Voter power, the power to elect to and eject from office the elected officeholders, the top leaders, of governance at every level of government of our society, the power of the citizenry to choose its and their government and governance leaders. Use it or lose it, that power, and keep or lose, lose by forfeiture and capitulation to oligarchical tyranny of whatever kind, our pluralist constitutional democratic-republic society and constitutional democratic rights and way of life, our, largely in law, though not necessarily in practice fairly, but nevertheless, in ideal and aspiration, egalitarian society of broad, and equality therefrom, freedom for all.
I am voting for entirely Democratic Party candidates, come November 6, 2018, national election day.
Keep America great by vote ousting from its short-time chokehold control the Trump-Pence and crowd morally-depraved swamp of predation-craving and yawning, gluttonous alligators of iniquity fouling it, led by the fake-blond Sleaze in Chief, aka Predator in Chief, a publicly pathological flagrant, egregious liar, con talker, two-faced double talker, methodical mass fear and resentment stoker and manipulator bigot-demagogue, as well as grifter-fleecer, and man of grotesque incivility, unsavory, bad character and no conscience, using his position, cult followers and team players to serve his carnality, conceit and insatiable lust for self aggrandizement, glory and power (A sordid blight on America!).
Don't be stricken with amnesia about the root source of the thriving US economy and let President Trump, a mammoth liar, con talker, scammer, grifter-fleecer, bigot-demagogue and self-glorifier, claim credit for a so-far 10-year expansion economy cruising on autopilot, established by the Obama Presidency. The Trump presidential administration inherited this net consistently expanding economy from the Obama presidential administration upon Trump's taking office on January 20, 2017 as the elected successor US president to the outgoing, termed-out President Barack Obama.
Demagogic Rabble-Rouser
Unite and fight
The demagoguers;
Don't let them
Divide and conquer.
They are voices
Of discord and rancor;
They gain as scare
And scapegoat mongers
Who foment spite
Toward different others.
They are questors
Without honor,
Loyal only
To themselves
And power.
Copyright, Lord Prophet of Powertix
Friday, October 26, 2018
Friday, October 12, 2018
Saturn Joins Its Moon Titan and Planet Earth as the Most Striking Celestial Bodies, Geophysically, in Our Solar System
Saturn Joins Its Moon Titan and Planet Earth as the Most Striking Celestial Bodies, Geophysically, in Our Solar System
Not three discoveries but four strikingly new, last-moment discoveries about Saturn. In the month of October of 2018 the online science magazines report...
Four key findings about the planet Saturn discovered by the research spacecraft Cassini prior to this spacecraft's end-of-mission ostensible plunge of self-destruction into Saturn (Mouse click on news source links below.):
It has a totally straight magnetic field, apparently that between its opposite planetary poles, its north and south poles, making Saturn the only planet in our solar system that does not have a tilted, or angled, magnetic field.
It has a field of streaming electrical current surrounding the planet, unlike any other planet in our solar system.
Beneath its closest orbiting ice-dust ring it has a belt of radiation surrounding the planet that is said could not originate from outer space outside of its elaborate 8 to 9 ice and dust rings.
It is being deluged nonstop by ring rain, precipitation of circa 9,920 lb. per second of particulate dust, ice and gas (New Scientist magazine reports: "While the rings are made of mostly water ice, the [gaseous] rain is much more diverse, with ammonia, nitrogen, methane, and even more complex organic particles. This may affect the chemistry of the top layers of Saturn, says Hunter Waite at Southwest Research Institute in Texas." An article by on the same news points out that the concerned complex chemistry matches the geochemistry of some of Saturn's moons and could not originate directly from Saturn's rings, suggesting that this complex chemistry is being somehow siphoned from Saturn's moons and downpoured nonstop on Saturn (Universe Today reports that Saturn has at least 150 moons and moonlets in total, 62 of which have confirmed orbits and 53 of which have officially been named,
Not three discoveries but four strikingly new, last-moment discoveries about Saturn. In the month of October of 2018 the online science magazines report...
Four key findings about the planet Saturn discovered by the research spacecraft Cassini prior to this spacecraft's end-of-mission ostensible plunge of self-destruction into Saturn (Mouse click on news source links below.):
It has a totally straight magnetic field, apparently that between its opposite planetary poles, its north and south poles, making Saturn the only planet in our solar system that does not have a tilted, or angled, magnetic field.
It has a field of streaming electrical current surrounding the planet, unlike any other planet in our solar system.
Beneath its closest orbiting ice-dust ring it has a belt of radiation surrounding the planet that is said could not originate from outer space outside of its elaborate 8 to 9 ice and dust rings.
It is being deluged nonstop by ring rain, precipitation of circa 9,920 lb. per second of particulate dust, ice and gas (New Scientist magazine reports: "While the rings are made of mostly water ice, the [gaseous] rain is much more diverse, with ammonia, nitrogen, methane, and even more complex organic particles. This may affect the chemistry of the top layers of Saturn, says Hunter Waite at Southwest Research Institute in Texas." An article by on the same news points out that the concerned complex chemistry matches the geochemistry of some of Saturn's moons and could not originate directly from Saturn's rings, suggesting that this complex chemistry is being somehow siphoned from Saturn's moons and downpoured nonstop on Saturn (Universe Today reports that Saturn has at least 150 moons and moonlets in total, 62 of which have confirmed orbits and 53 of which have officially been named,
Prior to the aforementioned discoveries before its demise plunge, the Cassini spacecraft weeks before discovered a summertime formation of a hexagonal vortex above the long-known static atmospheric hexagon over the north pole of Saturn. (Interstellar dust detected at Saturn in 2016)
Far-Out Speculation on Planet Saturn in Consideration of the Recent and Past Strange Discoveries About It, Discoveries I Have Previously Posted and Will Post Again in Follow up on This Post.
The above newly discovered features of Saturn could reasonably, but speculatively, be viewed as systems of both established and in-progress planetary terraforming of Saturn by a technologically advanced intelligence geoengineering exospecies to it that has taken up residence on it and is colonizing it as settlers, were it not for the radiation belt surrounding and enclosing the other sky systems, particularly the ring rain process in which the ring rain presumably may have to pass as a downpour through that radiation belt and would become radioactively contaminated in doing so, potentially to the detriment of that exospecies, unless it were immune to radioactivity (radioactivity-related poisoning, injuries, malignancies, etc., and fatal sicknesses). However, the ring rain may be suctioning through as a downpour on Saturn in some way bypassing the radiation belt by entering into Saturn's atmosphere from below Saturn's rings and its radiation belt, a technically imponderable feat, unless the ring rain is anti-radiation protectively treated automatically and systematically as it downpours through the indicatively globally enveloping radiation belt. But, if technically possible, for serving the purpose of terraforming, it would be best and most efficient procedurally if the above radiation belt were used to sterilize the ring rain of all alien microbes and pathogens and for the underneath electrical current belt to do this doubly with electricity (for instance, shrooms, a black fungus, have been found to live and grow in the melted-down Chernobyl nuclear reactor in Ukraine and feed on its nuclear radiation-contaminated debris, but it may be that they cannot survive electrocution) and, further, to decontaminate the ring rain of its nuclear-radiation contamination. The means of siphoning of the ring-rain material by the planet Saturn would seem, by common-sense logic of natural mechanics, to result from Saturn's gravitational pull on the natural production of its planetary-moon-system outer-space debris continuously sheared and swept from the 150 or more moons and moonlets of this planetary-moon system by extra-planetary winds from the perpetual rotation of Saturn and whirl around it and its orbiting moons of its orbiting satellite ice-and-dust rings, probably all powerful perpetual, structurally discrete winds in themselves, as well as by the interaction of these extra-planetary and ring winds, including such winds made from Saturn’s orbiting moons and moonlets and their interactive geophysical-gravitational frictions. Possibly this same phenomenon occurs with the other 3 gas planets of our solar system, all of which have a ring or more and moons, but none with rings as robust as those of Saturn.
The major news media in the US reported on 12-19-2018 and 12-20-2018, quoting NASA, that the rings of Saturn are gradually shredding by the gravitational pull of Saturn, that their shedded material of water-ice particles and dust and/or rock particles is being absorbed by Saturn and that the rings are calculated to deplete completely in from 100,000,000 to 300,000,000 years (My favorite article on this news was/is in an online posting, containing a video clip on it, by Popular Mechanics Magazine at the click-on hyperlink, ). This gravity-milled ring rain, milled by the gravity of Saturn around which its predominately water-ice, but also dust and/or rock, ring material naturally revolves, would make an excellent, for the most part, water resource for [gradually] terraforming the planet Saturn itself with atmospheric and terrestrial hydro systems on its surface and/or subsurface -- and maybe its moon Titan too. I wonder how much water is in Saturn's rings as quantified in reference to each, firstly, the estimated combined quantity of water in all of the oceans of Earth and, secondly, the estimated total quantity of all of the water and water-ice in the atmosphere and water bodies and waterways, as well as snow and ice venues, on Earth./?
As regards Saturn and its moons, the [principle of the] hypothesis of microbe-based panspermia, if fact, generalized to my intellectual bias that complex lifeforms that have achieved comprehensive cognitive and technological superability as a species could spread their species celestially, may apply, somewhat similarly, but by intention, to how microbes hypothetically may spread their species to other astrophysical bodies in a solar system, galaxies or in the universe: by the survival, adaption and reproduction upon the touchdown of the physically and functionally well or best suited of their species' progeny on or in their biologically compatible, new worldly environments. A same microbe survival species would adapt and evolve on each of its new compatible, host worlds in response to that individual world's environmental and niche-fit or niche-opportunity, for it, contingencies (including predator-and-prey relationships and competition and health-benefits or supports versus risks contingencies), with different compatible alien worlds having different degrees of correspondence to its ancestral worldly environment of origin and thus with different degrees of compatibility for its homesteading of different environmentally compatible, for it, alien worlds. On the contrary, same microbe species that would touchdown on or in other, new worlds biologically incompatible with them would perish on or in those worlds or spore, or physically deactivate through some other dormancy self-preservation defense, in a state of suspended animation or dormancy (a dormancy defense not known to be applicable longterm to complex lifeforms that hibernate or estivate) on or in those other worlds. The difference between microbe panspermia species and complex, superintelligence panspermia species would be that the spacefaring complex, superintelligence panspermia species technologically would explore, or scout out for, planets and moons they are biologically compatible with and that are, and preferably for their resident solar systems too, sustenance and resource-rich for sustaining their survival long term, worlds they could adapt to, as well as adapt to themselves, and colonize, but other compatible worlds not inhabited by problematical other advanced species. For instance, were advanced sci-tech, spacefaring human societies able telescopically to vividly detect Earth-like planets and moons and send astronauts by spaceships to other nearby so-endowed solar-planetary systems in days to 6 months, or even within 20 years for young astronauts in an induced comatose hibernating state, but with their neuromuscular system under continuous subliminal electrical and vibratory stimulation and likewise brain-stimulation and learning, in a life-maintenance facility onboard, those advanced sci-tech, spacefaring human societies probably would send reconnaissance spacecraft missions to those solar-planetary systems to verify their habitability and settlement-support resources for humans, as well as their absence of technologically achieved, potentially cognitively competitor species, and some most probably would promptly send follow-up settlement missions of building-trades, industrial, bio, medical and all-variety of sci-tech skills teams of psychologically and physically healthy, [interpersonally] ethical and harmoniously married humans to those planets or moons confirmed to be already environmentally and ecologically amenable to and not posing an alien-intelligence issue or threat to human settlement.
With genetic editing available to technologically advanced human societies, in its applied combination with in-vitro-fertilization and cryopreservation of human fertilized eggs, of mentally, including sensory, and physically optimally healthy and fit parentage, these human eggs, for long-time, long-distance flights to other worlds readily suitable for human habitation, may, in time, be programmed in large measure or entirely, by genetic-editing for them to have artificial instinct, the latter including preprogrammed, learning-free [automatic] language while retaining [enhanced] natural language learning ability, to accelerate them in their human development and for the offspring to virtually autonomously harness and navigate their developmentally predetermined patch of survivally supportive and friendly environment, on those distant worlds, through their lifecycles, including reproduction, as humans, in part using the spaceships as a shelter and communal home, as well as an inter-human society electronic-transmitter and messaging transmissions communications center. Artificial intelligence robots, programmed with a totality sci-tech and intellectual-literacy library and self-updatable through experience, learning and electronic transmissions from authorized space-agency functions of Earth or their off-planet delegates, would be the sole or primary custodians, parents, care providers, teachers, protectors and foragers-providers of at least the first generation of these children. The IA robots would be equipped with whole-body calibratable taser-output capability, that would be used for repelling dangerous organisms or animals, tiny to large, as well as when necessary or when hunting or fishing, to slay food animals for feeding the children. They would have extreme superhuman intelligence and would be able to extract, mine, harvest, engineer and farm environments, make, build, repair and remodel tools, equipment, machinery, production industry and operations, consumer products and other robots, etc., as well as self repair and remodel.
Otherwise, 1)., the streaming electrical current, electricity, belt surrounding the planet Saturn from below the radiation belt speculatively could be an all-purpose utilities electrical energy and electronics/ telecommunications grid and system; 2)., the radiation belt above it speculatively could be a military defense radiation wall against potential invaders, including alien microbes and pathogens, of its colony planet as well as a novel type, to human nuclear engineers, of [a nuclear-engineering] aerial, atmospheric nuclear-power-plant system that generates electricity, analogous to the electrical product of a human-made nuclear-energy power plant for generating electricity; 3)., the particulate downpour of almost 5 tons of geochemical substances or matter per second speculatively could be for the material terraforming of habitation zones (like the circa18,000-mile in-diameter, in all directions, stationary and fixed-in-shape hexagon cloud formation above Saturn's north pole, with perhaps a hidden to our observation and detection north-pole with an ice-covered continent and subsurface ocean below it), with industrialization, of the giant gas planet Saturn, the second largest planet in the solar system, as well as for producing its life-sustaining consumption production; 4)., and the planet's straight, untilted magnetic field might, if artificially modified to be that way, have a technological advantage to the survival and/or productivity of the settler exospecies, such as maybe optimizing the gravity and gravitational effects, over those natural to Saturn, on and for the exospecies and its constructions, vehicles and air and space craft, and/or for optimizing this exospecies' ability to biologically navigate its newly settled planet, if it is biologically, or bio-evolutionarily, a migratory swarm, flock, school, herd or other species of animal or organism that is able to globally navigate instinctively or intuitively by means of an interaction between the magnetite in its individuals’ brains, etc., and the planet's magnetic-field north and south poles.
The Correlation in Time Frame, by Circa a Month, and Unique Incidence [of Occurrence] Between the Plutonium Nuclear-Powered Research Spacecraft Cassini's End-of-Mission Plunge into the Planet Saturn on September 15, 2017 and the Conspicuous Appearance on October 19, 2017 of the Oumuamua Outer-Space Object, Appraised To Be an Interstellar Outer-Space Object by Earth Space Scientists, a First Time Sighted Interstellar Outer-Space Object in Our Solar System, Traveling Gravitationally Unbound to Our Solar System and at Speeds and in a Speed and Transiting Pattern -- a Rationally Structured Travel Pattern and Directionality of from our Star, the Sun, Outwardly therefrom Across the Elliptical [Solar-System Disk] Plane of the Solar System and Line of All of Its Celestial Regions of Planets and Asteroid Belts, the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, to Interstellar Space at the Backend, Opposite the Sun -- Violating the Laws of Celestial Mechanics of Our Solar System for the Natural Travel of an Astrophysical or Celestial Object
It is easy for a highly imaginative mind to surmise that the nuclear fuel or waste of the Cassini spacecraft may have been recycled from the crashing or crashed but possibly intercepted, retrieved and salvaged Cassini spacecraft, possibly also itself recycled for its useful parts and materials, to refuel, and maybe repair, a nuclear-fuel spent, and maybe until then disabled, basically nuclear-powered Oumuamua exospecies-made robotic reconnaissance spacecraft, an outer-space rocket, enabling it, once refueled, or repaired and refueled, to resume its mission of mapping our solar system in its entirety and returning thereafter to its mother planet, such as in the Alpha Centauri and Alpha Proxima triple-star system, the closest solar system/s neighbor/s to ours, approximately 4.2-plus lightyears away, although its flight course within our solar system is in the direction of the star constellation Pegasus. Or the NASA-ESA-ISA-junked and perhaps ETI-exospecies captured Cassini spacecraft and the remains of its plutonium fuel may have been recycled entirely for the engineering and building of an entirely, from start to finished, new Oumuamua outer-space traveling object (spacecraft) routed from Saturn to the vicinity of our Sun via the outer space between these two celestial bodies outside of the orbital elliptical disk plane of our helio-centered solar system. Consistent with this lively vein of thought, one could imagine that Oumuamua exited out of our solar-system disk plane, days after Cassini's September 15, 2017 end-of-mission crash into Saturn, from the vicinity of Saturn and reentered the solar-system disk plane on circa October 19, 2017, when it was initially seen, then seen, by the University of Hawaii’s Pan-STARRIS1 telescope, in the vicinity of the Sun, likely with proof-knowledge on the part of that exospecies of our species' presence, the source and makers of the Cassini spacecraft that surveilled their (referring to the exospecies occupying Saturn and its special moon Titan) planetary-moon system for 13 years, a spacecraft that ultimately crashed into their presumptive colony-planet Saturn.
(By the way, our astronomy has observed that Oumuamua can drastically change its speed and can at least cruise within our solar-system disk plane at a speed of 98,400 miles per hour ((compared to the fastest nongravitational-assisted and autonomous flight or cruising speed of 36,373 miles per hour for a human-made spacecraft)), maybe slow enough for its assaying and mapping technology to deep-image and map our solar system. However, it was also tracked by space telescopes as traveling at each 59,000 and 85,700-miles per hour, respectively, apparently when or after it was first observed in our solar system and, subsequently, after it looped around or veered outward-bound from our sun. Its spinning and tumbling motions might also aid in doing the same ((like an in-flight geophysical object-and-environment observing and homing 3-D deep-sensing, deep-imaging advanced X-ray, MRI, spectrometer, radar, etc., system), and/or it might be the aircraft flight engineering of a species that is bio-evolutionary, as a physical species, a flying or swimming, or both, species with a different cognitive conceptualization mindset of engineering flight capabilities, purposes and possibilities than our species -- the systematic forward tumbling motion of Oumuamua may be roughly analogous to a whirling and alternate left-stroke-to-right-stroke, or vice-versa, swimming motion pattern, that, if intelligently engineered, might have some vehicle propulsion or spectrophotography, or both, benefit unimagined by flight and sensor-device/machinery engineers of our species. Most interestingly regarding its such spacecraft flight, if it took circa one month for its spacecraft to travel from Saturn to the vicinity of our sun through outer space beyond our solar-system disk plane, how fast would its spacecraft, Oumuamua, have traveled in outer space beyond, outside of, but parallel to our solar-system disk plane to get to the sun in that time frame (circa more than 3,055,555.55 miles per hour: 30 days x 24 hours = 720 hours in travel time from Saturn to our Sun; 2,200,000,000 miles in Oumuamua travel distance from Saturn and to the Sun divided by 720 hours of travel time = 3,055,555.55… miles per hour, allowing some days, in our time, for the recycling of the spent and residual plutonium nuclear fuel from the Cassini spacecraft salvaged by the exospecies settlers of Saturn to repair and nuclear-fuel refuel their Oumuamua robot reconnaissance space rocket before launching it))? Our knowledge of this travel time would better inform our space scientists of the higher or highest spacecraft speed of which the aerospace engineering of this exospecies is capable, compared to the circa six years it took for the human-made Cassini spacecraft to reach Saturn and its moons system, at a distance away of circa 2.2 billion miles. Maybe for its technology and infrastructure energy needs, this species is a nuclear-power use and expert species, maybe expert at cold-fusion nuclear-energy generation as well as electricity generation from cold-fusion nuclear energy. And, maybe nuclear-fuel raw materials are what, in these creatures' space travels and interplanetary settlements, is most essential and valuable to them, apart from their settlements. Obviously, as settlers of Saturn and Titan, these exospecies creatures would be hypothermal-environment extremophiles attracted to and compatible with environments of extremely-cold thickly-gaseous atmospheres and extremely cold, wet and viscous hydrocarbon hydrologies and frozen hydrocarbon and water-ice landscapes, and because of this it is highly likely that they would have no interest in the celestial bodies from perhaps the asteroid belt, or, for sure, from Earth, to Mercury, nor would they have an interest in our species other than that of a distant, electronic-communications relationship with our sci-tech community, of mutual curiosity and knowledge exchange and of their obtaining supplies of nuclear-fuel raw materials and maybe industrial-use metals, from the asteroids and rocky planets, from our species and the extraction labor of them by our species for their species, one would think. To test this hypothesis we can deliver a small spacecraft with a back-to-Earth electronic-transmitter interfaced with video cameras and sound sensors there with a secured cargo of plutonium, able to descend, hover and ascend in Saturn's atmosphere, helicopter-like, figuratively like fishing bait, to remotely monitor and record what happens, and if necessary, to move it around to various locations to flexibly test for a response. Incidentally, also, like our surveillance aircraft and technology have, the spacecraft of this species may have encryption and signal detection and jamming, and anti-jamming, protection capabilities for its technology and information systems. We have to assume that this species has advanced radar, etc., detection and reading systems, of electronic/electromagnetic signals, energy and matter sources and resources, that will track and deep image the craft and its cargo. Our species must not demonize, be superstitious about, demagog and scapegoat this or these exospecies as the cause of individual and collective human criminal, psychological, social and political pathologies or for adverse biological, geophysical and meteorological ((climatic and weather)) events or conditions on Earth or having to do with Earth, its surroundings and humans. What if they are sci-tech supercognitively advanced penguins with flight wings, and retractable bat-like arms and task-performance hands and fingers that can discretionarily attach to or detach from their large wings, species or a species that can swim, bipedally ambulate and fly, talk ((for instance, at least ten bird species can learn to talk and understand human language to a limited extent)) and make and build all manner of things? However, a so cognitively highly evolved and capable communal, worker insect species would have the best chance, cooperatively, behaviorally and reproductively over generations, of surviving, as a species, ETI interstellar space travel and colonization if its spacecraft were sufficiently large and could travel at a significant fraction of the speed of light. On Earth, there are some Arctic and Antarctic insect species whose biochemistry protects them from freezing and enables them to survive in those harshly cold environments.)
The Body (architectural) Dimensions and Aerodynamics of the Multiply-Defined Oumuamua Outer-Space Object
Oumuamua has a 1 to 10 ratio in width to length of a body calculated to be between circa 120-feet wide to 1,200-feet long and 130-feet wide by 1,300-feet long, dimensions that some astrophysicists and/or geophysicists, etc., said at the time of the initial news coverage on Oumuamua were, to the effect, astronomically improbable for a natural geophysical object. Initial compositional assessments of Oumuamua reported that it contained lots of metal, an assessment that was never retracted or restated. There are discrepant black-and-white photo-like pictures of Oumuamua shown in the information and news media, the most common being of a rocky cigar-like shape and the second most common being of a rocky elongated board shape, because these are artist conceptual renditions of Oumuamua, with an acknowledgment of this in a/the lower [right] corner of the image; they are not photos of the radio-telescopic image of Oumuamua, apparently, since it is not in circulation and any image of it may be based on and extrapolated from all mathematical and spectroscopic data, telemetry, collected on Oumuamua by radio telescope. It was initially debated to be a comet or an asteroid, but finally was officially classified to be an asteroid composed of rock and possibly metal/s, with no ice or water content,
(Incidentally, since humans can fabricate synthetic stone or masonry, such as ceramics, brick, tile, marble, concrete and gemstones, etc., a sci-tech cognitively more advanced exospecies than the human species undoubtedly would be able to do these and more for industrial and technology application purposes, like fabricating atomically-dense, breakage and trauma resistant and resilient, and optimally thick, anti-radiation sheathing for the body, including over an underlying metal body, of its spacecraft.) The body length of Oumuamua rotates every 8.1 hours and tumbles, or somersaults or flip-flops, continuously forward in an alternating right to left side angle, or vice versa, roughly analogous to a form of swimming, yet it maintains and cruises its rational directionality and evident flight course, perhaps as though it possesses a gyroscope to do this. Superficially, the long cigar-shaped Oumuamua outer-space object, argued to be an asteroid or comet, looks like and has the dimensions of a spacecraft whose surface was thoroughly battered by lots of space debris and became covered by a crust of stick-on accumulated debris from outer space, while transiting at extreme speed, in its interstellar journey.
*****As of 10-31-2018, new science journalism was posted online on Oumuamua citing esteemed astrophysical institutions and scientists scientifically weighing the evidence as to whether Oumuamua is a natural astrophysical versus an artificial outer-space flight object, concluding that there is more flawed evidentiary support for it being a comet or asteroid than there is flawed evidence for it being an extra-solar spacecraft probe in significant part propelled by a solar-sail body surface that uses solar radiation pressure (in my opinion, ubiquitous galactic cosmic-ray radiation, too) as a propulsive fuel. The scientists say that although radio-telescopic observations and analyses of the object detected no [water or ice based] outgassing as expected of a comet during its circling of the Sun and in its undergoing [abrupt] significant increases in speed, a spectral analysis of the object detected that it was icy [apparently referring to its very cold temperature and not to any water or ice content associated it, which were previously officially determined not to be present in Oumuamua] and that it was an object that was very dense in mass, consistent with it being composed of rock and metal. They say that if [undetected] outgassing were the cause of Oumuamua's accelerations the outgassing would have changed, as is normal for an icy astrophysical body, such as a comet, its spin, apparently meaning it would have significantly changed the speed, either upwardly (quickening it) or downwardly (slowing it), of the lateral spin, sideways spin-around, of the length of its body and possibly have changed the left-to-right or right-to-left direction of the spin as well as the angles of its left-to-right, or vice-versa, forward tumbling motions, which all observational data report never occurred and report no detected signs of [any] outgassing. Moreover, unlike the other astrophysical bodies and objects of our, orbiting in our, solar system, our astronomy in consensus has determined that Oumuamua is gravitationally unbound in or to our solar system. Engaget Magazine reported in an online news posting on 11-18-2018 that Oumuamua at this time is approximately at the solar-system distance as Saturn and now has a surface reflectivity approximately 10 times brighter than comets [heretofore observed orbiting in our solar system], whose information source is identified as NASA, It and the European Space Agency (ESA), independently of one another, have proposed that outgassing -- although it is admitted by all authoritative space information sources, including them, that there is no astronomically observed evidence of outgassing from Oumuamua -- could account, respectively, for the dramatic increases in the reflectivity of the surface of its body, according to Engaget Magazine, and transiting speed, according to ESA,,
(By the way, contrary to the statement by some news sources and science communicators in social media that Oumuamua has left the ((our)) solar system, it has left the inner, rocky-planet, region of the solar system, from the Sun to the first asteroid belt, and has traveled circa 1/4th of the entire solar as of 11-18-2018, wherein it was projected in late October of 2017, based on its then latest measured high speed of travel, to take circa 4 years to complete its journey through the solar system and thereupon to enter interstellar outer space.)
The rival hypothesis to the unevidenced outgassing hypothesis of cause for these would be that Oumuamua is fuel driven by each an internal source, like advanced nuclear powering, and external source, such as solar radiation pressure now continuously directly showering down on its uncovered, naked solar-sail surface (Since the US military has solar-powered devices that operate under the reflective light of the moon, a sci-tech more advanced ETI-made advanced solar-sail spacecraft would be able to do the same from not only the Sun, while traveling along a course to receive the Sun's unobstructed, continuous solar radiation, but it could solar-radiation fuel from any astrophysical body along its flight route in a light reflective state or phase relative to it and possibly by omnipresent starlight in deep, very-dark outer space within and beyond our solar system.), indicated by its extraordinary, perhaps light-energy (spectrum-electromagnetic-energy) super-sensitive, newly acquired, to our radio telescopes, surface reflectivity while traveling, by weird and surreal coincidence, in the near or same solar-system latitude, or even latitude-and-longitude bracket, in the mapping coordinates grid of our solar system, as the Saturn-and-its-moons system, perhaps implying that the debris covering the surface of Oumuamua was a manufactured self-dissolving or self-reversible protective body-surface covering and shielding of its innards from close proximity to the Sun while it was in the inner solar system and/or a camouflage to feign it being an astrophysical-object with an awareness of its sender exospecies of our species as being a technologically intelligent species with astronomy and spaceflight capabilities. This in gist is to tender for serious consideration that Oumuamua may be hybrid engine and fuel driven, and be able to alternate between these different propulsion systems as needed and most effectively efficient for overall [maximal energy propulsion force capability and] energy-to-speed ratio use and sufficiency, supporting the Harvard University astrophysics solar-sail spacecraft hypothesis for Oumuamua. Its very cold, or icy, temperature, in the absence of [evidence of] water or ice in it, could perhaps be the product of a cold-fusion nuclear device, in that for a cognitively and technologically more advanced exospecies that is an extreme-cold-environment dweller it may be the case that cold-fusion nuclear power might be obtained by that species from "ultra-cold" atomic and/or nuclear power "thermodynamics" and such powering energy (ultra-cold thermodynamics energy generation and energy dynamics), like those observed on the moon Titan, that may be internal to Oumuamua for its temperature control and the powering of its technology, etc., as well as present in its internally driven self-propulsion, wherein nuclear cold-fusion is a technology that is theoretically feasible to human knowledge but that has so far eluded human nuclear-engineering ingenuity in provably making it, anywhere across the planet. However, a new date, 09-09-2017, is reported in the concerned news piece as the date Oumuamua was circling our Sun, although it was officially first detected by the Hawaiian radio telescope Pan STARRS-I on 10-19-2017, according to the official record, reported by NASA, initially, and other space-science online news and information sites, of its first detection, at the time of or within days after the announcement of its discovery on 10-19-2017. This newly introduced date would obviate that Oumuamua came from or logically could have come from the planet Saturn and its moon Titan duo following the end-of-mission disposal of the plutonium-fuel nuclear-powered Cassini orbiter spacecraft (which research surveilled the Saturn-moon community system for more than a decade) on 09-15-2017 into the upper, outer atmosphere of planet Saturn, where it reportedly was calculated and presumed to have incinerated. The best informational video on Oumuamua per se, which is solely factual and without comment on the subject as to whether or not it is a comet or asteroid versus an alien spacecraft, is that of Dr. Karen Meech, an astrobiologist, of the University of Hawaii, whose presentation identifies the date of discovery of Oumuamua while it circled the Sun as 10-19-2017, although she also states that its presence was indicated in the telescopic data of the day before, 10-18-2017, an attribution to her that can be verified by mouse clicking on the video link at .
Probably the reason Harvard University's Center for Astrophysics, and astrophysical research, and its computational physics partner center, conducted their own follow-up study on the physical nature and astrophysical object classification of Oumuamua is because some brave and reputable astrophysicists and/or astronomers, computational physicists and/or geophysicists remarked in the news media (when the detection of Oumuamua was initially reported in the news media for days and when there was public debate among space scientists as to its classification as an astrophysical object) that Oumuamua's architecture and length-by-width-by-depth proportions matched no natural geophysical or astrophysical object and were astronomically improbable to be those of a [natural] geophysical or astrophysical object and that its overall flight dynamics violated the laws of solar-system mechanics for an astrophysical body, body dimensions of Oumuamua psychologically blurred as correct and put into question by revisionism journalism, like the date it was [first] discovered by the Hawaiian radio telescope Pan STARRS-I on 10-19-2017 and so reported as circling the Sun on by the science media and mass-market news media worldwide in October of 2017. .
The Harvard University astrophysics analysis may make an inadvertent major, perhaps additional, explanation for the systematic tumbling-forward traveling motion of Oumuamua from back to front and left to right, or vice versa, and of its length's sideways spinning: for continuous maximal exposure of all of its body surface to the sunlight showering on it from behind it, and for the capture of sunlight, or solar radiation, behind it in its indicated aimed, purposeful and predictable journey from the center-front to the backend of our solar system. If this is so, its solar-sail sheathing, would seem to be a skin or solar-cell skin indeed, like an artificial [synthetic-biology] tissue of solar-capture skin cells, all aerodynamically flight-manner programmed to feed essentially equally and continuously for their individual and interconnected, their synthetic-skin-tissue, health on direct sunlight and/or starlight as well as indirect sunlight and/or starlight, maybe a synthetic or artificial biology plant process of artificial photosynthesis and possibly internal chemical/chemistry converted to "refrigeration" production and maintenance, with anti-escape control, preventing stimulus-response uncontrolled escape of these into the external environment, such as in natural outgassing -- the point of this for a robot spacecraft might be to keep its nuclear power source, however small in size as opposed to its energy or calorie output capacity, thickly encased in cold, etc., as well as to build up and use pressure itself within the craft as an internal power source over the course of a potentially or virtually perpetual flight. (This kind of photosynthesis and internal refrigeration might be useful for preserving and cyclically breeding benign microbes and plankton for also producing fuel energy and seeding life in extraterrestrial terraforming projects.) Will Oumuamua's surface reflectivity increase further in stages as it travels much farther from the Sun to increase its maybe increasingly needed light or solar-energy and capture sensitivity, possibly for some reason not obvious to our species making it additionally a flashlight spacecraft in deep solar-system space far away from the Sun or solar-system star? Solar energy refers to direct or indirect light and thermo energy originating from the Sun or stars. In an event where fact is stranger than fiction in which we as a species have come into contact with a far more sci-tech advanced species than the sci-tech community of our species, might a more advanced ETI exospecies be able to engineer a spacecraft to look like and much mimic the behavior of an astrophysical object as a disguise to conduct reconnaissance in an alien solar system, maybe a such spacecraft that can tactically grow and shed brush or debris (somewhat analogous to pet Chia plants -- Chia pet plant examples, on and from the surface and modulate the solar-sail reflectivity and solar-radiation sensitivity of the surface of its body? If our species can come up with such an Earth plant functional for human fun on Earth, a cognitively-technologically more advanced exospecies would be able to innovate a better and more versatile one, one that might be able to grow on and shed from the surface of certain of its outer-space vehicles.
A Harvard University Space Scientist's Response to Critics of the Outcome of His Team's Review Study on Oumuamua. Per the following click-on hyperlink, see the public response of one of Harvard University's principal scientists involved the review study on the outer-space flying object nature and classification of Oumuamua to peer criticism of his study team's inferential hypothesis that it may be a solar-sail-body spacecraft made by technologically intelligent aliens of a different solar system:
1 of 2, Short audio and text narrative on interview with a top Oumuamua review-study Harvard University professor, .
2 of 2, Long audio and text narrative on interview with a top Oumuamua review-study Harvard University professor, .
While I was listening to the second of these two audio(-video) interviews, it occurred in my thinking that if Oumuamua is an ETI-originated solar-sail reconnaissance spacecraft camouflaged to have the appearance of a comet or asteroid or having acquired such an appearance from battering by and the accumulation of stick-on space debris on its surface during its interstellar journey to our solar system, that its cognitively and technologically more advanced ETI technology in being more advanced than that of our species may already have long developed and have greatly advanced, super-powerful and strong, tiny and lightest-weight nano materials and structural and component engineering technology for its instrumentation onboard Oumuamua, in which high-density-packed nanotech light-cells, or solar-cells, might web and pervade the sheathing of the surface of Oumuamua, with its nano-tech making up all of its instrumentation, including its engine systems and electronics. This, in addition to its presupposed more advanced probable encryption and jamming and anti-jamming capabilities for the protection of these from electronic or other signal interdiction and attacks from potential threats or interlopers, would explain how the radio telescopes of human astronomy that can detect far-off electronic or electromagnetic signal emissions at the level of a cell phone cannot and could not detect those of the highly advanced nano technology and engineering of a cognitively and technologically more advanced species. In such a situation, our sci-tech would be operating on entirely different communications, fuel-energy and propulsion-engines systems and paradigms, with their signal, etc., technology able to access ours but with ours unable to access theirs. The technologically most progressive sci-tech research-and-development oriented institutions and companies of humanity are currently working on and developing the beginnings of a host of nanotechnologies. This proposed atomic and nano-scale paradigm difference between their species and our species in fuel-powering, elctronics, computer and telecommunications technologies would explain a hypothetical exospecies' need for our signal and telecommunications transmitters: because, although they would be able to access our broadcasts and telecommunications with their signal technology, our primitive transmitters likely would not be able to interface in signal dialog with theirs (communications-systems dialog signal incompatibility), but with their possession of our transmitters, if, as relative newcomers to our solar system and colonists of Saturn and its moon Titan, they did not possess the materials to make our transmitters, they would be able to engage in signal dialog and broadcasts with high intelligence sci-tech expert members of our species, allowing these different relatively cognitively and technologically advanced species to teach and learn from capable representatives of one another's speices' languages, written and spoken, including mathematics, all academics, sci-tech, ecology and societies and sociologies, etc. Our different electronic and radio-wave communications systems would likely not two-way interface because they would be tailored to each of our different species' different primary sensory modalities and their ranges of perception sensitivities, sensory-perception differences between our different species we would need to study, learn and understand in order for both of our species to bridge the differences relative to our different primary sensory modalities, in order for our different species to effectively and best communicate with one another -- i.e., bees can see ultraviolet, our species cannot; Hymenoptera use their antennae to feel, smell and taste and maybe for other purposes, whereas our species has no antennae and these functions in the bodies of our species are performed by largely separate sensory systems; dogs see in black and white and have smelling and hearing ranges far beyond those of our species; and within our own species, females on the average have color perception exceeding the average for males.
Time will tell with definitive clarity what the facts are with this whole scenario having to do with each and both the planet Saturn and its unique moon Titan, and Oumuamua and whether or not there is a relationship between them and secrecy involving such a relationship. Outer-space exploration and all-around human curiosity about the other worlds beyond our Earth are multinational interests and endeavors now of 5 participating spacefaring-competent nations (USA, Japan, India, China and Russia) and 1 participating spacefaring-competent continent (the European Union via ESA-ISA, the European Space Agency & Italian Space Agency), with new nations undertaking to join, which will inevitably unmask any secret knowledge and deal ings within 80 years from now, for sure.
Incidentally, there is an abundance of other clues suggesting that there may be an other-worldly superintelligent lifeform, species, operating on Saturn that biologically is adapted or endemic to residing and surviving in an extremely cold hydrocarbon gaseous atmospheric or so cocooned planet, Saturn, and/or moon, Titan, that can engineer atmosphere for structural and mechanical use. This has been considered by some non-Western foreign scientists, as an evidence-based implication from video imaging of the virtually perfect, stationary, large hexagonal cloud formation over or above the north pole of Saturn (, ) a hexagon cloud formation with another gaseous structure hovering either elsewhere in the upper atmosphere of Saturn or above it (the hexagon cloud formation, circa 18,000 miles in diameter in all directions, large enough to accommodate the diameter of 2 and 1/4 planet Earths) or as a feature of it, the hexagon, displaying systemic, clockwork-mechanical atmospheric behavior, somewhat like the systolic and diastolic pumping and beating, or pulsing, of a heart, with an area of it opening and closing cyclically in systematic timing, video imaged in October of 2006 by the Cassini spacecraft but shown online in circa November of 2006. I saw the official video online that was available for all interested viewers and read the online public comments about it before there was, to my knowledge, a These clues, and more videoed, were supplemented and reinforced by and with NASA's detection, in circa 2009, via the Cassini research spacecraft's surveilling of the Saturn planet and its moon community, of interstellar dust appearing in the outer-space environment of the Saturn planet-moon community, an environment in which the Cassini spacecraft began its orbital presence in December of 2004 and ended its research mission there as of 09-15-2017, interstellar outer-space dust never reported before or since by the much farther out into distant outer-space traveling and permanently and endlessly traveling Pioneer(s) 10 and 11, Voyager(s) 1 and 2 and New Horizons solar-planetary system research spacecrafts. (While some in our space science community suggest our space agencies try to build a spacecraft to chase after and catch up with and get close-up images and data on Oumuamua it will within three years surpass the distances of these deep outer-space craft and if it is a reconnaissance craft it may image them and their flight paths and signal tag them so they can be monitored and captured for their materials, transmitters and nuclear fuel or recyclable for them nuclear fuel waste; its okay to be mindful and watchful.) If the hexagon is the product of an advanced intelligence species, it may be positioned over and be obscuring a [vast, also circa 18,000-mile in-diameter in-all-directions] north-pole ice-covered continent and subsurface ocean of H2O, as vital food supply and production, etc., natural resources, undetected and unknown to our space scientists and not discovered by the Cassini spacecraft's research instruments -- maybe, most logically, because these spacecraft of our species travel within our solar-planetary system's solar-system disk plane, whereas the possible colonizer spacecraft of such exospecies residing on Saturn and its moon Titan would transit between their home extra-solar planet via outer space outside of the solar-system disk plane of our solar-planetary system like Oumuamua observably did,speculatively-deductively from Saturn-Titan, in rendezvousing with our Sun on circa October 19, 2017, coming from outer space outside of it and entering the outer space of our solar-system disk plane to make the rendezvous. A scientific news article on the Saturn's hexagon printed in the reputable British newspaper The Guardian (to the best of my recall, but the newspaper also could have been The Telegraph or The Daily Mail, all of which I read periodically) circa 2007, or within a few years later, inadequately attempted to explain away this enduring and fixed feature of Saturn as being the product of natural weather dynamics on Saturn in that location, in dissonance with the facts 1)., that Saturn is 1 of 4 gas planets of our solar system that all are side-by-side line of planetary neighbors that along with their numerous moons do not harbor any such structure, 2)., that no such structure is present anywhere else on Saturn itself, not even at its south pole nor on any of its many moons, and 3)., that no such structure has been observed anywhere else in our solar system. British scientists demonstrated in a table-top laboratory experiment that by spinning a representational, non-actual, atmosphere (a circular pool of water) faster than the spin of the object within it representing a vortex, a [circular] ring, in its center that the circular shape of the representational atmosphere could progressively change in shape away from a circular shape, an experiment that did not achieve a hexagon shape or possibly any shape resembling it (such as a square, cube, rectangle, triangle, etc., as I tried the experiment in my kitchen and bathroom sinks and although I saw distortion of the water circle with strong increases in the pouring force of the water from the faucet I only saw changes in the shape of the water spiral, that always remained a spiral of some kind), but achieved a change in shape that is evidence that perhaps the shape or structure of an atmosphere can be [purposefully] geoengineered by advanced sci-tech. The center of the hexagon somewhat resembles the human-physics concept of a black hole (theoretically, for some theoretical black-hole physicists, black holes may also be wormholes ( ), wherein wormholes are the information/data egress and ingress features (a door or nexus), or points, of each of two, or more, black holes connected by a space-time shortcut tube, tunnel or portal for presumably relaying, transmitting, sharing or teleporting information or data in quantum-entanglement-like space-time interactions or transactions, although complex-object (relating to objects maybe more complex than atoms or mere molecules maybe) and human travel through them is argued to be improbable except for under exceptional, unstable and doubtful circumstances -- yet nothing is said as to whether or not different types of wormholes are possible. The center of the hexagon cloud formation is an apparent vortex and so also is or may be the mouth of the singularity, or nucleus, of a black hole, but a vortex of extreme gravity [energy] for a black hole -- there is a smaller, simple and circular vortex without such a cloud formation surrounding it over the south pole. Possibly the vortex of Saturn's hexagon, a 2,200-mile in-diameter in-all-directions mouth-and-throat-like structure, continuously suctions in and absorbs, in a mechanistic pacing manner, much of the almost 5-tons per-second downpour of ring rain particulate coming from its abutting outer-space environment into the upper atmosphere of Saturn as building grist for the terraforming maintenance of that hexagon and for terraforming and the maintenance of an/a [ice-covered] continent, similar to the variegated landscape of Titan, at Saturn's north pole, or serves as a wormhole or a combination of both things. However, I cannot conceive of how any structure however small could survive deconstruction and conversion to pure gravity energy within the singularity, or nucleus, of a black hole and pass through the black hole as an intact object or particle of any kind, except for as a vacuum space-time virtual particle or such virtual particles, into a wormhole, unless via its saved informationality (wherein the informational aspect of things theoretically is not destroyed in black holes), in interaction with its preserved and intact quantumly entangled counterpart particles and/or antiparticles retained outside of the black hole, it could be reconstituted by a remote sci-tech superintelligence acting on it from outside of and across black-hole space-time upon or at, or some other way, the egress-ingress portal point of the singularity of a black hole. Since black-hole-wormhole physics theorists reason that essentially complex matter would unlikely be able to travel through a wormhole, maybe fundamental particles such as quarks, electrons, etc., could, and electrons would permit electronic communications to transmit through and between black hole-wormholes.).
Video of the Huygens spacecraft capsule parachute land on, while videoing the landscape of, Saturn's giant moon Titan, the second largest moon in our solar system,;postID=5028382578150704677;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link.'s video on the 20,000-mile in-diameter, in-all-directions, vortex of the hexagon cloud formation above the north pole of Saturn is a measurement that really both refers to the diameter of the hexagon cloud formation itself that is misattributed to the vortex eye of that circa 18,000-mile hexagon cloud formation and is a rounded-up over-measurement statement of that hexagon cloud formation above the north pole of Saturn, The article states that this hexagon cloud contains multiple vortices, of which the largest is 2,200 miles in diameter, which would be the one that is the vortex eye of the hexagon cloud formation, twice as large as the largest storm entity of record on Earth and possibly second in storm size to the red-spot anti-cyclone, with its longest diameter being10,250 miles, on planet Jupiter.).
Reasons to deny and hide the existence of neighboring solar-system ETIs (extraterrestrial intelligence):
1. To avoid mass fear and hysteria among humans and their demonizing and scapegoating of them.2. To avoid human expeditions to hunt for and capture them, for making money off of them and gaining fame from them, dead or alive.
3. To avoid private individuals or groups or foreign governments, especially adversarial foreign governments, from entering into relationships with and engaging in advanced science and technology transfer from these, as such relationships and advanced knowledge transfer could result in a change in the political and military power order within a society or societies and the world of humanity.
4. In order for the already, first, contact party or human power to have a monopoly relationship with such cognitively and technologically advanced ETIs.
(If the discarded Cassini spacecraft was captured by or delivered to such a exospecies when it was jettisoned into the atmosphere of Saturn, it may be retained by them in part as the electronic-data [broadcast-] signal receiver and transmitter that it was during its research mission, but now in the direct possession of that exospecies. The Huygens video-transmitter probe, that was a passenger craft of the large Cassini longterm research spacecraft orbiting and surveilling planet Saturn and its moon community, was released from the Cassini spacecraft on 12-25-2004 and traveled by its own fuel power, possibly also plutonium, to nearby Saturn's moon Titan and parachuted down and landed on a patch of its terrestrial surface on 01-14-2005 and transmitted photos back to Cassini, for relay to ESA, ISA and NASA on Earth, of the environment of Titan within its descent and stationary views, a short-term mission, leaving the Huygens transmitter and possibly nuclear-fueled probe craft abandoned and permanently stationary where it landed, with respect to its own mobile ability,
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
The Dire Economic Implications of the Trump-Presidency Tariff Trade War & Economic Policies
On the subject of trade and the Trump-US versus-the-world tariff trade war, behaviorally, trade, primarily wholesale item trade, is the exchange of supplies between and among nations, a bilateral and multilateral process, in which tariffs culminate in the rise of and raise the price of supplies, and, consequently, producer-finished and consumer goods, inflationarilly bad, generally, for both producers and consumers.
Price inflation begets a higher ratio of money, or international equivalent of currency units, to a [bundled] average unit of supplies (goods, or products, and services); decreased purchasing power and increased cost of doing business; decreased production and consumption; contraction of business and spending; contraction in investment (including financing credit or collateralized loans) and employment: Recession, loss in export market share of, if not entire, foreign markets, heightened domestic competition in local markets and ongoing price and earnings volatility, pruning and trimming, downsizing, of least profitable business operations and sites, relocation or offshoring of production to low or lowest cost geographies (the latter also resorted to for US businesses, like Harley-Davidson Inc. and Tesla Inc. recently, to escape foreign retaliatory tariffs and loss of sales market share in foreign nations, by their setting up shop on foreign nation territory and selling to those foreign nations from their own territory, national or regional trade bloc),, In instances of foreign retaliatory tariffs against US goods, not vital to the foreign economies or that can be obtained from lower-cost, friendly free-trade nations, should foreign nations forgo or down-scale purchase of such US goods, especially in significant massed or collective action, such action could precipitate substantial declines in the price of those US goods, to the profitability harm of their producer companies,,, If tariffs are as well imposed on the products of foreign manufacturers or other kinds of producer companies with production and sales chapters and facilities in the US, some of these would exit the US and some would still stay but compensatorily highly or maximally automate their production and, to the extent possible, sales and shed local employees, US employees.
(The prime beneficiaries of an international tariff trade war are domestic industries independent of or minimally in need of and invested in or engaged with foreign or international trade, being products ((including raw materials and component materials and parts)) and services, and, in the short term, securities-exchange investor short sellers, the latter also being, together with vulture capitalists, via private and public information channels, information-media reports, news, and informercial and publicity campaigns, major beneficiaries of securities or stock-market downturns and crashes and economic recessions and depressions, which can be manipulated or engineered. Tariff-free business competition, in domestic and international trade, means pressure and impetus toward greater and faster product improvements and evolution in quality, performance and price, at a minimum, to the benefit of consumers. Cartel, monopoly, quasi-monopoly, bribery, extortion, intellectual-property-theft and other unfair-and-corrupt business-practices free business competition comprehensively is democratic, a good thing and welcome. During the 2015 and 2016 campaign season for the 2016 US presidential election, opposition campaign ads were broadcast of businessman Donald Trump being audio-video interviewed as to his reaction to the 2008 US economic collapse and onset of the US great recession, in which he commented to the effect that for people like him it was bargain time for buying up real estate and/or assets [[on the cheap] lost by others in the economic destruction of the collapse and recession],, Since becoming US president, President Trump has delivered a long series of verbal attacks on US companies of his dislike, in some cases, especially initially, in the early period of these attacks, having depressed the sales and stock values of such companies, quite possibly knowingly on his part meant to set up the short-seller status and opportunity depressed value of such companies and their stock, something that could be exploited by lurking stock-trader short sellers and gains takers in the background hip to the effects of the president's news-media and tweet attacks on those companies, Indirectly, by his own public admission to the news media, as a businessman, President Trump is a vulture capitalist and financial shark and by his verbal assaults on targeted US companies he has been short-value and stock short-sale positioning companies disfavored by him, an abuse and unscrupulous use of his position and influence as US president. Vulture capitalists financially capitalize on, feed from and grow financially fat from the financial misfortune, loss, ruin and destruction of others in acquiring their "lost" assets and financial worth. He apparently likewise attempts to short status the political aspirations, careers and personal lives of persons he dislikes, as evidenced in the reports, not up to date, of the following news links:,
Short selling primer: Short selling of stock consists of a stock trader with a stock trading (buying and selling) account with a stock brokerage borrowing a chosen quantity of stock on a particular corporation from the brokerage, for a fee and collateralized by adequate funds on deposit in the borrower's account with the brokerage, or pledged assets, to cover the value of the borrowed stock, where the stock borrower sells the stock for its current market, or trading, value with the intention of using the money in part to purchase the same quantity of the particular corporation's stock at a substantially lower price, in the borrower's expectation and anticipation that the particular corporation's value and stock value will markedly decline by a particular date; if the latter occurs within the stock-decline expectation time frame, the short seller purchases the replacement quantity of the particular corporation's stock at a substantially lower price than its price when it was borrowed, resupplies the brokerage with that quantity of stock on the particular corporation and keeps the cash-value difference between the borrowing and replacement values of the stock, which can be highly lucrative when ten-of-thousands, hundreds-of-thousands or millions of dollars in stock value are borrowed and the replacement value of a corporation's stock declines dramatically or extremely. Repetitive short-sale positioning of a corporation's worth and stock value can make it a stock fright and flight disinvestment company and render it worthless or virtually worthless and stock-exchange delisted and/or out of business. Short sellers -- short-term, fast in-and-out, fast turnover stock profiteers -- borrow stock on the front end of their gambling game because there is no strategic point to buying up-front the stock they eye for a price decline, in that were they to buy that stock up-front, especially in mass action, the price of the stock would increase in value to their profiteering strategic disadvantage and harm, and were it to decline in price they would incur loss in stock-investment equity and they would have to hope for and wait for a sufficient price rise in the stock to secure a capital gain or trading profit on the stock.)
Short selling primer: Short selling of stock consists of a stock trader with a stock trading (buying and selling) account with a stock brokerage borrowing a chosen quantity of stock on a particular corporation from the brokerage, for a fee and collateralized by adequate funds on deposit in the borrower's account with the brokerage, or pledged assets, to cover the value of the borrowed stock, where the stock borrower sells the stock for its current market, or trading, value with the intention of using the money in part to purchase the same quantity of the particular corporation's stock at a substantially lower price, in the borrower's expectation and anticipation that the particular corporation's value and stock value will markedly decline by a particular date; if the latter occurs within the stock-decline expectation time frame, the short seller purchases the replacement quantity of the particular corporation's stock at a substantially lower price than its price when it was borrowed, resupplies the brokerage with that quantity of stock on the particular corporation and keeps the cash-value difference between the borrowing and replacement values of the stock, which can be highly lucrative when ten-of-thousands, hundreds-of-thousands or millions of dollars in stock value are borrowed and the replacement value of a corporation's stock declines dramatically or extremely. Repetitive short-sale positioning of a corporation's worth and stock value can make it a stock fright and flight disinvestment company and render it worthless or virtually worthless and stock-exchange delisted and/or out of business. Short sellers -- short-term, fast in-and-out, fast turnover stock profiteers -- borrow stock on the front end of their gambling game because there is no strategic point to buying up-front the stock they eye for a price decline, in that were they to buy that stock up-front, especially in mass action, the price of the stock would increase in value to their profiteering strategic disadvantage and harm, and were it to decline in price they would incur loss in stock-investment equity and they would have to hope for and wait for a sufficient price rise in the stock to secure a capital gain or trading profit on the stock.)
Higher ratio of money to average unit of supplies here means a higher ratio of money, than before the tariffs and tariff war, required to purchase a/an [bundled] average unit of supplies.
Announcements by US manufacturing companies Harley-Davidson Inc. and Tesla Inc., since June of this year 2018, among similarly intentioned, less news-media visible US product maker, supplier and provider (such as arts, sports, performance arts and fashion live entertainment) companies with foreign sales markets, including distress expressed in the news media by US crop and seafood exporters, are unforeseen and unintended consequences, among others percolating, of blindsided, nationalistic, America-first economic policies in an interconnected, interacting, interdependent global macro-economy of sovereign nations and heretofore, in decades-long recent times, open-trade and free-trade economic power blocs spanning the globe. These policies go against the universal principle of business survival and competition to protect one's market share and profitability where one's markets are worldwide by domestic companies and foreign companies, now to the impending net economic short-term and possibly long-term self sabotage and harm, wreaked by the Trump Presidency, of a great many US companies with foreign markets, business partners and relations. US companies and those of most nations of the world, for the most part, mutually export to, import from, buy stock shares, bank and invest in, own property in and have operations based in one anothers' nations.
International trade for the most part is wholesale trade that supplies domestic or resident-domestic producers and retailers, whose workforces, for the latter, are societally structurally, permanently and compulsorily (by virtue of being located on native territory governed by layers of local, state, or provincial, and national law representing largely democratic native citizenry and voter interests) constituted of the native domestic population, aside from a relatively few foreign executives and financial, managerial and training staff of domestically resident foreign companies, all of which themselves already function as a domestic institutional protective infrastructure and tariff system, in an employment regard, against foreign populace penetration and competition on the pre-retail and retail business strata of US society, the communitarian monopoly of the domestic population and commons. Not only do domestically resident companies of foreign origin employ a US workforce, but they also contract with, patronize and are general customers of US vendors and local businesses for meeting their local, ordinary day-to-day needs, they and their foreign personnel purchase and/or lease, as applicable, business facilities and residences, etc., often partner with US companies and have sizable US investment stakeholders, including retirement-funds plans, and they pay local, state and federal taxes in support US physical infrastructure, public services and safety and institutions.
President Trump and his economic philosophers and engineers are politically and economically myopic and tunnel visioned, but he is also a savvy egocentric self marketer, self promoter. His superficial political highlight with North Korea via theft of former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's engagement approach with N. Korea's head-of-state Kim Jong Un -- that he criticized and called a waste of time, then fired Tillerson and appropriated the policy directly for himself -- was staged political high drama to burnish his leadership and diplomacy image and boost public confidence in himself as a credible and competent head of state himself, and up-spike his ratings and standing in the political polls, which worked for him with the Republican Party.
President Trump, a serial bankruptcy business CEO and narcissistic, pompous, crank, mendacious, chronically self-contradictory (apparently he can't remember his lies because he tells so, so many, many and so can't be consistent in telling them), hypocritical, obnoxious, insolent, bigoted, demagogic and rhetorically caustic and pugilistic showman of shady and poor business judgment, now commandeering the US economy, in his tariffs trade war with the other economies of the world, is piloting and hurtling the US economy, largely, to familiar disaster. Cum grano salis, grande, take into mind and critically fact check his claims and accusations, as he and they tend bigly to be, on objective investigation of them, "unbelievable," literally, and quixotic, as well as political and PR gimmickry and poop news. He is a true-life Don Quixote, in his own perverse way, this mixed in with his peculiar self and imitation of Archie Bunker.
Until now, since his inauguration as US president, President Trump has been attributing and claiming the credit for the healthy and robust US economy to himself, whereas he inherited that trending economy operating on autopilot from the Obama Presidency's TARP, the congressional Dodd-Frank Act, noblesse-oblige indexed tax, free-and-friendly international-trade and Federal Reserve Bank monetary quantitative-easing policies.
The recent major growth spurt in the US economy of 4.1% for the second quarter of 2018, the months April through June, announced by President Trump on Friday, 07-27-2018, probably had as its source the spending and investment effects of the huge Trump tax cuts legislated by Congress and signed into law by President Trump in late December of 2017. Typically these tax cuts, primarily favoring the wealth class but also modestly extended to the middle and under classes, have an economic-stimulus effect on the economy, as in the preceding Kennedy, Reagan and G.W. Bush presidencies, but effects that did not last and that resulted in record federal government budget deficits in the Reagan and G.W. Bush presidencies because the main financial fuel of the economy came from middle and under classes' wages, salaries, disposable income and spending that were outpaced by increases in the cost of living for these classes. That indicated pattern of federal budget deficits is already operative in connection with the Trump tax cuts favoring the wealthy, which for corporations are permanent but which expire for individuals in 2025,,,,
Whereas federal economic statisticians base price inflation on a federal Consumer Price Index (CPI) basket of goods, which excludes increases or changes in the cost of housing, food and fuel (residential and nonresidential-facilities utilities and transportation fuel and fuel use), in reality costs of the latter three, survival essential spending in civilized society, which have their own subset food and fuel and shelter price indexes, most affect the middle and under classes' disposable income and ability to spend as well as their experience of price inflation and household solvency. Republican economics theorists, whose theory is trickle-down economic, in the main steadily argue that the growth spurts from these tax cuts favoring the high wealth class result from investment and consumer spending of the small class of the wealthy, when instead it is the vast consumer spending of the middle and under classes that instigates and drives investment in industrial-production and retail expansion and that generally supports and sustains the national economy,,
So far for the major corporations, the indication is that they are using the tax cut money most for buying back their stock from the public, outside investors, which raises the value of their corporate stock whereby principals of the corporation, the high echelon, can at peak value of the corporate stock sell their own shares off at maximal appreciation and return on investment,
The recent major growth spurt in the US economy of 4.1% for the second quarter of 2018, the months April through June, announced by President Trump on Friday, 07-27-2018, probably had as its source the spending and investment effects of the huge Trump tax cuts legislated by Congress and signed into law by President Trump in late December of 2017. Typically these tax cuts, primarily favoring the wealth class but also modestly extended to the middle and under classes, have an economic-stimulus effect on the economy, as in the preceding Kennedy, Reagan and G.W. Bush presidencies, but effects that did not last and that resulted in record federal government budget deficits in the Reagan and G.W. Bush presidencies because the main financial fuel of the economy came from middle and under classes' wages, salaries, disposable income and spending that were outpaced by increases in the cost of living for these classes. That indicated pattern of federal budget deficits is already operative in connection with the Trump tax cuts favoring the wealthy, which for corporations are permanent but which expire for individuals in 2025,,,,
Whereas federal economic statisticians base price inflation on a federal Consumer Price Index (CPI) basket of goods, which excludes increases or changes in the cost of housing, food and fuel (residential and nonresidential-facilities utilities and transportation fuel and fuel use), in reality costs of the latter three, survival essential spending in civilized society, which have their own subset food and fuel and shelter price indexes, most affect the middle and under classes' disposable income and ability to spend as well as their experience of price inflation and household solvency. Republican economics theorists, whose theory is trickle-down economic, in the main steadily argue that the growth spurts from these tax cuts favoring the high wealth class result from investment and consumer spending of the small class of the wealthy, when instead it is the vast consumer spending of the middle and under classes that instigates and drives investment in industrial-production and retail expansion and that generally supports and sustains the national economy,,
So far for the major corporations, the indication is that they are using the tax cut money most for buying back their stock from the public, outside investors, which raises the value of their corporate stock whereby principals of the corporation, the high echelon, can at peak value of the corporate stock sell their own shares off at maximal appreciation and return on investment,
Bankruptcy President Trump and his administration have virtually reversed these, the Obama-Presidency era, national economic solvency and prosperity policies. They should heed the complaints of the already economically clobbered US farm industry, and other so affected and complaining corporations, harshly injured by foreign retaliatory tariffs in Trump's initiated tariff trade war against the major economies and economic blocs of the world,,,, View a news clip and read a news article on another, plus, non-farm, early corporate casualty of the Trump tariff trade war ca, They should end the tariff trade war, immediately, before we incur a worse disaster sooner than will befall our national economy with the reversal of the other Obama-Presidency-related economic policies.
A proper definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Properly defined, it is the pattern of psychopathic behavioral derangement disorders President Donald J. Trump exemplifies and that is imitated, emulated, or endorsed and justified as socially legitimate, good or acceptable, by his admirers and supporters.
Sample of internet links documenting President Trump's Machiavellian financial, foreign-investment, duplicity (He has tweet-disparaged a pair of other famous but individually astronomically wealthier-than-him Republican, market-libertarian billionaires, who have criticized in tariff trade war, as being overrated and globalists): of internet links documenting President Trump's Machiavellian financial, foreign-investment, duplicity (He has tweet-disparaged a pair of other famous but individually astronomically wealthier-than-him Republican, market-libertarian billionaires, who have criticized in tariff trade war, as being overrated and globalists): Trump_Organization (See reporting under headings "International")
Sample of documented accounting of blatant and egregious lies publicly told by President Trump:
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