Ruminations of a Physics Fan on the Phenomenon of Gravity
I've been reading over and over in physics writings that gravity is not a force but is the curvature or bending of the fabric of space, or spacetime, by the impact or the presence of bodies of mass in or upon it, assumedly including the resulting microgravity wells of subatomic quantum particles with mass, even in atoms, to such macrogravity wells of super galaxy clusters and such gravity wells of differentiated or discrete bodies of mass between these. At the same time, the gamut of these bodies of natural mass, from tiny to grand, for the most part, do, at varying speeds, based on the nature of the body or object, both spin unto themselves and, so to speak, "hierarchically" orbit more massive or larger and more massive bodies of mass or micro-objects with a mass, which (spinning and orbiting -- indicated superpositioning on both the quantum and macroscopic levels of mass) may not only result from gravitational effects but may contribute to them. However, indeed that curvature or bending response results in pulling, contracting and squeezing pressure, which is a pulling, contracting and squeezing force, which clearly in the case of a black hole, an extreme gravity well or field in the 3D-4D volume of space, or spacetime, is a most powerful sucking gravitational well or field, again, at a minimum, a pulling pressure or force behavior on other things in its pull reach. Furthermore, gravitational waves radially rippling outwardly through the fabric of space, or spacetime, generated from the collision and merging of two black holes or neutron stars, are indeed repulsive gravity, as distinct from ordinary pulling, and the like, gravity and are a [pressure] force impactfully propagating through and rippling the fabric of cosmologically foremost fundamental 3D-4D volume space, or spacetime, itself. Theoretical gravitons, the theoretical quantum particle-wave force carriers of gravity are likely to be found, if they exist, in gravitational waves, which have been repeatedly instrumentally observed and proven to exist by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory). Gravity clearly appears to be a reactive, cascading impactful force either way, of pull or push pressure, albeit a dependent-variable reaction force instigated by the independent-variable antecedent proactive force in or upon space, or spacetime, of mass.
Encapsulated in an inelegant axiom, this conception of gravity would say that the pressure of mass acting on 3D-4D volume spacetime, being the fabric of spacetime, makes and tells 3D-4D volume spacetime, the fabric of spacetime, how to contour, and therein how to move, and the reactive pressure of so contoured 3D-4D volume spacetime hosting and acting on mass tells mass, and its resulting gravity well in spacetime, how to move and how to impact and interact with other bodies of mass and their gravity wells.
1. Space (the same as spacetime) is a physical 3D-4D volume and geospatial-grid structural thing. It is nowhere and in no way an absolute vacuum. Even in its virtual vacuum state it is pervaded with the energy of a vacuum and ubiquitously fizzing with opposite-charge virtual particles (evidentially, via their collisions and mutual annihilations, the basis of the energy of a [virtual] vacuum, and vice versa) flickering in and out of existence.
2. The fabric of spacetime (the same as the fabric of space) is elastic [in behavior] and the elastic fabric of the informational 3D-4D structural volume and geospatial-grid of spacetime.
3. The [informational-directional] dimensional structure of space makes space a physical structural spacetime thing of existence (in which the state of existence is interchangeably termed the state of being as well as presence, tenure and dwelling), which is also the foremost temporal state, being the state of time and is inextricably concurrent with dimensional space, in which space in the absence of all dimensions would no longer be spacetime nor a thing of existence and not even space, but in its place of nonexistence would be the circumstance of incomprehensible absolute nothing (no place, no direction, no time, no energy, no matter, no light, no darkness, no temperature, no essence if any kind, no anything).
4. The confirmation as fact that formerly theoretical gravitational waves, as distinct from gravitational-well gravity of bodies of mass, informs us that there is an inward-directional pull-effect or -force gravity from bodies and objects of mass and an outward-directional push-effect or -force of gravity, in the form of gravitational waves, produced by the collision and merging of two or more black holes, neutron stars or white dwarf stars.
5. If in reality, if confirmed to be fact, the theoretical gravitons for the gravity of the gravitational wells of macrocosmic bodies of mass correspond in size to fit into the size range of other quantum particles (i.e., from quarks to lepton and hadron quantum-particle families and offshoots), and therein the size of quantum-particle force carriers of the other three fundamental forces of nature, and if all bodies of mass and objects with a mass (including such quantum particles) have a gravity well and a related gravitational pull effect, however small for quantum particles with mass, then the gravitons for gravity wells of quantum particles would expectedly be virtually infinitesimal, by comparison on the quantum particle level, and be behaviorally different from the gravitons of the gravity wells of macrocosmic bodies of mass. (Situations of mergers of quantum particles from collisions between mergeable species of these may generate microcosmic quantum-particle related gravitational waves.) Given this frame of reference, compared to the quantum-particle gravitons of gravity of the gravity wells of macrocosmic bodies of mass, the gravitons of the gravity wells of quantum particles with mass expectedly would be virtually infinitesimal subquantum particles. Alternatively, gravitons might exist and operate in a purely wave state at the quantum particle level and at some threshold point exist and operate as particle-waves or particles, or causally switch between these states, in the atomic-molecular macrocosmic regime of mass in our universe. A candidate for what may be gravitons may be the known virtual particles of virtually vacuum spacetime, ubiquitously fizzing or popping in and out of existence in spacetime.
Quantum particle symmetry theory's hypothesized, and substantially verified, opposite-charge matter-versus-antimatter otherwise equivalent species particles, in this discussion of quantum particles being hypothetical gravitons and antigravitons, would comport with being these virtual quantum particles of matter and antimatter of vacuum space mutually colliding and obliterating and in so doing generating the inherent quantum energy of vacuum space, the basis of matter creation, as well as account for pull-compression pressure gravity resulting from mass, however large or small, and push-emitting gravity pressure of gravitational waves resulting from the merger of black holes and/or supermassive stars or such star remnants, possibly cumulatively the source driving the expansion of the universe's [fabric of ] space, spacetime. Possibly the motion of, or moving, things (their spinning, orbiting or traversing, or all), is a further source of either or both of these directional forces of gravity pressure, extrapolated from physicist Albert Einstein's factually proven inference that acceleration -- also applicable to deceleration, or overall to celeration, be it acceleration or deceleration -- of an object is equivalent in effect to the force of gravity. Incidentally, I recently read an article (this sentence is an addendum to the prior posting of this narrative) on the circumstantial logic and evidence for a multiverse in online Big Think digital magazine, which suggested that the cosmogenic big-bang expansion of the universe was and is its ongoing entropic gravitational pull, or push, away from the initial state of the universe.
6. Acceleration, the increase in velocity of a body in motion or the setting into motion a body at a state of rest, is equivalent to the effect of gravity, and so is deceleration of a body in motion. It is to be clarified as to whether the same effect is produced by a system of perpetually closely neighboring or spatially linked objects moving at different fixed speeds, such as the orbiting system of multiple rings (made of ice, rock and dust) of each, in our solar system, the gas planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Q: How is it the case that nothing can exist in the absence of dimensional space, inarguably the same thing as spacetime?
A: Because space, or spacetime, is the host of everything else that exists, that will exist and that could have existed and can exist and because everything of existence is a configuration, form, structure or construction of some kind, and cannot by its [identity of] being a thing or something be otherwise or to the contrary, all of which are simultaneously [the] informationality, spatiality and geometry of the state of existence of each and every thing of the present, future, past and potential, meaning they are things of space and spacetime, their prerequisite for existence and individual informational, geometric-spatial identity, which if abolished would result in everything having no host, no configuration, shape, form, structure, features, geometry, presence and existence. Nothing can exist beyond spacetime, because somewhere else is location, which is [still] space wherever it may be, and to exist is foremost the state of time and the foremost state of time, of the state of being of something or somethingness.
Public Domain
Sample of References on Why Gravity is Not a Force
Reference on Gravity as a Force