Pertinent Question Posed by a Facebook Follower to Our Facebook Group on a White Supremacist Verbalized Anxiety -- A Question that Was His Reaction to a Chant of the Participants in the Militant White Nationalist, White Supremacist Rally and Its Incident of a Deadly and Injurious Car Attack on Counter Demonstrators-Protesters in Charlottesville, VA, the Night of 08-12-2017, Followed by My Answer to His Question
The white supremacist spouts "Jews will not replace us." What does this mean?
It suggests in the words themselves that their collective-think identity-group source feels endangered as a population or in social, economic and governance dominance by the comparatively tiny population of Jews of the USA (a population of 5.3 million Jews of the US population of 323.12 million), albeit competitively disproportionately a high achiever population in all such regards as well as in all areas of entertainment performance talent. Apparently, they perceive the presence of too much Jewish talent and achievement for their sense of social dominance and superiority. Jews to them are encroaching on their identity group's presumptive entitlement to complete dominance in societal powers. It's Jewish culture's work, erudition, achiever and hustle ethos that they feel threatened by and unable to compete with long range, an ethos with which many non-Jewish white people nevertheless can compete without the least concern or impulse to quarrel about ethnically with Jews, whom they may socially embrace with a-live-and-let-live good-neighbor attitude. It means they, for the very most part white low and frustrated under achievers, are insecure in reaction to Jews and their perception of Jews threatening their believed entitled monopoly of social power and high status. It sounds like a-here-we-go-again scapegoating and inclination to purge Jews by a non-Jewish embittered underclass. They certainly are of the same impulse to off us all, black people.
The white supremacist spouts "Jews will not replace us." What does this mean?
It suggests in the words themselves that their collective-think identity-group source feels endangered as a population or in social, economic and governance dominance by the comparatively tiny population of Jews of the USA (a population of 5.3 million Jews of the US population of 323.12 million), albeit competitively disproportionately a high achiever population in all such regards as well as in all areas of entertainment performance talent. Apparently, they perceive the presence of too much Jewish talent and achievement for their sense of social dominance and superiority. Jews to them are encroaching on their identity group's presumptive entitlement to complete dominance in societal powers. It's Jewish culture's work, erudition, achiever and hustle ethos that they feel threatened by and unable to compete with long range, an ethos with which many non-Jewish white people nevertheless can compete without the least concern or impulse to quarrel about ethnically with Jews, whom they may socially embrace with a-live-and-let-live good-neighbor attitude. It means they, for the very most part white low and frustrated under achievers, are insecure in reaction to Jews and their perception of Jews threatening their believed entitled monopoly of social power and high status. It sounds like a-here-we-go-again scapegoating and inclination to purge Jews by a non-Jewish embittered underclass. They certainly are of the same impulse to off us all, black people.
I conjecture that they are intolerant of any non-European people, or culturally and ethnically-racially not fully European white people, sharing numerically as a group, or as individuals in top government positions, in social, economic and political high status and power in their midst in societies they dominate overall in population and/or power, as such contradicts their ideology of and shakes their belief in race-based European white superiority and supremacy.
Succinctly, they fear a boogeyman, metaphysical, super alien-race power structure of Jews ruling over them and taking over the world (from their race), which they call JOG, Jewish Occupational Government. This is an enduring grand delusion of many superstitious, mythical-thinking, spiritually and socially-economically insecure, usually underclass and/or racially paranoid-xenophobic, white people. Jews are as diverse in character as any other culture, community or ethnicity of people, with the primarily good, bad, and mixed good-and-bad character cocktail or recipe of such persons and so are white people, black people, Latinos, Asians, Arabs, Russians, Germans, etc., men and women, and girls and boys.
Also, the Jewish faith's theology of Jews being God's chosen people, and the inspirational and motivational Pygmalion effect that may ensue from this for a significant some or many Jewish individuals, may spook, and disesteem, these white supremacists and fuel their superstition toward and suspicion, intolerance and dread, or genocidal-scapegoating hatred, of Jews, generation after generation, ad infinitum. This theology may be bolstered in dreadful credibility by those troubled by and phobic of it as a matter of its being asserted by Judeo-Christian scripture, the Bible, the old and new testament duo, or Holy Bible, fundamentally of Jewish origin and reference, including, Jesus and his 12 disciples.
The white nationalists, white supremacists, as regards their concerned chant, may have been propagandized by white-racism fomenting and exploitation business-interest fundraising scaremongers and demagogues, and their networks, or cadres, and by grassroots-audience word-of-mouth propagation of such propaganda, to imagine and believe that the said, particularly economic and banking, claimed international, global or worldwide boogeyman power structure of a cabal of financially almighty Jews is responsible for the loss of their once career-lifetime, well-paying manufacturing jobs with generous company-sponsored lifetime family-health-insurance and company sponsored or provided retirement plans having been and yet being shifted to poverty-wage and no- or least-benefits, lowest-business-overhead and low- or no-tax foreign nations, and to low-wage and no- or minimal-benefits legally unauthorized immigrants for service and trades jobs, as well as having been and yet being replaced by automation and robots, and so to blame that imaginary economically-financially almighty Jewish cabal imagined to be ruining their standard of living, economic well being and lives. Would such a financially almighty Jewish power structure indeed control or be capable of controlling China, India, Japan, the Koreas, Thailand, Viet Nam, the Arabian Peninsula mega-billionaire-flush Islamic kingdoms of worldwide investors, Turkey, Persia-Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Latin America, the Caribbean, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom and the Emerald Isles, Greece, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Canada, Australia, Arab-dominated North Africa, black Africa, the Gentile and Jewish businesses, billionaires, millionaires and bourgeoisie of the USA, and little ole me, and so on and so forth? Could a worldwide population of circa 14.5 million Jews control the economies of the many nations as well as continental and intercontinental economic blocs of the world with a total population of 7.5 billion people with many fold more in number of the best educated and trained, highest IQ, and wealthiest non-Jewish people, comparable to such achieved and ability Jews, in a great many of mere individual nations, let alone such achieved and ability non-Jews collectively across the world? No! -- it's ridiculous to think to the contrary! Shut up, suckas, and fault largely European-primary white-race-primary, and primarily European-white-race-invented, no-conscience, primacy-of-profits, no-holds-barred, brutal "libertarian" free-marketplace capitalism, "free of" government regulation and oversight, for these policies and practices, whose subscribers or adherents are primarily business and investor interests of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, and religions. It is individual company top executives, managers and owners who make the decisions to export manufacturing operations and production jobs and to automate manufacturing and production as well as to hire low-wage, low-and-no-benefits legally unauthorized immigrants in preference to native-born labor and legal entry immigrants, and not a centralized or overarching command and hiring authority or cabal for all businesses. Adam Smith, 06-16-1723 to 07-17-1790, of Scotland and the United Kingdom, the author of the capitalist doctrinal book 'The Wealth of Nations,' was the founding theoretician of free-market liberalism political-economics, aka capitalism, much immorally distorted in practice by practitioners and reinterpreters of his free-market thought and conceptualization. Alexander Hamilton, 01-11-1755 or 57 to 07-12-1804, an adolescent immigrant to New York City, NY, of pre-revolutionary colonial New England and a founding father and the first secretary of the treasury of the USA, educated at Kings College (now Columbia University, born in the British West Indies island of Nevis, now the island pair of Saint Kitts and Nevis, of a Scottish father and French mother, was the founder of the original US version of capitalism, highly consistent with the practical and moral capitalist economics of Adam Smith. Jews may be appointed to high positions and leadership in US, national and world financial firms and institutions such as Wall Street stock exchanges and investment banks, the Federal Reserve Bank, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the G-8, etc., but these overwhelmingly are populated and controlled by European white people and white people of the European diaspora, with those of the Anglo-Saxon-Keltic diaspora exercising perhaps most formidable control, despite instances or patterns of non-such people operating as the public face of these. Commonly, they (free-marketplace economics libertarians) "are against": a minimum wage, Social Security retirement pensions, unemployment insurance and compensation, disability insurance and compensation, Medicare, public health and medical insurances, food stamps to the poor, public assistance for poor families, poor individuals and the homeless, etc., (which they denounce as socialism, whereas they are social, humanitarian and Christian-values government programs and services of compassion and care for others and the community of disadvantaged or in-need fellow humans), a publicly controlled and financially protectively supported public school system, a progressive income tax system based on income levels or tiers and any taxes on inheritances of any size (even mega-million through scores of billions of dollars), where currently only large inheritances exceeding the already tax-exempt amount of $5,490,000.00 are taxed, excluding an inheritance to a surviving spouse for whom it is tax free, inheritance taxes they denounce as death taxes although they did not earn the inheritances but acquired them by the coincidence of kinship or an association with the lifetime of the decedent/s who willed the inheritances to them. They also advocate and lobby legislators and presidential administrations for the privatization of government functions, supported by taxes, such as public schools, military logistics and support services, operation of prisons, the US Postal Service, public-broadcast airwaves, etc.
As most often the root of virulent white chauvinism and all other populist revolutions, marauding and usurpations is crisis-intensity economic stress and insecurity, whatever the race, ethnicity, religion or culture of the uprisers, rioters, aggressors, transgressors, insurgents, rebels or revolutionaries, so the solution to proletariat or populist social and political civil disturbances, violence and war would be an economic one. Such a solution, in this technological era of mechanization, automation and robotization of labor and production on a mass scale and the maximized, profit-maximization-driven, outsourcing of industrial labor, manufacturing and production to lowest wage and business overhead-costs geographies and populations, has been recommended by wealth-celebrities Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Mark Cuban and many others of the raging and reigning new techie and new-tech economy, to tax mechanization, automation and robotization, and institute, globally, a guaranteed subsistence income, for meeting the basic living needs of food, shelter, sanitation and hygiene, and health services, to all legally age-emancipated human persons, economic ideas first proposed decades before by civil-rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and right-wing economist Milton Friedman. Free job training and retraining education should be available to all age-emancipated persons also. This solution would also go a long way toward minimizing illegal and unauthorized immigration as well as economic invasions and military takeovers between and among nations. If a universal household minimum subsistence income is to be instituted, it must be accompanied by restraints on overpopulation reproduction, including by free or low-cost birth control products and medical procedures for preventing pregnancy for both adults and youth and both genders, and by the permanent routine public advertisement of these.