performance and productivity merit with integrity), which is income too?  Ultimately, all wealth has its origin in and comes from nature, so basically and naturally belonging to all, and for humans it artificially arises and proceeds from the society or societies, including its and/or their human and material resources, as well as, in general, its and/or their people, government and laws, from and through which it is/was derived, which together are the benefactors of the recipients of wealth, and to which and whom the recipients and all wealth recipients are inextricably and forever beholden.  

Arguments and assertions made by don’t-tax-the-rich oligarch-funded trickledown-economics think tanks and ideologues will argue that cutting taxes on the rich spurs the economy, citing as examples the booms in the economy that followed major tax cuts on the rich enacted into law during the John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan presidential administrations, etc.  What they don’t mention, or may mention in passing but with no emphasis, is that these large tax cuts for the rich were accompanied by moderate tax cuts for the middle and under classes, whose resulting increased incomes and spending were the primary and lasting bases for the booms, until their incomes and spending were reversed and/or offset by cyclic downturns in the economy and increases in the cost of living (the reality CPI, cost of living index, being the CPI plus local and national average increases in the costs of housing, transportation and energy), etc., over time, outpacing relatively stagnant and slow-growth mass-worker incomes, based on the longitudinally (in-time) adjusted purchasing power of the dollar, in the aggregate.  Tax cuts on the incomes of the wealthy tend to or invariably increase stock trading and the values, appreciation or capital-gain trade and turnover value, of stocks in the stock market and are irrelevant for the most part to mass consumer demand and respondent business and industrial production and supply as well as related business-to-business demand and supply, business and industrial development, expansion and large-scale worker hiring and job increases in the economy.  (Substantial windfall money to the wealthy is also squirreled away in foreign secret and alter-ego/alias bank and investment accounts that hide that money from spouses and creditors and hide its earnings from taxation by their home-nation governments, a situation their home governments are always investigating and attempting to expose and criminally prosecute perpetrators for in clusters and as individuals -- money generated from US human and US-sited material resources and disinvested and off-shored from the US economy for the nontaxable earnings or profits on it to the further enrichment of the concerned wealthy without benefit, payback or support, in the form a charge-per-dollar income tax, if merely in cents per dollar, of the US economy and society, including public land, air and aquatic-marine infrastructure, federal, state, county and municipal, as applicable, military, police, firefighter , disaster mitigation, environmental and public health and safety, and educational services, etc., that conferred wealth on, and/or that supports and protects, the concerned wealthy and their wealth.  A good portion of the money of the wealthy also is routinely invested in income-producing real estate, landlord real estate and RITs, real estate investment trusts, both residential and commercial.)  Emphatically, business expansion, profitability and hiring as well as economic booms are fueled and powered primarily and overwhelmingly by mass-consumer incomes and mass-consumer leverageable equity in assets and spending -- that is, by mass-consumer spending capacity, or purchasing power, and actual consumer-demand spending for goods and services, consumer-demand spending that is supported by a sufficiency of disposable income well exceeding the income required for paying basic necessities for living, meeting the basic needs of a household and keeping a job (food, clothing, shelter, utilities, toiletries, personal care products, medicine and medical co-payments and deductibles, transportation, etc.).  Mass consumer purchasing power is also constrained and sidelined by large-price-tag debt purchases and collateralized equity borrowing on assets, such as for major appliances, a vehicle, boat, a home or additional real estate, timeshare TIC, vacations, higher-education student loan borrowing, splurge wedding ceremonies, Christmas gifts, entertainment and celebratory events, funerals, major medical expenses, major repairs, etc.: debt repayable by consumer incomes much reducing to exhausting the otherwise available disposable income portion of those incomes.  Insufficient incomes also leads to many workers being unable to meet their essential living expenses and being forced as young adults and financially upended older adults into living with their parents, out of their cars, or other vehicles, to the extent they can afford to service, repair or replace them with reliable personal transportation, or short term in homeless shelters or homeless camps, often tent camps, routinely disbanded by local government and police, while anti-public-safety-net/social- help-programs, pro primacy-of-profits and marketplace financially-smug, arrogant and socially-callous oligarchical Republicans and libertarians advocate for deregulation of business obligations to employees and the abolishment of minimum-wage, unemployment-injury-disability-and-Social-Security-retirement-insurance, and health-insurance benefits laws for employees and most vigorously protest and lobby against any minimum wage, let alone a living or livable minimum wage, arguing that a minimum wage costs jobs, that is, limits job numbers.  What good is a job if it does not provide enough income to meet one’s essential living expenses and forces folks into unsafe canned-sardine-like living conditions, couch surfacing and homelessness, and if the necessity of having multiple such jobs at the same time to meet essential living expenses causes one or mates to be groggy and inefficient, and to daze or faint from insufficient rest and sleep and sleep deprivation, at work and home, or elsewhere, and to chronically collapse from physical and psychological exhaustion as well as to be at risk of being fired as an employee for being  chronically in a functionally rundown and poor job-performance physical and psychological state?  Such economic policies and an economy, in the absence of a middle-class-oriented and -dominated government with compassion and compassionate economic programs for the underclass and its circulatory upliftment into the middle and high-income classes, will lead the US into becoming the same as the oligarchies of Central and South America, India and south Asia, and Africa, with sequestered, splendorous gated and guarded enclaves for the wealthy versus squalid slums, shanty towns, favelas, and resident street, ground and beach homeless populations, including hoards of dirt-poor mothers, babies, children, adolescents, elderly and disabled and diseased people, with open-air, no-facilities public toileting and garbage dumping, who are periodically purged from these squattervilles by police or army troops, for the majority, and a socially and economically modest-in-size and precarious middleclass in-between them.  This is the incipient but contained situation throughout the US as of the GOP’s economic policies of business deregulation, major tax cuts benefiting primarily the wealth class and massive war spending that resulted in the Great Recession of 2008, a hugely swollen federal budget deficit and national debt in their and its aftermath -- with rightwing oligarchs, their mass-media propagandists, Republicans and marketplace libertarian think-tank ideologues and crank-intellectuals, calling for scaling down and scrapping social-safety-net programs, for public disasters, the elderly, Social Security retirees, the down-and-out and needy children, calling for privatization of government public services, with funding and support of a neo-spoils-system or parasitical, crony-capitalism private, privatization companies by the tax money of the nation’s taxpayers (while disparaging, demonizing and attempting to discredit the competence of the government test-and-performance competitive, merit-system civil service providing these public services: public education K-12 through university, prisons, law enforcement, military logistics support services, national security and intelligence services, etc.), and calling for further cutting of taxes most benefiting the wealth class and big business and for renewed and endless large-scale military (the largely Congressional and war-industry-lobbyist sponsored and funded military-industrial complex, included its investors-financial beneficiaries) spending and direct involvement abroad.  President Obama’s economic rescue policies, despite the attempted and partially effective sabotage of them by the GOP-dominated joint houses of the US Congress, have worked to revive our economy from near fatality, stabilized it and have given it a lifeline, putting it on course for complete healing and a long-term rally beneficial to the business, investor, wealth, professional and labor classes, provided the economy does not once again come under the control of a GOP pro-oligarchy presidency and US Congress pushing again an economic policy package of deregulation of business and the economy, major tax cuts for the wealthy and rich and military-boots-on-the-ground large-scale or full-scale war abroad, an often proven recipe for domestic, nationwide economic disaster and huge federal budget deficits and national debt, benefiting primarily the predatory and vulture capitalist companies, investors and classes of the US, and squandering of US taxpayers’ tax money diverted from investment in US infrastructure, free and cheap vocational (employment-market trade and technical-labor skills), STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and liberal arts higher education, economic and local civil-society development, domestic security, human health and welfare, environmental protection, etc.

Deregulation of business has historically resulted in corporate abuses, corruption, plunder of company, employee, simple-investor and pension-plan stock-market-investor financial assets by feed-fest-and-frenzied financial maggots and vulture capitalists (Trump himself said, captured in a broadcast audio-visual recording of him, when the 2008 Great Recession was in place, that, in effect, he welcomed the 2008 financial collapse and Great Recession as an opportunity for him to make bargain real estate purchases, of real estate lost to or at ownership risk of lost to owners in financial trouble with their real estate, as a result of these); financial system collapses, such as the junk-bond rip-off schemes, starring Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky, and S&L system collapse in the 1980s-early 1990s, starring Charles Keating, the corporate cannibalism of decade 2000, starring the Y2K stock-market dive benefiting stock-market short-seller speculator individuals, groups, companies and institutions, Long-term Capital Management Co., WorldCom, Enron, Bear-Stearns, Lehman Brothers,  AIG Corp. (central to the NIJA/subprime-loan, bundled-CDO, or collateralized debt obligations, and bundled-CDS, or collateralized swaps, real estate market meltdown scandal imperiling the first- world real estate markets, financial systems and nation-state economies worldwide, and thereafter using too-big-to-fail/too-big-for-jail taxpayer rescue TARP money to fund a circa $750,000.00 retreat party for top executives and pay substantial compensation, including bonuses, to top executives), pyramid-investment-scheme defrauders, starring Bernie Madoff, and others of his ilk in financial-rip-off bad character, and so on and so forth, and the financing, banking, real-estate and auto industry collapse of 2008, with its Great Recession ripple effects, including the foreclosure robo-document banking system, plus, fraud scandal exposed by the news media, on the US and world economies overall …

At a minimum, deregulation also means burgeoning and routine e-coli, salmonella and listeria, etc., pathogen outbreaks, if not epidemics, generally from excrement or unsanitary working-conditions resulting in contaminated food from failure of workers to soap wash their hands or gloves, or change unsanitary or contaminated gloves, after toileting and in food handling work, as well as in budget busting or takeover unconscionable rises or rocketing in essential or survival pharmaceuticals, as has occurred in recent years.  Ethical, health and safety regulation by government authority, representing the common good and civilized society, is necessary and indispensable.

Trump’s economic plan is the standard Republican Party economic plan of trickle-down economics and maximization of profits, earnings, income and wealth for the wealth class, by all possible means, including, but not limited to, minimizing taxes on this class, offshoring of manufacturing and non-service jobs, to the extent possible in a practical regard, to low-overhead, lowest-pay and no-fringe-benefits labor nations and minimizing labor expenses and pay to home-nation employees, as much as possible making the latter easily replaceable, disposable employees, at the whim of employers -- the on-call, totally-fend-for-yourself, gig economy and a global consumer-demand marketplace for the major corporations, being multinational or global or globalization corporations, not economically dependent on their home nation for the production and sale of their products, and, less so, for their services.  Trump is a born and lifelong oligarch, and a predatory one according to his investigated history as a businessman and an admitted one according to himself, as captured in a news-media audio-video recording of him regarding his views on the 2008 Great Recession.  He is not the friend of the labor class nor middle and under classes, and must not be elected president of the US. 

Trump’s waffling, wavering and to-ing and fro-ing, on his assertion that President Obama and Hillary Clinton are the founders of ISIS.  What it means:  testing public manipulability and gullibility, in advancing such a notion as a campaign theme and weapon against his opponent Hillary Clinton, and trying to push its delusional public currency and having it go delusionally viral with the public by means of a hoped-for tacit collaboration of a trumpeter news media sympathetic to Trump, particularly Fox Media and the other rightwing news media and talk-show news media, in a desperate attempt to rescue his gravely imperiled presidential campaign -- a failed attempt by Trump and team to engineer and perpetrate a mass-media viral political hoax basis for a false-flag smear campaign ultimately against Hillary Clinton.  He and his team of advisers observed that the news media and broadcast talk-show news media, including much of the socially conservative, pro-GOP media, and a majority of the public questioned the rationality and literal reasonableness of this notion, while Trump’s staple of followers embraced it, went along with the pretense for some and delusion for others of his followers.  In wanting to maintain the pretense and delusion with his followers who subscribed to the notion and claim, yet in wanting to refashion the notion and claim as not being insane with the majority of the public and news media, and broadcast talk-show media, dismissive and cynical of the notion and claim, Trump labeled it as sarcasm, which it never was, as audio-video recorded, in his tone of voice and facial expressions and his arguments in support of the notion and claim broadcasted on TV and in tone of voice and arguments in radio broadcasts of Trump’s notion and claim.  After superficially retracting the notion, in response to its failed currency with the majority of the public and news media, etc., including the rightwing news media, etc., Trump publicly erupted into an emotional storm, tantrum and tirade calling the news media biased against him and crooked and saying in essence that the whole system, crooked government and news media, was rigged against him.  I guess this would include the voting vast majority, who will resoundingly vote against mentally and emotionally intemperate and volatile Trump, a madman, in the upcoming 2016 US presidential election, as being biased against him and mass conspirators or consensus conspirators in the rigged election against him, and mean that he is not the con artist and for-real crook, and a cockamamie crook, in this election and in his business-life’s history but that everyone else is a crook.  He has found that he is smarter than his followers, a voting minority, but has learned, to his painful frustration and fury, that he is not smarter than anyone else, inclusive of the vast majority of American voters eagerly poised to vote against him and rout him to audio-visual oblivion come presidential election-day in November of 2016.  Trump’s howls that the crooked system is rigged against his presidential bid are really a verbal symptom of his demoralizing sense of the impotency and futility over his losing campaign and its doom come  election-day, political-judgment-day, voter selection of the next president of the USA, in resounding rejection of him.  He and his team are constantly and feverishly trying out new wild, outlandish and incredulous political ploys with the public in the effort to bulk up his voter numbers, and make them competitive, and to rescue his failing campaign, but to no avail. 

A carefully crafted, crafty speech and political ploy intended to divide African Americans socio-politically and to break the political bond between African Americans as a politically consequential voting bloc from the Democratic Party, in order to dilute the influence and power of both.  Donald Trump’s speech in Wisconsin, delivered to one of his invariably virtually all-white-people audiences, on 08-16-2016, appealing, via news media coverage of it, to African American voters and suggesting that African Americans would be better served by voting for him for US president and for GOP politicians is an obvious stratagem to attempt to exploit crime issues internal to African American communities and focus concern on internal transgressors, to the exclusion of public and private actors and institutions en mass determinatively impacting on these communities that set the apartheid cultural conditions in our society that in the main systematically besmirch, undermine, sabotage, discredit and make a police-state surveilled, harassed and bullied (stop and frisk, stop while black and walking, by police and database searches on those stopped; driving-while-black stops, data checks and vehicle searches by police; illegal breaking and entering in search of contraband and/or valuables by police; un-Constitutional Congressionally and judicially authorized civil forfeiture, confiscation and official theft, of vehicles, money, jewelry, electronics, real estate, appliances, etc., by law enforcement; bye-bye drive-by cops of common-people black victims and their businesses, apartment buildings, homes and residences as renters; death by police, with impunity, for breathing while being black yet unarmed; etc. …) ghettoized enemy of the African American people and their communities and that in large measure contribute to breeding large-scale dysfunction and dysfunctional people in those communities, such as:  Donald Trump as a landlord having been successfully sued by the US Department of Justice in the 1970s for practicing blanket discrimination against socioeconomically qualified African Americans attempting to rent residential rental units from Donald Trump; whose voice was one of public leadership and high profile of the suggestively presumed guilty by race, being African American, of African American adolescent boys in the NYC Central Park rape of a white woman in 1989, leading to the forced, false “wilding-incident” confessions of these African American adolescent boys, who like thousands of other people were in that large park on the day of rape, and resulting in their wrongful imprisonment for circa more than a decade, 2002, folks only released following the capture of the lone culprit, non-black, a serial rapist turned rape-murdered, associated with another crime and who during his jail custody voluntarily confessed, divulged, that he was the sole perpetrator of the NYC Central Park rape and voiced relevant details on the rape attack corroborating that he was the sole perpetrator of that crime, confirmed by DNA testing of him and the wrongly prosecuted and convicted Central Park Five; who in August publicly declared that the presidential election was rigged against him and if he lost the state of Pennsylvania, by majority vote, in the runoff presidential election, it would have been stolen from him, a swing state that, like most other swing states, is already trending for Hillary Clinton by definitive margins in a consensus of the nonpartisan, mainstream national polls on the voting choices of registered voters, and that his followers, the sheriffs and police have to go to polling stations come election day in November, 2016, to ensure that the voters for his opponent/s do not vote five times, being code language for these forces to show up at polling stations in primarily African American and Hispanic communities and challenge, harass, intimidate and disrupt those voters into not voting (a become common  Republican Party adversarial practice, among a variety of other, opposition-voter-suppression practices by Republicans, employed against mainly African American and Hispanic voters of the Democratic Party to obstruct and disrupt their voting and votes).  Moreover, one of his campaign advisers, Rudolph Giuliani, former US attorney and mayor of New York City, who vigorously supported, and possibly originated, the modern America/n-apartheid, double-standard law-enforcement system in policing and criminal prosecution, and its US un-Constitutional arbitrary stop-and-frisk searches of African Americans and impunity killings and barrage-bullet shooting slaughters by police of unarmed African Americans, with him disparaging publicly in the broadcast media some of the murdered-by-police unarmed African American victims, essentially arguing that they deserved such murder, death by police execution, given their criminal background having nothing to do with a current or outstanding criminal offense or a  serious criminal offense currently, is such a force, malefactor and legalized menace to African Americans.  Similarly, another campaign adviser of his is former US Congressman and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, R.-GA, who, when in public office in the 1990s, attempted in the news media to stoke categorical racial hostility against African Americans nationally for the heinous drowning killing of several white children in the alleged hijacking by an African American man of the car of their mother Susan Smith, the real and later confessed killer, who drove the car into a river, having evacuated the car and abandoned them, possibly with their having been tied up or asphyxiated beforehand.  Trump’s speech was canned, routine presidential-election-campaign, false-empathy, divide-and-conquer rhetoric by the GOP-RNC and Trump-for-president team meant to divide African Americans by class and politically, into not voting as a unified bloc, and to split the solid political bond between African American voters as a voting bloc and the Democratic Party, so as to dilute and weaken substantially African American voting power and the political and electoral competitive strength of the Democratic Party and enable the Republican Party and Donald Trump to defeat the Democratic Party’s political candidates for political office.  His new campaign chairman and communications manager, Steve Bannon of conservative, white-American nationalist Breitbart Media, is further evidence that Trump and team are duplicitous in their messaging about and to and in their regard for African Americans and African American voters -- offering friendship with a gift of aromatic, splendorous wine spiked with super-kill, sure-death poison.  Without exaggeration, within their hearts and those of many, many followers of Trump for president lurks wishful genocide for particularly African Americans, including for their useful-stooge African Americans.  Remember or know that at Republican rallies for presidential-candidate Barack Obama’s 2008 opponent US Senator John McCain, R-AZ, to McCain’s shock, horror and prompt condemnation, his crowds chanted in reference to Barack Obama’s name “Nigger!  Nigger!  Kill him!  Kill him!” The current shout-out mantra “Crooked Hillary” by Trump and response chant “Lock her up!  Lock her up!” by his rally crowds tells us that the same mentality of people who made the murderous chant about President Obama in 2008 because of his black racial heritage substantially very credibly may make up very much or most of the supporter base of GOP presidential-candidate Donald Trump and the Trump-for-president campaign, with Trump’s adroit emotional stoking and manipulation of them -- a maniacal, devious, dangerous and deranged man, a likewise team and likewise swarms of followers:  beware.  Remember too that Trump’s voice was publicly a loud leader in the birther smear campaign falsely claiming that President Obama was not born in the US and hectoring for President Obama to release his university/college transcripts to the public, a demand or insistence he did not make nor has not made of any other candidate for political office, nor has he authorized the IRS to release his income tax returns nor his alma mater Wharton to release his college/university transcripts to the public in connection with his current presidential candidacy and campaign -- such an outrageous, despicable hypocrite and hypocritical stinking, shitty asshole!  From the well-attired, well-groomed and manicured, university-educated and articulate branch of the KKK. An insincere carefully crafted and crafty speech.

The Republican Party leadership and GOP Congresspersons have openly done everything legally possible to obstruct the success of President Barack Obama and discredit him as a president and deprive him of an historically positive legacy, because he is a black man, an African American, physically in a social regard.  Since the election of Richard Nixon as president of the US in the early 1970s, under his Southern political strategy, overtly white supremacists and white-power political and economic monopolists have switched to the Republican Party and have major influence in it.  Republican presidents and US Congresspersons and voters, broadly, supported the minority white pigmentocracy, white-rule garrison government of South Africa prior to its fall, whereas the Democratic Party in the vast majority and the labor unions unanimously of the US denounced and opposed it.

African Americans are Democrats because the Democratic Party as of the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt became and has been the political party of progressive society and political equity, the New Deal, employment promotion and the social safety net (Social Security retirement pensions, unemployment insurance and employment development, disability insurance, free K-12 education, free to low-expense community or junior college education, Medicare-Medicaid insurance, respectively, for retirees and largely low-income families with dependent children, minimum wages, food stamps and financial aid for impoverished mothers and economically dislocated mothers for protracted periods of time, for white, black, Native, Hispanic, Asian American mothers or sometimes families) for labor-class Americans, civil-rights laws and enforcement for demographic minorities or discriminated against populations (African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women, homosexuals, etc.), racial desegregation of the armed forces and establishments serving the public.  Since the administration of President Franklin Roosevelt, in policies, words and actions it is and has been the most African-American helpful and participatively inclusive political party and force on Earth, with its exemplars at the helm being, to imperfection, but not gross imperfection, in which no human or mortal is perfect nor has been able to deliver a socioeconomic utopia or make everybody happy, Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.  The only GOP president since President Theodore Roosevelt, term of office September of 1901 to March of 1909, to decisively, but reluctantly, in actions demonstrate substantial concern for simmering educational, social and economic discrimination and marginalization of African Americans was President Dwight Eisenhower, term of office January of 1953 to January of 1961, who, in the 1950s, so acted under pressure from celebrity musicians Louie Armstrong, black, and Bing Crosby, white, although WWII-hero, US five-star general Eisenhower, with blond hair, blue eyes, vanilla-compexioned skin and European facial features, had a confirmed maternal grandmother who was an African American, an, in appearance, mulatto woman, Ida Elizabeth Eisenhower Stover.  The Democratic Party is the multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural, cross-cultural, multi-socioeconomic, pro-child, pro-family, pro-worker, pro-education, pro-student, pro-science, pro-health, pro-environment, pro-wildlife, pro-public-infrastructure, pro-new clean and safe fuel energy, technology and industry and pro-economic opportunity, progress and advancement political party for the US population on the whole, as well as is the political and social egalitarian party.  It is not the oligarch political party, nor stock-market-investment looter party, nor warfare, any-gun-goes, fossil-fuels, global-warming, bigotry, demagoguery and anti-science political party, all of which the Republican Party is.  Since 1877, with the demise of the Republican Party of radical Republicans Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner, and the negotiated selection of Rutherford B. Hayes as US president by Republican and Democratic Congressmen and withdrawal of federal troops from the former Confederate states, African Americans were largely shunted to a status of social and political marginalization, disenfranchisement and disregard, until the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt. (To be continued)   

Donald Trump -- an utter flim-flam, scammer crazy man! 

Unscrupulous, dishonest, disreputable, repetitive bankruptster, defaulter-stiffer, immature, egomaniacal, intemperate, toxic, demagogic, deranged!  Dangerous, diabolical, deranged Donny!:  Lock him up!  Lock him up!   

“Crooked her!, crooked him!, crooked this! and crooked that!,” he says.  And he asks “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the biggest crook of all?,” hearing “Yo!, look who’s talking?  You’re looking at him, bro.!  You are, by far!  My Donald, you are!”

No, diabolical Donald, you are not fired -- You’re   n o t   h  i  r  e  d!!  You crazy for-real crook!!!

Regarding candidate Hillary Clinton's recent bout with transient, non-contagious pneumonia (undoubtedly with its underlying source being her acquired habit of sacrificing her needed adequate sleep, a habit she would have acquired in her service as US secretary of state, resulting in chronic sleep deprivation and a cumulative sleep deficiency and deficit undermining and weakening her health integrity and resistance to health insults and her resilience to health insults). publicly symptom evidenced on 09-11-2016, I would vote for her over Donald Trump if she had to campaign for and govern as president of the US from a gurney!

In follow up on the first Clinton-Trump presidential-candidates debate, occurring on 09-26-2016, in which Donald Trump stated that the US Justice Department suit against him was a collective suit against many landlord companies that included his company and which he settled with terms admitting, to the effect, no fault or wrong or guilt investigator and sting parties to the  racial discrimination reported in the broadcast media on 09-29-29-2016 that the DOJ law suit for housing discrimination against black Americans to which Trump and company settled was specifically against Trump and company property management and involved explicit racial discrimination in not renting apartments to black American as a matter of policy by Trump and company property management.  His word is crud.  He is a flim-flam scammer jive-talking man! 

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